Mini black hole not Lorentz invariant?

In summary, the conversation discusses the possibility of a particle turning into a black hole as it falls into the gravitational well of a planet. One observer sees the particle turn into a black hole due to gravitational blue shifting, while another observer does not see this due to the particle's wavelength not being close to the Planck length. There is a discussion about the conditions for a black hole to form and how it is a frame and coordinate independent feature. The conversation also mentions a simpler scenario of a falling electron and whether it radiates.
  • #1
Let's say that we have a particle flying through space, at a collision course with a planet. As seen from an observer on this planet, the particle has an enormous energy, and its wavelength is just slightly bigger than the Planck length. As the particle falls down the gravitational well of the planet, it gets blue shifted enough to gain the last bit of energy, and the particles wavelength shrinks below the Planck length, which transforms the particle to a black hole. The person on the planet observes this black hole.

The whole scenario is also seen by a different observer, flying with great speed, also toward the planet, in the trajectory of the particle. In her system, the wavelength of the particle isn't that close to the Planck length, and the gravity of the planet surely isn’t enough to transform it into a black hole.
Now what does she see? Will the particle behave “nice” in her system, and not turn into a black hole? In that case, two contradictory histories are being observed. On the other hand, if all observers agree on the fact that the particle has turned into a black hole, that would be very weird indeed (because I can always make up some system for which the wavelength of the particle is less than the Planck length).

Any ideas about how to resolve this?
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  • #2
This should be in the SR/GR forum.

So one problem with this statement, is that it does not follow that a particle must turn into a black hole if 'its wavelength shrinks below the Planck Length'.

More generally it is extremely difficult to give a precise invariant statement in GR about when a black hole forms at all. Blackholes are global objects that involve event horizons, yet you are talking about a highly localized interaction. Of course the answer is clear in this case, no black hole will form simply by appealing to the principle of relativity..

Anyway, the most common statement for the conditions about when a bh forms goes by the name of the hoop conjecture, whereby a bh forms if enough stress energy is confined by a bounding region that is smaller than its Schwarzschild radius. This innocuous statement however is frought with mathematical subtleties.

A slightly more precise (but still not settled) formulation of this conjecture involves analyzing how gravitational shock waves form closed trapped surfaces.
  • #3
Another point is that a BH is frame and coordinate independent feature of the manifold. Thus, if something is not a BH in coordinates built from a frame at rest relative to the object, it is not a BH in any other coordinates.

While, as with much in GR, it is hard to be precise about this, terms in the stress energy tensor representing momentum and KE of the body as a whole end up not contributing to 'amount of curvature'.
  • #4
Haelfix said:
So one problem with this statement, is that it does not follow that a particle must turn into a black hole if 'its wavelength shrinks below the Planck Length

Are you sure? Can I just put an arbitrarily large amount of energy into an elementary particle (shorten it's de Broglie wavelength), without it becoming a black hole? If I somehow created a particle with energy E, and confined it within a radius r < 2E, why wouldn't it turn into a black hole?

Aparrently, such a particle is called a Planck particle:
  • #5
I think you should drop the BH question, because their is a simpler situation in which you may study the concepts of energy in GR vs QFT : does a falling electron radiate ? It is a classic question.

FAQ: Mini black hole not Lorentz invariant?

1. What is a mini black hole?

A mini black hole is a theoretical object that is much smaller than a regular black hole, with a mass comparable to an asteroid. It is predicted by some theories of quantum gravity, but has not yet been observed in nature.

2. What does it mean for a mini black hole to be "not Lorentz invariant"?

Lorentz invariance is a fundamental principle of special relativity, which states that the laws of physics should be the same for all observers moving at constant velocities. When something is not Lorentz invariant, it means that it does not behave in the same way for all observers, and this can cause inconsistencies in our understanding of the universe.

3. How does the lack of Lorentz invariance affect mini black holes?

The lack of Lorentz invariance in mini black holes has been a topic of debate among physicists. Some theories suggest that it could lead to the breakdown of the principles of special relativity, while others propose alternative explanations for the behavior of mini black holes that are still consistent with Lorentz invariance.

4. Are there any experiments or observations that have tested the Lorentz invariance of mini black holes?

No, there have not been any experiments or observations that have directly tested the Lorentz invariance of mini black holes. This is because they are still hypothetical objects and have not been observed in nature. However, there have been studies and simulations that have explored the implications of Lorentz invariance on the behavior of mini black holes.

5. What are the implications of a mini black hole not being Lorentz invariant?

If mini black holes are found to be not Lorentz invariant, it would challenge our current understanding of the laws of physics and could potentially lead to the development of new theories. It could also have significant implications for our understanding of gravity and the behavior of matter on a quantum scale.

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