Potters wheel coefficient of kinetic friction

In summary, the problem involves a potter's wheel with a radius of 0.49 m and a moment of inertia of 10.6 kg · m2 rotating freely at 52 rev/min. The potter applies a force of 68 N with a wet rag to stop the wheel in 5.5 s. The task is to find the effective coefficient of kinetic friction between the wheel and the wet rag. To solve this, first calculate the angular acceleration using the given initial and final speeds and the time. Then, use the moment of inertia to find the total torque. Finally, subtract the torque from the applied force to find the friction coefficient.
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Homework Statement

A potter's wheel having a radius 0.49 m and a moment of inertia of 10.6 kg · m2 is rotating freely at 52 rev/min. The potter can stop the wheel in 5.5 s by pressing a wet rag against the rim and exerting a radially inward force of 68 N. Find the effective coefficient of kinetic friction between the wheel and the wet rag.

Homework Equations

I = .5mr^2

The Attempt at a Solution

I wasnt sure where to start. I know how to solve for the mass of the wheel, I know the moment of inertia formula and I know that the coefficient of kinetic friction is equal to μN. I drew a picture of the situation but am not sure how the moment of inertia and the decelleration are going to relate to the force that is applied.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
welcome to pf!

hi arogers5! welcome to pf! :smile:

first do the geometry, then the physics

the geometry is the angular acceleration: find it from the given initial and final speeds, and the time

then use the moment of inertia to find the total torque

then subtract to find the friction :wink:

FAQ: Potters wheel coefficient of kinetic friction

What is the Potters wheel coefficient of kinetic friction?

The Potters wheel coefficient of kinetic friction is a measure of the amount of resistance between the potters wheel and the clay as it spins. It is a dimensionless number that represents the ratio of the force required to keep the clay spinning to the weight of the clay.

How is the Potters wheel coefficient of kinetic friction calculated?

The Potters wheel coefficient of kinetic friction is calculated by dividing the force needed to keep the clay spinning by the weight of the clay. This force can be measured using a spring scale or other force measuring device, and the weight of the clay can be determined using a scale.

What factors can affect the Potters wheel coefficient of kinetic friction?

Several factors can affect the Potters wheel coefficient of kinetic friction, including the type and condition of the wheel, the type and moisture content of the clay, and the speed at which the wheel is spinning. Other factors such as temperature and surface texture can also play a role.

Why is the Potters wheel coefficient of kinetic friction important for pottery making?

The Potters wheel coefficient of kinetic friction is important because it affects the ease and control with which a potter can shape and form the clay on the wheel. A higher coefficient of kinetic friction may make it more difficult to shape the clay, while a lower coefficient may result in less control over the shaping process.

Can the Potters wheel coefficient of kinetic friction be changed?

Yes, the Potters wheel coefficient of kinetic friction can be changed by adjusting factors such as the moisture content of the clay, the speed of the wheel, and the type of wheel used. For example, using a different type of wheel with a smoother surface may result in a lower coefficient of kinetic friction.
