Mirrors, Atoms and Light Question

In summary, according to the conversation, mirrors are able to reflect light perfectly due to their almost perfectly flat or uniformly flat surfaces. This is because the imperfections in the glass are much smaller than the wavelength of visible light. Additionally, surfaces are good reflectors because they don't transmit or absorb light, and the reflection process involves the interaction of light and matter on an atomic scale. In metals, the electrons are distributed over the entire piece of metal, creating a smooth structure that reflects light. On the atomic scale, reflection is caused by the interaction between light and matter, specifically the oscillation of electrons at the material's surface.
  • #1
According to my knowledge and understanding of things, mirrors reflect light perfectly because they are almost perfectly flat, or at least uniformly flat at most places.
(\ and / are light rays)


But if all matter is composed of atoms, then a mirror would not be flat and would look like this (_ and \ are light rays)
therefore light would not reflect perfectly, and mirrors would just look like a white surface.
But this is obviously not the case. Why? What am I misunderstanding?
Thanks in advance.
Science news on Phys.org
  • #2
My guess is that the imperfections in the glass are much smaller than the wavelength of visible light, which is 390 to 750 nm.
  • #3
cl-ml said:
According to my knowledge and understanding of things, mirrors reflect light perfectly because they are almost perfectly flat, or at least uniformly flat at most places.

No, surfaces are good reflectors because they don't transmit or absorb. Specifically 'why' depends on the nature of the reflecting surface- it can be an interference effect (thin film bragg reflectors) or because the material is conductive (metallic reflectors), it can be total internal reflection, or perhaps some other effect.

'good' mirrors are flat, yes- or rather, smooth on the scale of the wavelength. Atoms are much smaller than a wavelength.
  • #4
If the phase "error" induced by a rough surface is much smaller than the wavelength, then the surface will still appear smooth. The surface roughness of a typical optical element for example is the wavelength/8.

  • #5
Andy Resnick said:
No, surfaces are good reflectors because they don't transmit or absorb. Specifically 'why' depends on the nature of the reflecting surface- it can be an interference effect (thin film bragg reflectors) or because the material is conductive (metallic reflectors), it can be total internal reflection, or perhaps some other effect.

On the atomic scale, what causes reflection? how does it work?
  • #6
In metals the electrons are not localized but distributed over the whole piece of metal. As the electronic structure is "smoothed" out the light waves are reflected by a nearly homogeneous structure, not by localized structures.
  • #7
GT1 said:
On the atomic scale, what causes reflection? how does it work?

That's a very open-ended question, and generally leads to a never-ending series of "but what caused that?" type questions.

Fundamentally, reflection is like any other scattering process, involving the interaction of light and matter.
  • #8
GT1 said:
On the atomic scale, what causes reflection? how does it work?

Maybe get a book on quantum optics or feynmans book - QED: The Strange Theory of Light and Matter
  • #9
GT1 said:
On the atomic scale, what causes reflection? how does it work?
The way I think of it is, the incident light wave causes electrons near the material surface to oscillate at the same frequency as the light. The oscillating electrons emit waves of the same frequency, and that is seen as outgoing, reflected light ... as well as transmitted (refracted) light if the material is transparent.

FAQ: Mirrors, Atoms and Light Question

What is the relationship between mirrors, atoms, and light?

The relationship between mirrors, atoms, and light is that mirrors are made up of atoms, which interact with light to produce the reflection that we see. When light hits a mirror, it bounces off the atoms in the mirror and reflects back to our eyes, allowing us to see our reflection.

How do mirrors work?

Mirrors work by reflecting light. When light hits a mirror, it is reflected off of the atoms in the mirror's surface, creating an image that we see. The angle of reflection is equal to the angle of incidence, which means that the angle at which the light hits the mirror is the same as the angle at which it is reflected.

What is the atomic structure of mirrors?

Mirrors are made up of atoms, which are the smallest units of matter. These atoms are arranged in a regular lattice structure, which allows them to reflect light in a uniform manner. The atoms in a mirror are typically silver or aluminum, which have a high reflectivity.

How does light interact with atoms in a mirror?

When light hits a mirror, it is absorbed by the atoms in the mirror's surface. These atoms then re-emit the light in a process called reflection. The angle of reflection is determined by the angle at which the light hits the mirror and the properties of the mirror's surface.

What are some practical applications of mirrors, atoms, and light?

Mirrors, atoms, and light have many practical applications, such as in telescopes, microscopes, and lasers. Mirrors are also used in everyday objects like cars and eyeglasses. The study of these three elements also helps us understand the nature of light and how it interacts with matter.
