Newton's second law cosine and sine

In summary: Class/vectors/U3L3a.cfm In summary, Newton's second law can be applied to an object on an incline with no friction by using F=gsin(theta) for the parallel force and F=mgcos(theta) for the normal force. The mass of the object is necessary for calculating the parallel force, but not for the acceleration. The choice between using sin or cos depends on the trigonometric definitions and how they relate to finding the components of vectors.
  • #1
Newton's second law is taking my mind for a spin and for some reason had me contemplating how it works for several hours. This is all with respect to an incline and an object sitting on the incline with no friction. If the problem does not give you the mass of the object can you completely just ignore the mass and work with just F=gsin(theta)?

Also how do you determine what is mg*sin(theta) and what is mg*cos(theta)? Here is a link to the standard picture of an object on an incline with the arrows drawn in.

How you you know that the opposite of the normal force has a cosine rather than sine? I know this law is simplistic but I just can't wrap my head around it. The three letters don't give me much to work with.
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  • #2
DmytriE said:
Newton's second law is taking my mind for a spin and for some reason had me contemplating how it works for several hours. This is all with respect to an incline and an object sitting on the incline with no friction. If the problem does not give you the mass of the object can you completely just ignore the mass and work with just F=gsin(theta)?
Almost. The force parallel to the incline depends on the mass (F = mgsinθ), but since a = F/m, the acceleration does not: a = gsinθ.

As far as whether to use sinθ or cosθ, you need to review your trig and the definitions of sine and cosine. Review how trig is used to find the components of vectors. Read these links:"
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  • #3

I can provide a clear and concise explanation for the concepts mentioned in this content. Firstly, Newton's second law states that the acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net force acting on it and inversely proportional to its mass. This can be mathematically represented as F=ma, where F is the net force, m is the mass of the object, and a is the acceleration.

In the context of an object on an incline, the force of gravity acting on the object can be broken down into two components - one parallel to the incline (mg*sin(theta)) and one perpendicular to the incline (mg*cos(theta)). This is because the force of gravity always acts towards the center of the Earth, and when on an incline, this force can be resolved into two components along the incline and perpendicular to it.

When the problem does not provide the mass of the object, we can still use Newton's second law by assuming that the mass is a constant and canceling it out from both sides of the equation. This leaves us with F=ma=mg*sin(theta), where m is no longer a variable.

To determine which component of the force of gravity is represented by mg*sin(theta) and mg*cos(theta), we can use the standard picture of an object on an incline with arrows drawn in, as shown in the provided link. The arrow pointing down the incline represents the component of gravity acting along the incline, which is mg*sin(theta). The arrow perpendicular to the incline represents the component of gravity acting perpendicular to the incline, which is mg*cos(theta).

The normal force, which is the force exerted by the incline on the object to prevent it from sinking into the incline, has a cosine component rather than a sine component because it acts perpendicular to the incline. This means that it is directly proportional to the component of gravity acting perpendicular to the incline, which is mg*cos(theta).

In summary, Newton's second law and the concept of resolving forces into components can be applied to understand and solve problems involving objects on inclines. It is important to carefully consider the direction and magnitude of forces, as well as their components, in order to accurately apply this law.

FAQ: Newton's second law cosine and sine

1. What is Newton's second law cosine and sine?

Newton's second law cosine and sine is a mathematical representation of Newton's second law of motion, which states that the acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net force acting on the object and inversely proportional to its mass. The cosine and sine functions are used to calculate the horizontal and vertical components of the net force, respectively.

2. How do you use cosine and sine in Newton's second law?

To use cosine and sine in Newton's second law, you first need to identify the angle between the net force and the horizontal axis. Then, you can use the cosine function to calculate the horizontal component of the net force and the sine function to calculate the vertical component of the net force. These components can then be used in the equation F=ma to solve for the acceleration of the object.

3. What is the difference between cosine and sine in Newton's second law?

In Newton's second law, cosine and sine serve different purposes. Cosine is used to calculate the horizontal component of the net force, while sine is used to calculate the vertical component. Cosine represents the adjacent side of a right triangle, while sine represents the opposite side.

4. Can you use other trigonometric functions in Newton's second law?

Yes, other trigonometric functions such as tangent, cotangent, secant, and cosecant can also be used in Newton's second law depending on the specific situation and problem being solved. These functions may be used to calculate different components of the net force, such as the normal force or the frictional force.

5. How does Newton's second law cosine and sine apply to real-world situations?

Newtons's second law cosine and sine can be applied to real-world situations such as objects moving on inclined planes, projectiles in motion, and circular motion. By using these trigonometric functions, the net force acting on the object can be broken down into its horizontal and vertical components, making it easier to calculate the acceleration and predict the motion of the object.

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