Particle physics: energy conservation

In summary, the conversation discusses the topic of energy conservation in reactions, specifically in regards to the change in rest mass before and after the reaction. It is clarified that the rest mass afterwards only needs to be less than the total energy of the initial particles, not necessarily less than the rest mass before. The conversation also mentions the possibility of accelerating light particles to produce heavier particles. However, it is noted that in the case of two particles colliding, they may have extra energy beyond their rest mass in the form of relative momenta. Additionally, the example given violates baryon number conservation.
  • #1
I've managed to get extremely confused; I feel like I'm getting told different things! I hope someone can just clarify this for me.

If you have a reaction, say for example:
p pion+ --> p p
(where p is a proton) is it true that the rest mass afterwards must be less than the rest mass before or energy conservation is violated?
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  • #2
No. The rest mass afterwards only need to be less than the total energy of the initial particles. You can accelerate very light particles, eg., electrons, to get large kinetic energy and produce heavy particles in the end.
  • #3
You're thinking about 1 particle decaying into a product of particles. In that case, the rest mass of the decay products need to add to be less than the rest mass of the initial particle.

However, as already mentioned, when you have two particles colliding, they can have extra energy beyond their rest mass in the form of a relative momenta.

Also, the particular example you cited violates baryon number conservation.

FAQ: Particle physics: energy conservation

What is particle physics?

Particle physics is a branch of physics that studies the fundamental building blocks of matter and the interactions between them. It seeks to understand the smallest particles that make up the universe and the forces that govern their behavior.

What is energy conservation in particle physics?

Energy conservation in particle physics refers to the principle that energy cannot be created or destroyed, but can only be converted from one form to another. In the context of particle physics, this means that the total energy of a system of particles remains constant, even as particles interact and change into different forms.

Why is energy conservation important in particle physics?

Energy conservation is important in particle physics because it allows us to understand and predict the behavior of particles and their interactions. By conserving energy, we can track the flow of energy between particles and identify new particles that may be created in interactions. It also allows us to make precise calculations and predictions about the behavior of particles in experiments.

How is energy conserved in particle physics experiments?

In particle physics experiments, energy conservation is ensured through the use of highly precise detectors and instruments. These devices measure the energy of particles before and after interactions, and any discrepancies can indicate the creation of new particles or the violation of energy conservation. The laws of energy conservation are also incorporated into the mathematical models and equations used to analyze and interpret experimental data.

What are some real-world applications of energy conservation in particle physics?

Energy conservation in particle physics has many practical applications, including the development of new technologies such as medical imaging devices, nuclear power plants, and particle accelerators. It also helps us understand the behavior of matter and energy in the universe, providing insights into phenomena like black holes and the expansion of the universe.

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