Parity of Permutations: Understanding Even and Odd Cycles

In summary, the question is to show that a permutation is even if and only if the number of cycles of even length is even. The most basic definition of parity of a permutation is that it is even if it can be written as a product of disjoint cycles and odd if it has an odd number of odd cycles. It is also noted that the signature map is a group morphism from the permutation group to the multiplicative group {-1,1}. To prove that a cycle is odd if and only if it has even length, it is shown that an odd cycle with length l(c) must be even, and cycles of even length are odd. It is mentioned that the poster had already figured this out before the conversation, but it may
  • #1
I'm asked to show that a permutation is even if and only if the number of cycles of even length is even. (And also the odd case)

I'm having trouble getting started on this proof because the only definitions of parity of a permutation I can find are essentially this theorem. And obviously I can't use this theorem to prove this theorem.. (If only). So what is the most basic, abstract definition of parity of a permutation that I might use, for a permutation of a set of size, n, that is even.

And as a side note, I've not gotten my textbook yet, I've been mooching off my class mates because, well, books are expensive and I'm broke atm. So I'm sure a relevant definition for parity of a permutation is in there but I don't have access to it right now.

Edit: We've been using what we called double row notation for permutations I.e.

(1 2 3 4 5)
(2 4 3 5 1)

And this is the question. Statement up until "Show that.."

Let ##{\sigma}{\epsilon}S_n## and suppose that ##{\sigma}## can be written as a product of disjoint cycles. Show that..
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  • #2
You just have to remember that the "signature map" is a group morphism from the permutation group to the multiplicative group {-1,1}.
If you have an odd number of odd cycles, your permutation will be odd.
If you have an even number of odd cycles, your permutation will be even.
  • #3
So the permutation is even if and only if there are an even number of odd cycles.

You have to show that a cycle is odd if and only if it has even length.

- Assume you have an odd cycle ##c## with length ##l(c)##.
You get ## -1 = \epsilon(c) = \epsilon(c^{l(c)+1}) = \epsilon(c)^{l(c)+1} = (-1)^{l(c)+1} ##. You get that the length of ##c## must be even.

- Cycles of even length are odd :
a- 2 - cycles are transpositions, a transposition is odd.
b- Assume 2k - cycles are odd. Let ##c = (x_1,..., x_{2(k+1)}) ## be a 2(k+1) - cycle. Then, unless I'm mistaking, ##c = \tau_{x_{2k+1},x_{2k+2}}\circ \tau_{x_{2k},x_{2k+1}} \circ (x_1,..., x_{2k})##. By induction hypothesis, ##c## is odd.​
  • #4
Thanks for responding, though I asked this toward the first semester of Abstract Algebra, I just took the final for the second semester of abstract algebra. I had this figured out at this point. But hopefully someone else finds this useful.
  • #5
Yes, you were on the unanswered thread list. I don't know why old unanswered threads are not deleted.

Also I think I've made a mistake at the end of my last reply,
geoffrey159 said:
Then, unless I'm mistaking, ##c = \tau_{x_{2k+1},x_{2k+2}}\circ \tau_{x_{2k},x_{2k+1}} \circ (x_1,..., x_{2k})##.

I'd say ## c = \tau_{x_1,x_{2k+2}}\circ \tau_{x_1,x_{2k+1}} \circ (x_1,..., x_{2k})##

Looks better ?

FAQ: Parity of Permutations: Understanding Even and Odd Cycles

What is the definition of parity of a permutation?

The parity of a permutation is a mathematical concept that describes the nature of a permutation's behavior. It is a measure of whether the permutation is even or odd, which is determined by the number of inversions in the permutation.

How is the parity of a permutation calculated?

The parity of a permutation is calculated by counting the number of inversions in the permutation. An inversion occurs when two elements in the permutation are in reverse order compared to their original positions. If the number of inversions is even, the permutation is considered even or has a positive parity. If the number of inversions is odd, the permutation is considered odd or has a negative parity.

Why is the concept of parity of a permutation important in mathematics?

The concept of parity of a permutation is important in mathematics because it can be used to solve problems related to probability, statistics, and algebra. It also has applications in various branches of mathematics, such as group theory, abstract algebra, and combinatorics.

How is the parity of a permutation used in cryptography?

In cryptography, the parity of a permutation is used as a way to ensure the security of encrypted messages. By using permutations with a specific parity, it makes it more difficult for hackers to decrypt the message without the proper key.

Can the parity of a permutation be changed?

No, the parity of a permutation cannot be changed. It is an inherent property of the permutation and remains the same regardless of the order of elements in the permutation. However, it is possible to create a new permutation with a different parity by combining two or more permutations with different parities.

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