Muon g-2 and the Standard Model: Updates and Questions

In summary, the discrepancy in muon g-2 measurements between the Standard Model calculations and experiments is due to the difficulty in calculation, particularly the hadronic contribution. However, the community has recently rebuilt the calculations and found that the discrepancy is due to the difficulty in calculation, particularly the hadronic contribution. The most recent experimental measurement is still at 80.420 GeV.
  • #1
Science Advisor
A few years ago BNL did some experiments measuring muon g-2. At the time there was a significant enough difference from the calculations based on the Standard Model to raise questions about SM. Since then I've seen papers indicating that SM was probably OK, with the discrepancy being due to the difficulty in calculation, particularly the hadronic contribution. Where do things stand today? Has it been resolved to the community's satisfaction or is the question still open?
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  • #2
mathman said:
A few years ago BNL did some experiments measuring muon g-2. At the time there was a significant enough difference from the calculations based on the Standard Model to raise questions about SM. Since then I've seen papers indicating that SM was probably OK, with the discrepancy being due to the difficulty in calculation, particularly the hadronic contribution. Where do things stand today? Has it been resolved to the community's satisfaction or is the question still open?

The theoretical community rebuilt the calculations, finding some signs here and there and adding some new higher order terms until they entered into agreement within the experimental error gaussian. Then, the experimentalist did a new round of experiments reducing the experimental error, and the question was left open.
  • #3
Are there any recent papers (e.g. in ArXiv) which discuss these issues?
  • #4
Actually all the stuff is in the ArXiV, but I can not tell which the good ones are. Use SPIRES instead of the arxiv to navegate across the citation tree.

In our paper hep-ph/0503104 we quote hep-ph/0406325 and hep-ph/9810512 as sources for the theoretical calculation.

The most recent experimental measurement is still, I believe,

The theoretical calculation keeps giving papers; last review from Kino****a at

A recent "independent" review of the state of the question could be hep-ph/0509372 by M. Passera, last updated 10/Oct/2005
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  • #5
It is funny to look table 1 of from our (Hans and me) point of view. We consider instead of [tex]a_\mu[/tex] the difference [tex]a_\mu-a_e[/tex], to which we add the surviving therms of a_e in the substraction, namely [tex]a^{vp}_e[/tex], the so called vacuum polarisation terms, so that the whole expresion is really [tex]a_{\mu}^{vp}[/tex] Then we put table 1 in terms of mass units by mapping

[tex]a_\mu \to {m_e \over (a_\mu-a_e+a^{vp}) }[/tex]

And we get the table
80.418 GeV
80.417 GeV
80.420 GeV
80.417 GeV
80.396 GeV
80.407 GeV
Now, the most current evaluation from LEP EW group for W mass is 80.392 GeV, and so the result closest to M_W in our remapped table happens to be also the result closest to [tex]a^{exp}_\mu[/tex] in Passera's table.
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FAQ: Muon g-2 and the Standard Model: Updates and Questions

1. What is the Muon g-2 experiment and why is it important?

The Muon g-2 experiment is a particle physics experiment that measures the magnetic moment of a muon, a subatomic particle. This experiment is important because it tests the predictions of the Standard Model, which is our current best understanding of the fundamental particles and forces that make up the universe. Any discrepancies in the results could potentially point to new physics beyond the Standard Model.

2. What is the Standard Model and how does it relate to the Muon g-2 experiment?

The Standard Model is a theoretical framework that describes the fundamental particles and forces in the universe. It has been extensively tested and has accurately predicted the outcomes of many experiments. The Muon g-2 experiment tests a specific prediction of the Standard Model, which is the magnetic moment of the muon. By comparing the experimental results to the predicted value from the Standard Model, we can see if there are any discrepancies that may indicate new physics.

3. What were the results of the previous Muon g-2 experiment and how did it impact the Standard Model?

The previous Muon g-2 experiment, conducted in the 1990s, found a discrepancy between the measured magnetic moment of the muon and the predicted value from the Standard Model. This result caused much excitement in the scientific community as it suggested the possibility of new physics beyond the Standard Model. However, further experiments and theoretical calculations have since narrowed the discrepancy and it is now within the margin of error, making it inconclusive as to whether it truly indicates new physics.

4. What is the status of the current Muon g-2 experiment and when can we expect to see results?

The current Muon g-2 experiment, conducted at Fermilab, began taking data in 2018 and is expected to continue until 2024. The analysis of the data is ongoing and results are expected to be released in 2021. These results will provide a more precise measurement of the muon's magnetic moment and will further test the predictions of the Standard Model.

5. What are the potential implications if the current Muon g-2 experiment finds a significant discrepancy from the Standard Model?

If the current Muon g-2 experiment finds a significant discrepancy from the Standard Model, it could potentially indicate the presence of new particles or forces that are not currently accounted for in the Standard Model. This would be a major breakthrough in our understanding of the fundamental nature of the universe and could lead to further research and discoveries in the field of particle physics.

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