- #1
Jim Kata
- 204
- 10
This is a multi part question so I'll just ask one part.
I never understood where the equation for the Fermi Walker Transport came from and I'd really like to understand this because I think it would be really good for pedagogical value and for better understanding parallel transport, maybe I'm wrong.
In this question I'll be using c=1
For those of you who don't know the equation is
\frac{{dv^\mu }}
{{d\tau }} = - \Omega ^{\mu \tau } v_\tau
\Omega ^{\mu \tau } = a^\mu u^\tau - a^\tau u^\mu + u_\alpha \theta _\beta \varepsilon ^{\alpha \beta \mu \tau }
Where [tex]{\mathbf{a}}[/tex] and [tex]{\mathbf{u}}[/tex] are the proper acceleration and velocity respectively,of your frame of reference, [tex]\theta[/tex] is an angle of rotation and [tex]\varepsilon[/tex] is the levi civita pseudo tensor.
Here's where I'm at
ignoring electromagnetism or anything like that particles follow geodesics given by the equation
\frac{{dv^\alpha }}
{{d\tau }} + \Gamma _{\beta \gamma }^\alpha v^\beta v^\gamma = 0
where [tex]{\mathbf{v}}[/tex] is the velocity of the particle being observed and [tex]
\Gamma [/tex] is the affine connection:
\left\langle {{\nabla _\gamma {\mathbf{e}}_\beta }}
\mathrel{\left | {\vphantom {{\nabla _\gamma {\mathbf{e}}_\beta } {{\mathbf{\omega }}^\alpha }}}
\right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace}
{{{\mathbf{\omega }}^\alpha }} \right\rangle = \Gamma _{\beta \gamma }^\alpha = \left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}c}
\alpha \\
{\beta \gamma } \\
\end{array} } \right\} + \frac{1}
{2}\left( {c_{\beta \gamma } ^\alpha + c_\beta ^\alpha _\gamma + c_\gamma ^\alpha _\beta } \right)
\left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}c}
\alpha \\
{\beta \gamma } \\
\end{array} } \right\}
[/tex] is the christoffel symbol of the second kind
\left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}c}
\alpha \\
{\beta \gamma } \\
\end{array} } \right\} = \frac{1}
{2}g^{\alpha \tau } [\beta \gamma ,\tau ] = \frac{1}
{2}g^{\alpha \tau } \left( { - g_{\beta \gamma } ,_\tau + g_{\beta \tau } ,_\gamma + g_{\gamma \tau } ,_\beta } \right)
and [tex]c_{\beta \gamma } ^\alpha [/tex] are your structure coefficients
[{\mathbf{e}}_\beta ,{\mathbf{e}}_\gamma ] = \nabla _\beta {\mathbf{e}}_\gamma - \nabla _\gamma {\mathbf{e}}_\beta = c_{\beta \gamma } ^\alpha {\mathbf{e}}_\alpha
Lets consider a tetrad formulation for our locally at rest coordinate system
g_{\alpha \beta } = \eta _{\mu \tau } e^\mu _\alpha e^\tau _\beta
pick your tetrad to always orthonormal, [tex]
e^\mu _\alpha = \delta ^\mu _\alpha [/tex], in which case it can be shown that
{\mathbf{\omega }}^\alpha _\beta = \Gamma _{\beta \gamma }^\alpha {\mathbf{\omega }}^\gamma = \frac{1}
{2}\left( {c_{\beta \gamma } ^\alpha + c_\beta ^\alpha _\gamma + c_\gamma ^\alpha _\beta } \right){\mathbf{\omega }}^\gamma
