Our President is delusional, does that bother anyone?

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  • Thread starter kcballer21
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In summary: Middle East dispute when he first came into the presidency. After 9/11, he called for a two-state solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. But it was half-hearted at best, and appeared to be a sop to halt the al-Qaida recruitment of Palestinians who were losing hope of independence.
  • #1
God told me to invade Iraq, Bush tells Palestinian ministers

Who will be the first one to ask me, "how do you know he doesn't talk to god?" So here are the possibilities, either Bush actually does have casual conversations with God, or he uses God as a political tactic, or he is delusional. I should have started a poll.

Oh, and i know this isn't the first report of god delegating to gw, but it inspires the same disappointment now as it did then.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Yes, your president is delusional, as is our Prime Minister.

Yeah, I'm sure God would tell Bush to go invade Iraq and kill thousands of innocents and children doing so!

How many people need to die for Bush to stop? His war on terror causes more terror!
  • #3
kcballer21 said:
God told me to invade Iraq, Bush tells Palestinian ministers

Who will be the first one to ask me, "how do you know he doesn't talk to god?" So here are the possibilities, either Bush actually does have casual conversations with God, or he uses God as a political tactic, or he is delusional. I should have started a poll.

Oh, and i know this isn't the first report of god delegating to gw, but it inspires the same disappointment now as it did then.
From the link:

Nabil Shaath says: "President Bush said to all of us: 'I'm driven with a mission from God. God would tell me, "George, go and fight those terrorists in Afghanistan." And I did, and then God would tell me, "George, go and end the tyranny in Iraq …" And I did. And now, again, I feel God's words coming to me, "Go get the Palestinians their state and get the Israelis their security, and get peace in the Middle East." And by God I'm going to do it.'"
Since this is corroborated by more than one person, I'll assume it is true that Bush said these things (or something close to it). That there is no reference to "fighting terrorists" in Iraq, but rather to "end tyranny" we can deduce that Bush is at least a lier--if not delusional. Bush did not give a s**t about a Palestinian state until Arafat died and there seemed to be a chance for democracy per the neocon agenda. I would say Bush was being an opportunist--if not delusional. If he truly wanted security for Israel and peace in the Middle East I find his war mongering threats to be an odd approach. His talks with God may be just to appeal to the Rapture people, which is almost more frightening to me. So either he is a lier, an opportunist, a war monger, and cult leader OR he is delusional.
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  • #4
kcballer21 said:
either Bush actually does have casual conversations with God, or he uses God as a political tactic, or he is delusional.

Well, the first option we can surely rule out. The second is not likely unless he's a very good actor (anyway, what would he gain by appearing delusional?). Left is only the third alternative...
  • #5
Yeah, it bothers me.
  • #6
I am suddenly reminded of a scene from the movie Real Genius.
Either that or, well.. David Koresh said he talked to god too. :rolleyes:
  • #7
Bush did not [care] about a Palestinian state until Arafat died and there seemed to be a chance for democracy per the neocon agenda.
(edited for content )

I thought the general consensus was that there wasn't hope for any sort of stability in the region as long as Arafat was in power and Israel existed.
  • #8
Hurkyl said:
I thought the general consensus was that there wasn't hope for any sort of stability in the region as long as Arafat was in power and Israel existed.
:confused: Maybe in the states it is... was...
  • #9
"God told me to invade Iraq, Bush tells Palestinian ministers"

Actually it was Dick Cheney. :smile:
  • #10
edward said:
"God told me to invade Iraq, Bush tells Palestinian ministers"

Actually it was Dick Cheney. :smile:

And dad... This was personal and Bush even admitted so when he said, ~"and, well, he [Saddam] did try to kill my dad".
  • #11
Published on Tuesday, November 16, 2004 by the Seattle Post-Intelligencer
by Helen Thomas:
Bush ignored the volatile Middle East dispute when he first came into the presidency. After 9/11, he called for a two-state solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

But it was half-hearted at best, and appeared to be a sop to halt the al-Qaida recruitment of Palestinians who were losing hope of independence.

Every once in a while Bush proudly mentions that he is the only president who has endorsed a two-state solution -- Palestine and Israel -- but on his watch the United States has done nothing. It is too busy trying to occupy Iraq.

True that Bush first publicly called for a Palestinian state in October 2001, however in addition to the quote above:
Clinton already laid the groundwork in the last months of his presidency by trying to achieve a peace deal that would have resulted in a Palestinian state.
Clinton outlined the possible concessions each side could make, known today as the "Clinton parameters." For Palestinians, he said, a peace deal would mean "an independent and sovereign state with al Quds [East Jerusalem] as its capital, recognized by all. And for America, it means that we could have new flags flying over new embassies in both these capitals."
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  • #12
Informal Logic said:
So either he is a lier, an opportunist, a war monger, and cult leader OR he is delusional.

