Poll: Why are you active on physicsforums?

  • Thread starter micromass
  • Start date
  • Tags
In summary, multiple people voted for other because they like the community and find something to learn every day on the forum.

Why are you here??

  • I want to get help with my homework/course.

    Votes: 15 28.8%
  • I want to help other people.

    Votes: 25 48.1%
  • I enjoy the people and the community here.

    Votes: 35 67.3%
  • I like to read about science and technology.

    Votes: 28 53.8%
  • I have a novel new theory and I want to explain it to people.

    Votes: 2 3.8%
  • I'm seriously bored and have nothing else to do.

    Votes: 16 30.8%
  • Other.

    Votes: 11 21.2%

  • Total voters
  • #1
Staff Emeritus
Science Advisor
Homework Helper
Insights Author
We all enjoy polls, so I thought that I would ask you all why you are active on PF. Multiple answers are allowed!
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Need help with the poll? Ah, you did it!
  • #3
Evo said:
Need help with the poll?

Wow, you're fast :biggrin:

I think I set up the poll ok...
  • #4
micromass said:
Wow, you're fast :biggrin:

I think I set up the poll ok...
You forgot "because of micromass".
  • #5
to procrastinate
  • #6
Evo said:
You forgot "because of micromass".

I am the community :biggrin:
  • #7
Where is the "I want to rick roll people" option?
  • #8
Pengwuino said:
Where is the "I want to rick roll people" option?

Its in the "Other." category.:biggrin:
  • #9
Pranav-Arora said:
Its in the "Other." category.:biggrin:

No, that's under the "I like the community" option.
  • #10
Where is the check box for "I found a flaw that disproves general relativity, and now I just need some help on the math part"?
  • #11
QuarkCharmer said:
Where is the check box for "I found a flaw that disproves general relativity, and now I just need some help on the math part"?
  • #12
mainly cause I'm self-studying and need all the help i can get, but also for motivation and what wukunlin said
  • #13
I like helping other people! Plus reading about science and tech is awesome! Of course, the community is awesome! By community, I mean the part without micromass :P

Just messing micro! :D
  • #14
Ivan92 said:
...I mean the part without micromass :P

Just messing micro! :D

  • #15
I'm studying abuses of the English language by the best and the brightest academics dedicated to the most exacting and rigorous standards. So far the results are very encouraging. In this day and age of cut backs I may have found a way to secure research grants for life...
  • #16
I voted 'other'. It's just become sort of a habit. I look at my email, I look at my Amazon account and maybe shop a bit, and I look at recent PF postings. There's always something in the postings at PF that I can learn from. Sometimes I happen on a thread that's of particular interest to me. Or that I want to learn about ... so I might elect to 'contribute' to the thread. Wrt to this particular thread, it's about 5AM here, and I'm not tired but I don't feel like getting into any of my various projects, or watching a movie, or a documentary, or the usual early morning TV stuff, or exercising, so PF is a nice diversion. That's about it I think.
  • #17
I just enjoy the vibe ;)
  • #18
Physics forums? I thought this was Psychics forums.
  • #19
To meet women.
  • #20
Vanadium 50 said:
To meet women.

Pathetic strategy. I recommend a daily dosage of bar to get rid of it.
  • #21
Vanadium 50 said:
To meet women.

PF needs a dating forum :biggrin:.
  • #22
rootX said:
PF needs a dating forum :biggrin:.

Well. I looked at some dating sites and even some meat markets. It's sociologically interesting, but, apart from that, they all looked like money shakers to me.

The only person I knew who actually made online dating work for him was a young network manager who run a dating site with a few friends and optimized everything (background study + cool hair, cool clothes, cool car, fast talk, etc.) towards dating virgins. Guy used to brag about dating two sixteen year olds a month. Talk about a somewhat odd business model.

FAQ: Poll: Why are you active on physicsforums?

1. Why do you spend time on physicsforums?

As a scientist, I am naturally curious about the world around me and am constantly seeking new knowledge. Physicsforums provides a platform for me to engage with other experts and enthusiasts in discussions and debates about various topics in physics, expanding my understanding and allowing me to contribute my own insights.

2. How has physicsforums helped you in your scientific career?

Physicsforums has been a valuable resource for me in my scientific career. The discussions and collaborations I have had on the forum have helped me to refine my ideas and theories, and have even led to new research opportunities and collaborations. It also allows me to stay updated on the latest developments and theories in the field.

3. What makes physicsforums a unique platform for discussing physics?

One of the unique aspects of physicsforums is the diverse range of members, including experts, students, and enthusiasts, all with different backgrounds and perspectives. This creates a dynamic and enriching environment for discussions, where ideas can be challenged and refined. Additionally, the platform allows for in-depth discussions and the ability to share and analyze equations, graphs, and other visual aids.

4. How do you handle disagreements or debates on physicsforums?

I approach disagreements and debates on physicsforums with an open mind and a willingness to listen to different perspectives. I always make sure to back up my arguments with evidence and data, and to maintain a respectful and civil tone in discussions. In the end, the goal is to learn from each other and further our understanding of physics.

5. What advice would you give to someone interested in joining physicsforums?

I would highly recommend joining physicsforums to anyone interested in physics. It is a welcoming and inclusive community, and a great place to learn and engage with others who share a passion for the subject. My advice would be to actively participate in discussions, ask questions, and contribute your own insights and knowledge to make the most out of the forum.

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