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Homework Statement
Practical on determining if a burette is more accurate than a measuring cylinder
Method: The burette was filled to a mark above 45cm3 with water and the reading recorded. The burette was opened and 30 drops of water were allowed to be delivered into the measuring cylinder, and the reading on the burette recorded. The volume of water in the measuring cylinder was recorded. The readings were recorded to two decimal places, these steps were then repeated allowing 60,90,120 and 150 drops of water to be delivered and the results tabulated.
Now I was asked to plot three graphs
i) Volume of liquid delivered from burette vs # of drops and Volume of liquid collected by cylinder vs # of drops on the same graph leaf.
ii) A graph of burette volume delivered Vs Volume of liquid collected in cylinder.
I don't see the point of the third graph, what's the point of plotting the volume of water delivered vs the volume of liquid collected? Could someone please explain this to me?
Oh and for the first graph , I took two gradients for each line, and compare how they close they were. For the burette I got .046cm3 and .047cm3 and for the cylinder .049 and 0.040. So since the gradients for the burettes were closer it should be more accurate right? Oh and the reason why my measuring cylinder gradient is so messed up is due to errors, in doing the experiment my partner was impatient so the rate at which the drops fell from the burette were not constant.
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