My Story: Exploring Options for Independent Studies

In summary, the young man has decided he does not want to become an engineer, but is still considering his options. He is considering going to a private liberal arts school to get the credits he needs to enter an engineering program, but he has now changed his mind and is considering a degree in mathematics and computer science instead. He is worried about the job security that comes with an engineering degree, but he is also considering the flexibility of self-teaching. He is worried about the name of the school he is considering, but he is open to hearing opinions on the matter.
  • #1
Greetings.Let me tell you a little bit of my story

When I started school a year and a half ago I was pretty sure that I wanted to become an engineer. I really like the concept of the computer as a the ultimate comunication and calculation tool, and I've always have an interest in technology. I though that I could do my biggest contribution to mankind by helping design hardware that will help advance human knowledge, but I never had any formal education past high school. My interest in engineering was based on my interests at the time(microchip design). I couldn't go straight into an engineering program because I needed 48 credits to go to into the best univerity in Puerto Rico for engineering, so I went to a private liberal arts school in my town to get the credits I needed. I got 49 credits on my first year with a 4.0 GPA( summer included).

Here is my problem, I found out I really like math. Algebra is fairly easy and intuitive for me now, and calculus is becoming an art form in my eyes. I've gone only as far as derivatives but already I see the huge applications it has on all realms of human knowledge. With each new concept I learn, I can see a new level of unification that just thinking of it gives me goosebumps. Math in combination with a computer, is the ultimate knowledge machine. (math is a machine).

I don't think I want to an be engineer anymore.

Have any of you experienced something like this?


So here I am considering my options, but it is not an easy task. Even when my interests guide me towards a dual degree in mathematics and computer science, the job security that an engineering degree provides is really tempting. Plus who says I can't mayor in math and engineering? Here is my other problem.

As I mentioned before I go to a liberal arts school who's highest math in the curriculum is Calc 2. After talking to my calc professor he mentioned the posibility of independent studies. Independent studies is such a tempting option!. The best and most enjoyable way for me to learn is by reading and digesting what I read. Self-teaching is my preferred method for learning. If I stay at this school I can have a dual degree in math( by independent studies) and comp science ( by normal ways). If I do tranfer to the big school I can still do a dual degree in comp science and math, but it will be by classroom instruction, which so far I feel has slowed me down, and has less flexibility.

How do employers evaluate independent studies? Is classroom instruction better? How about the name of the school? UPR (the big school) has the biggest name in Puerto Rico and employment is almost guranteed after you graduate form it. My current school doesn't have the prestige but it does offer me a great learning oportunity.

Does anyone have experience with independent studies?
How do they compare to classroom instruction?
How about the job security?
Big school or flexibility?

Thanks for any input you can provide.
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  • #2
Gablar16 said:
I go to a liberal arts school who's highest math in the curriculum is Calc 2.

:bugeye: :eek: :

What do they offer degrees in?

As for earning a math degree by independent study, does your school specify a curriculum that you would have to follow, a set of courses that you would have to take if they offered them in the classroom? And how would they evaluate you and assign grades? Who would create and administer exams?
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  • #3
well at my campus they offer various degrees in business, nursing, biology, chemistry, comp science and education. the majority of the students are majoring in education.

The university has various campuses around the island and I'm going to one of th esmallest one. If I was to do a degree in pure math I would be following the engineering and science campus curriculae. Just so you know, non of the engineering degrees at the Bayamon campus(science and engineering campus) is ABET certified.

As far as evaluation for the course I would be assigned to a professor that would give me the course schedule and evaluate my progress. It won't be a walk in park. It will be harder than classroom instruction.
  • #4
Can anyone give me their opinion on this matter?

FAQ: My Story: Exploring Options for Independent Studies

1. What is "My Story: Exploring Options for Independent Studies"?

"My Story: Exploring Options for Independent Studies" is a program that allows students to design and pursue their own independent research projects. It is typically available to high school or college students who are looking for a more personalized and hands-on learning experience.

2. How does the program work?

The program typically involves students working closely with a faculty advisor or mentor to develop a research proposal and plan. Once the proposal is approved, students can work independently to conduct their research, with periodic check-ins and guidance from their advisor. The program may also include presentation or publication opportunities to share the results of the research.

3. What are the benefits of participating in an independent study program?

Participating in an independent study program can have many benefits, including developing critical thinking and problem-solving skills, gaining hands-on experience in a particular field of interest, and having the opportunity to work closely with a faculty mentor. It can also be a great way to explore a potential career path or enhance a resume for graduate school or job applications.

4. Who is eligible to participate in the program?

Eligibility requirements may vary depending on the institution or program offering "My Story: Exploring Options for Independent Studies". However, it is typically open to high school or college students who have a strong interest in a particular topic and have the ability to work independently.

5. How can I get started with the program?

If you are interested in participating in an independent study program like "My Story: Exploring Options for Independent Studies", you should first research the options available at your institution or in your area. You can also reach out to faculty members in your field of interest to inquire about potential mentorship opportunities. Once you have identified a program, you can work with your advisor or mentor to develop a research proposal and begin your independent study journey.

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