Physics: conservation of energy and springs

In summary, two children are playing a game where they try to hit a small box with a marble fired from a spring-loaded gun mounted on a table. Bobby compresses the spring 1.10cm, but the marble falls short of the box by 27.0cm. To score a direct hit, Rhonda should compress the spring by 1.25cm, assuming no friction. The solution involves using conservation of energy and kinematics equations to determine the horizontal speed of the marble.
  • #1
Two children are playing a game in which they try to hit a small box on the floor with a marble fired from a spring-loaded gun that is mounted on a table. The target box is 2.20m horizontally from the edge of the table. Bobby compresses the spring 1.10cm, but the center of the marble falls 27.0cm short of the center of the box. How far should Rhonda compress the spring to score a direct hit? Assume that neither the spring nor the ball encounters friction in the gun.

i know i use conservation of energy and X=vt+(1/2)Axt^2 and Y=Voy(t)+(1/2)Ayt^2 and i think you solve for both... but after that i don't know what to do... am i using the right equations? the answer is 1.25cm
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  • #2
Realize that the time it takes for the marble to fall depends only on the height so is a constant. Thus the horizontal distance the marble travels is proportional to its horizontal speed. Now relate the horizontal speed to the amount of spring compression using conservation of energy: [itex]1/2 k x^2 = 1/2 m v^2[/itex]. Use ratios.
  • #3
i do not really understand... i was told i would most probably use conservation of energy and the 2d motion equations.. is that the same as what you explained?
  • #4
Realize that there are usually several ways--all equivalent--to solve these kinds of problem. I don't know what you mean by "2d motion equations"; I assume you mean the kinematic equations you wrote? If so, realize that only the vertical motion is accelerated; the horizontal speed remains constant.

Bottom line: Yes, use conservation of energy and kinematics of projectiles.

FAQ: Physics: conservation of energy and springs

1. What is the law of conservation of energy?

The law of conservation of energy states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, but it can be transformed from one form to another. This means that the total energy in a closed system remains constant.

2. How does the conservation of energy apply to springs?

When a spring is compressed or stretched, it stores potential energy. This potential energy is then converted into kinetic energy as the spring returns to its original shape. This transfer of energy shows the conservation of energy in action.

3. Can energy be lost in a spring system?

No, energy cannot be lost in a spring system. The energy may be transformed from potential to kinetic and back, but the total amount of energy remains the same, in accordance with the law of conservation of energy.

4. How does the mass of an object affect the conservation of energy in a spring system?

The mass of an object affects the amount of potential energy stored in a spring. The heavier the object, the more potential energy is stored in the spring when it is compressed or stretched. However, the total energy in the system remains constant.

5. Are there any real-life applications of the conservation of energy and springs?

Yes, the law of conservation of energy and springs has many real-life applications, such as in shock absorbers for cars, pogo sticks, and trampolines. These systems use the potential and kinetic energy of springs to absorb and release energy, making them more efficient and safe to use.