I'm going to have to vote for all of the above.

Not only am I bothered by it, but I am sick to my stomach, sick at heart and scared to death of what he might do next.
  • #13
I thought the general consensus was that there wasn't hope for any sort of stability in the region as long as Arafat was in power and Israel existed.

With the neo-cons maybe, but not outside that small (and gettings smaller) sphere of influence
  • #14
With the neo-cons maybe, but not outside that small (and gettings smaller) sphere of influence
Oddly, I seem to recal having this impression (that people thought there was little hope for peace while Arafat was in power) long before I ever heard the word "neo-con".
  • #15
Must be the reason why they gave him the nobel peace price then, if 'general concensus' was he was holding up the peace progress in the ME??
  • #16
your all forgeting the fact that god would not ask bush to go kill thousands (possibly millions) of INNOCENT IRAQIS!

its a known fact that HOSPITALS and other civic buildings were deliberatley bombed! how is this "ending tyranny"?
  • #17
kcballer21 said:
God told me to invade Iraq, Bush tells Palestinian ministers

Who will be the first one to ask me, "how do you know he doesn't talk to god?" So here are the possibilities, either Bush actually does have casual conversations with God,

Well, even if he did in the past, there seems to be noise on the line now :biggrin:
  • #18
The Blues Brothers were on a mission from gahd too - as delusions go (if this even qualifies), its a lot thinner than the typical democratic delusions we've discussed before.

Regarding Arafat - it was the general consensus among conservatives, at the very least, that Arafat was an obstruction. The Nobel Peace Prize is a hippie(or the Sweedish equivalent) back-slapping convention with no real meaning, and Arafat and Carter made good bedfellows. Winning the prize has no real meaning, though.
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  • #19
Yeah, the Nobel peace prize means nothing. So you're in the company of Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King and Amnesty International. So what? They were just a bunch of goddam hippies!
  • #20
russ_watters said:
The Blues Brothers were on a mission from gahd too - as delusions go (if this even qualifies), its a lot thinner than the typical democratic delusions we've discussed before.

Regarding Arafat - it was the general consensus among conservatives, at the very least, that Arafat was an obstruction. The Nobel Peace Prize is a hippie(or the Sweedish equivalent) back-slapping convention with no real meaning, and Arafat and Carter made good bedfellows. Winning the prize has no real meaning, though.

Russ has spoken!

Mother Teresa, what a silly hippy...
  • #21
russ_watters said:
The Blues Brothers were on a mission from gahd too - as delusions go (if this even qualifies), its a lot thinner than the typical democratic delusions we've discussed before.

Regarding Arafat - it was the general consensus among conservatives, at the very least, that Arafat was an obstruction. The Nobel Peace Prize is a hippie(or the Sweedish equivalent) back-slapping convention with no real meaning, and Arafat and Carter made good bedfellows. Winning the prize has no real meaning, though.
And of course the conservative consensus is all that matters.

This is the same shove it down your throat approach by conservatives that has so divided this country. Their staunch belief that they, and only they know what is right.

I call it the absolutist trap. When you believe in absolutes, you blind yourself to other possibilities.
  • #22
russ_watters said:
The Blues Brothers were on a mission from gahd too - as delusions go (if this even qualifies), its a lot thinner than the typical democratic delusions we've discussed before.

Regarding Arafat - it was the general consensus among conservatives, at the very least, that Arafat was an obstruction. The Nobel Peace Prize is a hippie(or the Sweedish equivalent) back-slapping convention with no real meaning, and Arafat and Carter made good bedfellows. Winning the prize has no real meaning, though.

what could be thinner? and by the way, i don't categorize this as a republican delusion, it is simply a delusion, lots of delusional people have them. i only worry about what god will tell him to do next.

by the way, the white house is denying that bush said these things. :rolleyes:
  • #23
It does sound a little bin Ladenesque, doesn't it.
  • #24
russ_watters said:
The Blues Brothers were on a mission from gahd too - as delusions go (if this even qualifies), its a lot thinner than the typical democratic delusions we've discussed before.

The Blues Brothers saved an orphanage from foreclosure.

Bush is massacreing hundreds of thousands of innocent human beings for fun and profit.
  • #25
[SCENE] Dick Cheney sneakily tip-toes through the Oval Office and hides quietly behind the curtains. President Bush enters momnets later [/SCENE]

Cheney: George, this is the Lord speaking. I have a task for you...

