Moment Diagram for Boomerang shaped Beam

In summary, the person is trying to determine a moment diagram for a "boomerang" shaped beam and is seeking help with the relevant equations and approach. They will be using the analysis of the fringes and the dimensions of the beam to determine the loads applied at each location. Additionally, they mention that sheer is the integration of forces and moment is the integration of sheer.
  • #1
Moment Diagram for "Boomerang" shaped Beam

Hey y'all,
I'm trying to determine a moment diagram for this "boomerang" shape (a picture is attached). Its been a long while since I have done mechanics, and I can't remember the relevant equations or how to best approach this problem. I will be using the analysis of the fringes (given by the colors in the beam) to determine the approximate loads applied at each location, and I have the dimensions of the beam, I just don't know how to use this information to solve for the moment diagram. Any relevant information is much appreciated.


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  • #2

lordgraam said:
Hey y'all,
I'm trying to determine a moment diagram for this "boomerang" shape (a picture is attached). Its been a long while since I have done mechanics, and I can't remember the relevant equations or how to best approach this problem. I will be using the analysis of the fringes (given by the colors in the beam) to determine the approximate loads applied at each location, and I have the dimensions of the beam, I just don't know how to use this information to solve for the moment diagram. Any relevant information is much appreciated.

Sheer is integration of the forces; moment it integration of the shear.

FAQ: Moment Diagram for Boomerang shaped Beam

What is a moment diagram for a boomerang shaped beam?

A moment diagram for a boomerang shaped beam is a graphical representation of the internal bending moments along the length of the beam. It shows the distribution of the bending moments at different points along the beam, and can be used to analyze the structural integrity of the beam.

How is a moment diagram for a boomerang shaped beam created?

To create a moment diagram for a boomerang shaped beam, the first step is to calculate the reactions and support forces at each end of the beam. Then, a series of cuts are made along the length of the beam to determine the internal bending moments. These moments are then plotted on a graph with the distance along the beam on the x-axis and the magnitude of the moment on the y-axis.

What information can be obtained from a moment diagram for a boomerang shaped beam?

A moment diagram for a boomerang shaped beam can provide information about the maximum bending moment, shear forces, and deflection at different points along the beam. It can also identify areas of high stress and potential failure, helping engineers to design stronger and more efficient structures.

How does the shape of a boomerang beam affect its moment diagram?

The unique shape of a boomerang beam, with its curved and angled sections, can result in complex and non-uniform bending moments along its length. This can be seen in the moment diagram, where the slope and curvature of the graph may change abruptly. The shape of the beam can also affect the location and magnitude of the maximum bending moment.

What factors can influence the moment diagram for a boomerang shaped beam?

The moment diagram for a boomerang shaped beam can be influenced by a variety of factors, such as the applied load, the shape and dimensions of the beam, and the support conditions. Changes in any of these factors can alter the distribution of the bending moments and ultimately impact the structural integrity of the beam.

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