Physics Gravity Problem and Kinetic Friction

In summary: So, in summary, the two astronauts are trying to calculate the mass of Mercury and Neptune by hitting a 142 g ball with a bat on each planet and measuring the distance it travels. They know the radii of each planet and are trying to use the formula M = ar^2/G, but are struggling to find the acceleration needed for the formula. They have attempted to use the d = vit + 1/2at^2 formula, but are unsure of the final velocity and acceleration. They have also considered using the range formula, but are unsure if it will be helpful in this situation. However, they have been advised to use projectile trajectories to solve the problem and calculate the final velocity and acceleration. The question also mentions the possibility
  • #1

  1. Two astronauts are trying to figure out the mass of Mercury and the mass of Neptune. The astronauts decide to hit a 142 g ball with a bat on each planet and see how far it goes. They know the radius of mercury is 2,440 km and the radius of Neptune is 24,622 km. On mercury one astronaut hits the ball with a force of 52n over .1 seconds at a 40 degrees and it travels 700m. The second astronaut hits the ball with the same force at the same angle on Neptune and it travels 100m. What is the mass of the two planets?

For the planet problem, I attempted to use the formula to find the gravity but need the mass of the planet. Then I attempted to find the mass but need the gravity. I don't even know where to start.
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  • #2
Welcome to PF;
You've shown us a general outline of how you are approaching the problem, but we need to see your best attempt in more detail.
You clearly know where to start, and you appear to starting in the right place: using some sort of gravity formula.
But I cannot advise you because I don't know which gravity equation nor how you have applied it.
  • #3
Simon Bridge said:
Welcome to PF;
You've shown us a general outline of how you are approaching the problem, but we need to see your best attempt in more detail.
You clearly know where to start, and you appear to starting in the right place: using some sort of gravity formula.
But I cannot advise you because I don't know which gravity equation nor how you have applied it.

Sure! As far as the planet question, I decided to use the M = ar^2/G formula. I have every part beside the mass (which I am trying to solve for) and the acceleration. I feel as if the acceleration is what is holding me back of figuring out both problems. But I do not know which formula to use for acceleration because I do not have the final velocity. When I do use d = vi(t) + 1/2 at^2 I get that the acceleration is 140,000 but I do not think that that is correct.

I also used the F=MA formula to get the acceleration that way but I get 366.197 as my acceleration and that does not seem correct.
  • #4
d and a are perpendicular. Did you make use of the 40 degrees ? Ever do projectile trajectories ?
  • #5
BvU said:
d and a are perpendicular. Did you make use of the 40 degrees ? Ever do projectile trajectories ?
I did not. I faintly understand projectile trajectories. How could I use and apply it?
  • #6
By doing the exercise :) It's the only way. Want to know where to start ? Read your textbook or google around. Some of the formulas are here on PF.

PF principle is: help all you can, but don't take the exercise away from the student. He/she needs it.

"When I do use d = vi(t) + 1/2 at^2 I get that the acceleration is 140,000 but I do not think that that is correct." Show your work in detail and help is on the way.
  • #7
BvU said:
By doing the exercise :) It's the only way. Want to know where to start ? Read your textbook or google around. Some of the formulas are here on PF.
That puts me at my original problem. I do not know the final velocity or acceleration.
  • #8
You know the initial velocity magnitude and angle, so speed in vertical and in horizontal direction.
No force in the horizontal direction, so you can recover the time of flight.
Vertically the trajectory goes from initial height to final height according to your formula, where the only unknown is now a.
Just for the fun of it you can calculate final velocity magnitude and angle. You' ll be surprised !
  • #9
BvU said:
You know the initial velocity magnitude and angle, so speed in vertical and in horizontal direction.
No force in the horizontal direction, so you can recover the time of flight.
Vertically the trajectory goes from initial height to final height according to your formula, where the only unknown is now a.
Just for the fun of it you can calculate final velocity magnitude and angle. You' ll be surprised !
Would using the range formula instead be better?
  • #10
yomo710 said:
Would using the range formula instead be better?
Well you're right. I guess I could use it but it would be more work for me. The question is asking about the canon being pushed back, will projectiles help?
  • #11
Home, home on the range ? The word has many meanings. That's why we use formulas. What range formula ? (And it's probably exactly the same, so no "better" and no "worse" either. -- To me better would mean more insightful )
  • #12
yomo710 said:
Well you're right. I guess I could use it but it would be more work for me. The question is asking about the canon being pushed back, will projectiles help?
By now we have two threads in shambles ! Totally incomprehensible. What happened to the cannon recoil exercise ? Did you figure out it was a matter of momentum conservation, followed by linear decelerated motion ?

FAQ: Physics Gravity Problem and Kinetic Friction

1. What is the difference between gravity and kinetic friction?

Gravity is a fundamental force that exists between any two objects with mass, pulling them towards each other. Kinetic friction, on the other hand, is a force that opposes the motion of an object as it slides or rolls over a surface.

2. How does mass affect the force of gravity?

The force of gravity is directly proportional to the mass of an object. This means that the greater the mass of an object, the greater the force of gravity acting on it.

3. How does the angle of incline affect the force of kinetic friction?

The force of kinetic friction is dependent on the normal force and the coefficient of friction between two surfaces. The angle of incline can change the normal force, and therefore, the force of kinetic friction. As the angle of incline increases, the normal force decreases, resulting in a decrease in the force of kinetic friction.

4. Why does an object continue to move on a level surface after being pushed?

This is due to Newton's first law of motion, also known as the law of inertia. An object in motion will continue to move at a constant velocity unless acted upon by an external force. In this case, the external force is the push that was applied to the object.

5. How can we calculate the force of gravity on an object?

The force of gravity can be calculated using the formula F = G * (m1 * m2)/r^2, where G is the universal gravitational constant, m1 and m2 are the masses of the two objects, and r is the distance between them. This formula is known as Newton's law of universal gravitation.