Can someone get this on SNL ?
  • #26
No one does bad willingly, we invaded iraq with our culture before the war, the men there use to have total control over the women for instance, now those ideas are threatened, it would be as stressful for a new culture to come to America that was telling women they should have total control over their men it's a lot of change either way.

Does God approve of killing each other then?

LOL tarheel
  • #27
The Blues Brothers saved an orphanage from foreclosure.
And caused a lot of destruction along the way.
  • #28
i don't think the issue is whether the iraqis were being treated poorly before the invasion, but the fact that by invading iraq, nothing is yet any better in the country.

back on topic, bush is delusional, maybe its his dad whispering in his ear instead.
  • #29
russ_watters said:
...Regarding Arafat - it was the general consensus among conservatives, at the very least, that Arafat was an obstruction. The Nobel Peace Prize is a hippie (or the Sweedish equivalent) back-slapping convention with no real meaning, and Arafat and Carter made good bedfellows. Winning the prize has no real meaning, though.
More from the article by Helen Thomas:

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Arafat was a man of his people


WASHINGTON -- This is a requiem for Nobel Peace Prize winner Yasser Arafat, the fallen leader of the benighted but unbowed Palestinian people.

He never achieved an independent state for his people or the return of thousands of exiled Palestinians to their homeland, but there was no question he was their unchallenged spiritual and political leader.

To the masses who live under Israeli occupation, Arafat was revered as a Palestinian patriot who represented their national aspirations.

...Throughout his first term, President Bush shunned Arafat while overtly courting Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon. Bush met Sharon some dozen times, mostly at the White House.

Bush also dubbed Sharon "a man of peace," ignoring his militant personal history. That stunned much of the world, and probably some Israelis, too.

The president strongly denounced the Palestinian suicide bombers who took the lives of so many innocent Israelis but he gave the Israelis a pass when they went into Palestinian refugee camps in Gaza with U.S.-supplied tanks, helicopters and planes to put down the revolt against occupation.

The PLO leader virtually had been under house arrest in his besieged compound for two years before he died.

The U.S. government ignored his plight and Bush never criticized the recent Israeli assault on the Gaza refugee camps. Hardly a day goes by without Palestinians being killed.

Once in a while after an outbreak of new violence in what the Israelis sometimes call "the territories," a U.S. spokesman would read a banal statement urging restraint on both sides.

But there was no doubt whose side Washington was on, particularly after the government vetoed seven resolutions in the United Nations condemning Israel.

Back to the OP, Bush was not sincere about a Palestinian State, so either was lying or disobeying God. As for the Nobel Peace Prize, it is true standards are not as strict for literature and peace as for science, however the process of selecting candidates is rigorous and involves input from around the world. The Freedom Medal -- now that is laughable. But neo yuppies are too busy getting their piece of the pie to know.
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  • #30
Forget about Bush being delusional. The real terrifying aspect of this is that it was carefully contrived. It was contrived to be heard by God-fearing Americans. He is using their beliefs to cement in their own minds that he did the right thing because he did it in God's name.
  • #31
Informal Logic said:
Back to the OP, Bush was not sincere about a Palestinian State, so either was lying or disobeying God.
Bush's conversion to supporting an independent Palestinian state was the price he paid for Britain's support in the invasion of Iraq.

Tony Blair and his wife Cherie have long been sympathetic to the Palestinian cause to the point where Cherie sparked outrage from the Israelis and their supporters when she said she could understand why some young Palestinians became suicide bombers.
  • #32
I honestly don't know what to say about Bush. I'm literally paralyzed with awe when I confront that much stupidity and hypocrisy. It isn't Bush alone that bothers me, it's his supporters. It's people like them that make me want to head-butt the wall until I die.
  • #33
Our President is delusional, does that bother anyone?

In effect it would seem that God is really the President. Now why is that hard to believe?

No wonder Kerry lost... Talk about competition!
  • #34
You know, historically, many Christians have had a name for leaders who have such direct access to divine knowledge: False prophets.
  • #35
In effect it would seem that God is really the President.

And there it "was" folks, effect. Effect was always temporary and thought was effect. There is the point being referred from, then the thought of an action, then the thought of intending to do an action, then the thought of the action being done.

Illusion started immediately after the point being referred from.

He is using their beliefs to cement in their own minds that he did the right thing because he did it in God's name.

All that was going on was one individual trying to cause an effect.

So long as any individual intended to cause any effect, so long as any individual exercised their particular will (as opposed to their universal will/not-action) to do any action that they 'thought' their body did or was about to do, prior to the point of intention, that individual 'pigeon-holed' themself in the world of illusion and their self had fooled them.

Prior to the statement that Bush made that may have fooled many individuals, Bush fooled Bush first.

You 'want' to cause an effect? Do something.
You NEED to cause the cause? Do nothing.

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