Move Mass in Space: How Much Pull?

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  • Thread starter marmstrong941
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    Mass Space
In summary, the rock would need a mass of 500 metric tons, an applied force of 10 million pounds, and an hour to reach 1g of acceleration.
  • #1
This is not home work right off OK
If there was a million pound rock in space how much pull (not a rocket pull) in pounds would it take to get it to 1 gee inlets say in a hour or less?
Astronomy news on
  • #2
I'm not sure you really mean 1g here since this is an acceleration.
  • #3
What do you mean by 'a million pound rock'? Pounds is an (archaic) measure of weight (or, more generally, force), and the weight of an object is defined as its mass multiplied by strength of the local gravitational field. You haven't specified what the local gravitational field is.
  • #4
andrewkirk said:
What do you mean by 'a million pound rock'? Pounds is an (archaic) measure of weight,
Clearly he meant mass.

If metric is your preference, let's assume, for round numbers, the rock masses 500 metric tons.

andrewkirk said:
You haven't specified what the local gravitational field is.
He wants 1g of acceleration. There is no local gravitational field.marmstring, the issue here is that you've specified two criteria:
- you want 1g acceleration, you could have that from the get-go with a given applied force.
- but to have it reach 1g acceleration after an hour, means you're talking about an increasing acceleration, from 0 up to 1g over an hour.

Normally, you'd specify either an acceleration of 1g, or you'd specify a speed you want to reach after one hour.

Can you clarify?
  • #5
Ok sorry a Million pounds on Earth and one gee it would have to stay at one gee
  • #6
marmstrong941 said:
Ok sorry a Million pounds on Earth and one gee it would have to stay at one gee
OK, that a 454 metric ton rock. Can we round to 500?
You want 1g continuous acceleration.

Simply F=ma

a = 10m/s2.
  • #7
marmstrong941 said:
Ok sorry a Million pounds on Earth and one gee it would have to stay at one gee

it takes a mass of ~31250 slugs to weigh 1,000,000 lbs on the Earth, And 1,000,000 lbf to accelerate it at 1g
  • #8
Ok that's great. It's a idea I have for a electric drive. If it works 1 gee travel will be the road to the stars. Best part is most of the things have been made for other things.
  • #9
What will you use for fuel? It's a loooooooooong way to those stars.
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Likes stefan r
  • #10
Well if you can't get up to the speed of light you can never try and go faster then it?
  • #11
fuel around sol H2 and O the stars well nuclear
  • #12
It's very difficult to understand you when you type in sentence fragments and use no punctuation.
  • #13
One other point it is not a rocket there is no exhaust as long as there is power you have fuel. so neer by stars are years away
  • #14
marmstrong941 said:
One other point it is not a rocket there is no exhaust as long as there is power you have fuel.
You need fuel to provide power, not the other way around.
  • #15
Sorry better at making things in my mind and hands then putting them into words. My math is so so as well it does not make me wrong or a fool.
  • #16
No, I'm just trying to help.
  • #17
H2 and O are the fuel and with no exhaust it just has to coll down to water and be split bac to H2 and O
  • #18
Ok the main drive part has been made and as funny it may soundit will need a boiler.
  • #19
marmstrong941 said:
H2 and O are the fuel and with no exhaust it just has to coll down to water and be split bac to H2 and O
Generally, it's the exhaust that provides the propulsion. Conservation of momentum. The change in mass*velocity of the rocket ship in a forward direction equals the mass*velocity of the stuff you throw out the back.

Doesn't mean that electric power isn't feasible. You can already use electricity to power an electromagnetic accelerator that sends charged particles out the back incredibly fast (30 km/sec, for example). That means you don't have to throw nearly as much stuff out the back as with conventional thrusters, but you still have to throw stuff out the back. Plus, the further away you get from the Sun, the less electrical power will be available (due to that annoying inverse square law).
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  • #20
Ok this drive will not push it like a rocket it pulls it. There is no exhaust it is big and will need a big power supply 2 to 3 time the mass you want to move 5 to 10 times if you want to lift off of earth. Thats in watts The drive will shake a lot so the mass is at the back and the output is about 1/2 of 906480.59046179 joules or 668585.77257981
foot-pounds for one unit
  • #21
marmstrong941 said:
Ok the main drive part has been made and as funny it may sound it will need a boiler.
Why does it need a boiler?
[tag removed. It was only an experiment to see how tagging works]
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  • #22
marmstrong941 said:
H2 and O are the fuel and with no exhaust it just has to coll down to water and be split bac to H2 and O

If there's no exhaust, how does it provide thrust in order to accelerate?
  • #23
Drakkith said:
If there's no exhaust, how does it provide thrust in order to accelerate?
It's the vacuum, man.
  • #24
SteamKing said:
It's the vacuum, man.

Do you know which brand of vacuum by chance? Hoover? Dyson?
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Likes DaveC426913 and davenn
  • #25
This thread should be closed

there's no supporting physics ...
its not even good sci fi ... there's more holes in this than in a block of Swiss cheeseDave
  • #26
The holes in Swiss cheese are a probabilistic phenomena.
Maybe this should be in quantum physics.
  • #27
davenn said:
This thread should be closed

there's no supporting physics ...
its not even good sci fi ... there's more holes in this than in a block of Swiss cheese

Indeed. Thread locked.

Marmstrong, you can contact me with more details if your wish and I will consider reopening the thread if your idea turns out to somehow fall within mainstream science.

FAQ: Move Mass in Space: How Much Pull?

1. How does the amount of mass affect the amount of pull in space?

The amount of mass in an object does not directly affect the amount of pull in space. Instead, the pull is determined by the object's mass and the mass of the objects around it. This is described by Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation.

2. Can objects with different masses have the same amount of pull?

Yes, objects with different masses can have the same amount of pull in space. This is because the pull is not solely determined by an object's mass, but also by the distance between objects and the strength of gravity.

3. Is it possible to increase the amount of pull in space?

Yes, it is possible to increase the amount of pull in space. This can be done by increasing the mass of the objects or by decreasing the distance between them. However, the amount of pull is limited by the strength of gravity, which is a constant.

4. How does the pull in space differ from the pull on Earth?

The pull in space, also known as gravitational force, is similar to the pull on Earth in that it is determined by an object's mass. However, in space, the pull is much weaker because there is less mass present and the distance between objects is much greater.

5. Why is it important to understand the amount of pull in space?

Understanding the amount of pull in space is crucial for space exploration and satellite missions. It allows scientists to accurately predict the movements and orbits of objects in space, and to plan for safe and successful missions. Additionally, understanding the pull in space can also lead to a better understanding of the universe and its laws.

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