Parallel Vs. Series - Capacitance?

In summary: Parallel capacitors, however, have no polarity, so they can be connected in any direction. This property is useful in many applications, such as power supplies and RF circuits. In these applications, it is helpful to be able to decouple the power rails so that different frequencies don't affect each other.Series capacitors have a higher capacitance than parallel capacitors, but they also have a smaller voltage rating. Parallel capacitors have a higher voltage rating but a lower capacitance.The reason to use capacitance over resistance is that capacitors can hold a charge for a longer time than resistors. This is useful in applications where the circuit must remain on for a long time, like in a power supply
  • #1
What exactly is the reasoning behind deciding to use parallel vs series? What is the value behind capacitance, really, as opposed to a general electric circuit? Thanks.
Physics news on
  • #2
MySecretAlias said:
What exactly is the reasoning behind deciding to use parallel vs series? What is the value behind capacitance, really, as opposed to a general electric circuit? Thanks.

Normally you wouldn't see series capacitors in a circuit, unless they were part of say a filter circuit that had inductors going from the junction of the two capacitors to ground.
But you wouldn't normally just see two series caps on their own, instead you would just use a smaller value single capacitor.
Remember working out the total values of series and parallel capacitors is opposite to working out the values of series and parallel resistors...
Series resistors add their values... Parallel capacitors add their values.

Now it's very common to see multiple capacitors in parallel specially on RF gear like I work on.
In a RF circuit power supply rails must often be decoupled by multiple capacitors of different values and types so as to keep wide frequency range RF off the power rails.
Eg. You mite have a 10 uF electrolytic or tantalum and a 0.1uF disc ceramic and a 0.001uF disc ceramic ... Just an example of cap use in my world

  • #3
Vs(DC) ---------||-------- ground

In direct current, electricity cannot flow through a capacitor (it is actually a discontinuity in the circuit).

Vs(~) ---------||-------- ground

In alternating current, the capacitor acts as a kind of resistor (it has an associated impedance).
  • #4
davenn said:
Normally you wouldn't see series capacitors in a circuit, unless they were part of say a filter circuit that had inductors going from the junction of the two capacitors to ground.

Which, of course would mean that the caps are NOT in series.
  • #5
euquila said:
Vs(DC) ---------||-------- ground

In direct current, electricity cannot flow through a capacitor (it is actually a discontinuity in the circuit).

Vs(~) ---------||-------- ground

In alternating current, the capacitor acts as a kind of resistor (it has an associated impedance).

And what does that have to do with the question?
  • #6
MySecretAlias said:
What exactly is the reasoning behind deciding to use parallel vs series? What is the value behind capacitance, really, as opposed to a general electric circuit? Thanks.

In addition to what davenn pointed out, another reason to use parallel caps is simply to increase the capacitance in the circuit if you don't have a single cap that is big enough.

I can't think of any good reason to put caps in series other than (as a REAL stretch) to end up with a total capacitance that you can't achieve with the capacitors you have on hand by putting them in parallel.
  • #7
phinds said:
Which, of course would mean that the caps are NOT in series.

Wellllll... ;) Would almost be tempted to dispute that. Haha.
My thoughts are always in the RF field. I don't do much with filters etc in audio work.
If I have a "T" filter with 2 caps in series and an inductor in parallel from the junction of the 2 caps, for all intents those 2 caps are still in series. How else can we describe it ?

Always willing to learn. :)

  • #8
Calling it a T seems quite reasonable. Calling it series caps is just flat wrong and misleading.

If all three of the elements you describe were resistors, would you describe the arms of the T as series resistors? Just flat wrong.
  • #9
davenn said:
Wellllll... ;) Would almost be tempted to dispute that. Haha.
My thoughts are always in the RF field. I don't do much with filters etc in audio work.
If I have a "T" filter with 2 caps in series and an inductor in parallel from the junction of the 2 caps, for all intents those 2 caps are still in series. How else can we describe it ?
It would be described by a circuit schematic. phinds is correct, the capacitors would not be in series; series elements have the same current because the wire that connects them is not connected to anything else.

EDIT: Another answer to your question: it can be described as a T filter, just as you have done.
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  • #10
MySecretAlias said:
What exactly is the reasoning behind deciding to use parallel vs series? What is the value behind capacitance, really, as opposed to a general electric circuit? Thanks.
A common use of series capacitors is to allow polarised capacitors to work with AC. (Polarised means they have a positive end and a negative end, and these polarities must be respected when connecting the capacitor to any circuit. Electrolytic capacitors are inherently polarised.)

FAQ: Parallel Vs. Series - Capacitance?

What is the difference between parallel and series capacitance?

Parallel capacitance is when two or more capacitors are connected side by side, with each capacitor having its own branch. Series capacitance is when two or more capacitors are connected end to end, with each capacitor sharing the same branch.

Which configuration, parallel or series, has a higher total capacitance?

Parallel capacitance has a higher total capacitance compared to series capacitance. This is because in parallel, the individual capacitances of each capacitor are added together, whereas in series, the total capacitance is reduced due to the inverse relationship between capacitance and voltage.

How do the voltages across each capacitor differ in parallel and series configurations?

In parallel capacitance, the voltage across each capacitor is the same as the applied voltage. In series capacitance, the voltage is divided among the capacitors based on their individual capacitances, with the total voltage being equal to the applied voltage.

Which configuration is better for storing charge?

Parallel capacitance is better for storing charge compared to series capacitance. This is because in parallel, the capacitors are able to store more charge due to their combined capacitances, whereas in series, the total charge is divided among the capacitors.

What happens to the total capacitance if one capacitor in a parallel or series configuration is removed?

In a parallel configuration, the total capacitance decreases when a capacitor is removed, as there is one less capacitor contributing to the total capacitance. In a series configuration, the total capacitance increases when a capacitor is removed, as there is now less capacitance to reduce the overall total.
