Need to rewrite linear combination as vector expression.

In summary, the task is to find a way to write the sum of r_ie_i^2 in terms of the vectors r and e. One possible solution is to create a middle matrix using the vector r and then use the equation {\bf e}^T{\bf re} to write the sum in terms of r and e.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Given vectors
{\bf r}=\left[r_1,r_2,r_3\ldots{}r_n\right]^T
{\bf e}=\left[e_1,e_2,e_3\ldots{}e_n\right]^T

I need to write the sum


in terms of [itex]{\bf r}[/itex] and [itex]{\bf e}[/itex]

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

Without [itex]r_i[/itex], I am able to write [itex]\sum_{i=1}^{n}e_i^2[/itex] as

\sum_{i=1}^{n}e_i^2={\bf e}^T{\bf e}

If [itex]r_i[/itex] can be independant of [itex]i[/itex] I should be able to move it out of the summation. I am looking for some expansion/reexpression of [itex]r_i[/itex].
Physics news on
  • #2
hi devonho! :smile:
devonho said:
I need to write the sum


in terms of [itex]{\bf r}[/itex] and [itex]{\bf e}[/itex]

why?? :confused:

(i don't think you can)
  • #3
This seems to work:

{\bf r}=
r_1 & 0 & \ldots & & 0\\
0 & r_2 & & & \vdots \\
\vdots & & r_3 & & \\
& & & \ddots & \\
0 & \ldots & & & r_n \\

{\bf e}=
e_1 \\
e_2 \\
e_n \\

{\bf e}^T{\bf re}=\left[ e_1, e_2 \ldots e_n\right]
r_1 & 0 & \ldots & & 0\\
0 & r_2 & & & \vdots \\
\vdots & & r_3 & & \\
& & & \ddots & \\
0 & \ldots & & & r_n \\
e_1 \\
e_2 \\
e_n \\
=r_1e_1^2+r_2e_2^2\ldots +r_ne_n^2
  • #4
but devonho, how do you form that middle matrix out of the vector r ? :confused:

FAQ: Need to rewrite linear combination as vector expression.

1. What is a linear combination?

A linear combination is a mathematical operation where two or more vectors are multiplied by scalar values and then added together. It is used to represent a vector in terms of other vectors.

2. Why do we need to rewrite a linear combination as a vector expression?

Rewriting a linear combination as a vector expression can make it easier to perform calculations and manipulate equations. It also allows for easier visualization and understanding of vector operations.

3. How do you rewrite a linear combination as a vector expression?

To rewrite a linear combination as a vector expression, you need to multiply each vector by its corresponding scalar value and then add them together. The resulting expression will be in the form of a vector.

4. Can a linear combination be written as a vector expression in more than one way?

Yes, a linear combination can be written as a vector expression in many different ways. As long as the scalar values are multiplied correctly and the vectors are added together, the resulting expression will be a valid vector expression.

5. How is rewriting a linear combination as a vector expression useful in scientific research?

Rewriting a linear combination as a vector expression is useful in scientific research as it allows for easier manipulation and calculation of vector quantities. It also helps in visualizing and understanding complex vector operations, which are often used in various scientific fields such as physics and engineering.