where [tex]{\mathbf{\omega }}^\alpha _\beta[/tex] is the spin connection and in these orthonormal coordinates it has the property [tex]
{\mathbf{\omega }}_{\beta \alpha } = - {\mathbf{\omega }}_{\alpha \beta }
I claim that the spin connection is basically the same as [tex]\Omega ^{\mu \tau }[/tex]
Using the geodesic equation and the fact that we are using orthonormal tetrads we basically have it, but we have to work out [tex]\Omega ^{\mu \tau }[/tex]
Now, since we are doing coordinate changes from orthonormal coordinate system to another orthonormal coordinate system we have [tex]
\eta _{\alpha \beta } = \eta _{\mu \tau } \Lambda ^\mu _\alpha \Lambda ^\tau _\beta [/tex]
Now picking our coordinate systems to be right handed and assuming they're orthochronous too we have that [tex]
\Lambda \varepsilon SO(3,1)
The particle is at rest in our coordinate system so
{\mathbf{u}} = {\mathbf{e}}_0
So its acceleration is
{\mathbf{a}} = \frac{{d{\mathbf{u}}}}
{{d\tau }} = \frac{{d{\mathbf{e}}_0 }}
{{d\tau }} = {\mathbf{e}}_i \Gamma _{00}^i
where [tex]
\Gamma _{00}^0 = 0[/tex] since [tex]{\mathbf{a}} \cdot {\mathbf{u}} = 0[/tex]
and [tex]a^i = \Gamma _{00}^i[/tex] since [tex]x^0 = \tau[/tex]
Now this problem is a lot like problem 11.12 in Jackson which I got right
The answer in Jackson is
A_T = I - \left( {\gamma ^2 \delta {\mathbf{v}}_\parallel + \gamma \delta {\mathbf{v}}_ \bot } \right) \cdot {\mathbf{K}} - \frac{{\gamma ^{\mathbf{2}} }}
{{\gamma + 1}}\left( {{\mathbf{v}} \times \delta {\mathbf{v}}_ \bot } \right) \cdot {\mathbf{S}}
but there's factors of gamma that do not match the fermi walker equation so what's the difference between these two equations
basically how do I get
\Omega ^{\mu \tau } = a^\mu u^\tau - a^\tau u^\mu + u_\alpha \theta _\beta \varepsilon ^{\alpha \beta \mu \tau }
I don't see it
I mean I understand
\Lambda = \exp \left( {\theta \cdot {\mathbf{S}}} \right)\exp \left( { - \zeta \cdot {\mathbf{K}}} \right)
where [tex]
{\mathbf{\zeta }} = {\mathbf{\hat v}}\tanh ^{ - 1} v
[/tex] but I can't seem to make the Jackson equation agree with the Misner equation.
I never understood where the equation for the Fermi Walker Transport came from and I'd really like to understand this because I think it would be really good for pedagogical value and for better understanding parallel transport, maybe I'm wrong.
In this question I'll be using c=1
For those of you who don't know the equation is
\frac{{dv^\mu }}
{{d\tau }} = - \Omega ^{\mu \tau } v_\tau
\Omega ^{\mu \tau } = a^\mu u^\tau - a^\tau u^\mu + u_\alpha \theta _\beta \varepsilon ^{\alpha \beta \mu \tau }
Where [tex]{\mathbf{a}}[/tex] and [tex]{\mathbf{u}}[/tex] are the proper acceleration and velocity respectively,of your frame of reference, [tex]\theta[/tex] is an angle of rotation and [tex]\varepsilon[/tex] is the levi civita pseudo tensor.
Here's where I'm at
ignoring electromagnetism or anything like that particles follow geodesics given by the equation
\frac{{dv^\alpha }}
{{d\tau }} + \Gamma _{\beta \gamma }^\alpha v^\beta v^\gamma = 0
where [tex]{\mathbf{v}}[/tex] is the velocity of the particle being observed and [tex]
\Gamma [/tex] is the affine connection:
\left\langle {{\nabla _\gamma {\mathbf{e}}_\beta }}
\mathrel{\left | {\vphantom {{\nabla _\gamma {\mathbf{e}}_\beta } {{\mathbf{\omega }}^\alpha }}}
\right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace}
{{{\mathbf{\omega }}^\alpha }} \right\rangle = \Gamma _{\beta \gamma }^\alpha = \left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}c}
\alpha \\
{\beta \gamma } \\
\end{array} } \right\} + \frac{1}
{2}\left( {c_{\beta \gamma } ^\alpha + c_\beta ^\alpha _\gamma + c_\gamma ^\alpha _\beta } \right)
\left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}c}
\alpha \\
{\beta \gamma } \\
\end{array} } \right\}
[/tex] is the christoffel symbol of the second kind
\left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}c}
\alpha \\
{\beta \gamma } \\
\end{array} } \right\} = \frac{1}
{2}g^{\alpha \tau } [\beta \gamma ,\tau ] = \frac{1}
{2}g^{\alpha \tau } \left( { - g_{\beta \gamma } ,_\tau + g_{\beta \tau } ,_\gamma + g_{\gamma \tau } ,_\beta } \right)
and [tex]c_{\beta \gamma } ^\alpha [/tex] are your structure coefficients
[{\mathbf{e}}_\beta ,{\mathbf{e}}_\gamma ] = \nabla _\beta {\mathbf{e}}_\gamma - \nabla _\gamma {\mathbf{e}}_\beta = c_{\beta \gamma } ^\alpha {\mathbf{e}}_\alpha
Lets consider a tetrad formulation for our locally at rest coordinate system
g_{\alpha \beta } = \eta _{\mu \tau } e^\mu _\alpha e^\tau _\beta
pick your tetrad to always orthonormal, [tex]
e^\mu _\alpha = \delta ^\mu _\alpha [/tex], in which case it can be shown that
{\mathbf{\omega }}^\alpha _\beta = \Gamma _{\beta \gamma }^\alpha {\mathbf{\omega }}^\gamma = \frac{1}
{2}\left( {c_{\beta \gamma } ^\alpha + c_\beta ^\alpha _\gamma + c_\gamma ^\alpha _\beta } \right){\mathbf{\omega }}^\gamma
where [tex]{\mathbf{\omega }}^\alpha _\beta[/tex] is the spin connection and in these orthonormal coordinates it has the property [tex]
{\mathbf{\omega }}_{\beta \alpha } = - {\mathbf{\omega }}_{\alpha \beta }
I claim that the spin connection is basically the same as [tex]\Omega ^{\mu \tau }[/tex]
Using the geodesic equation and the fact that we are using orthonormal tetrads we basically have it, but we have to work out [tex]\Omega ^{\mu \tau }[/tex]
Now, since we are doing coordinate changes from orthonormal coordinate system to another orthonormal coordinate system we have [tex]
\eta _{\alpha \beta } = \eta _{\mu \tau } \Lambda ^\mu _\alpha \Lambda ^\tau _\beta [/tex]
Now picking our coordinate systems to be right handed and assuming they're orthochronous too we have that [tex]
\Lambda \varepsilon SO(3,1)
The particle is at rest in our coordinate system so
{\mathbf{u}} = {\mathbf{e}}_0
So its acceleration is
{\mathbf{a}} = \frac{{d{\mathbf{u}}}}
{{d\tau }} = \frac{{d{\mathbf{e}}_0 }}
{{d\tau }} = {\mathbf{e}}_i \Gamma _{00}^i
where [tex]
\Gamma _{00}^0 = 0[/tex] since [tex]{\mathbf{a}} \cdot {\mathbf{u}} = 0[/tex]
and [tex]a^i = \Gamma _{00}^i[/tex] since [tex]x^0 = \tau[/tex]
Now this problem is a lot like problem 11.12 in Jackson which I got right
The answer in Jackson is
A_T = I - \left( {\gamma ^2 \delta {\mathbf{v}}_\parallel + \gamma \delta {\mathbf{v}}_ \bot } \right) \cdot {\mathbf{K}} - \frac{{\gamma ^{\mathbf{2}} }}
{{\gamma + 1}}\left( {{\mathbf{v}} \times \delta {\mathbf{v}}_ \bot } \right) \cdot {\mathbf{S}}
but there's factors of gamma that do not match the fermi walker equation so what's the difference between these two equations
basically how do I get
\Omega ^{\mu \tau } = a^\mu u^\tau - a^\tau u^\mu + u_\alpha \theta _\beta \varepsilon ^{\alpha \beta \mu \tau }
I don't see it
I mean I understand
\Lambda = \exp \left( {\theta \cdot {\mathbf{S}}} \right)\exp \left( { - \zeta \cdot {\mathbf{K}}} \right)
where [tex]
{\mathbf{\zeta }} = {\mathbf{\hat v}}\tanh ^{ - 1} v
[/tex] but I can't seem to make the Jackson equation agree with the Misner equation.