Problem with science today and the war on reason

In summary, a recent Guardian article discusses the problem with science today and the war on reason. The article highlights the "scicomm" effect as a contributing factor to people being less willing to accept science, but also points to phenomena like confirmation bias and the "boy cried wolf" factor. Other factors such as growing distrust of authority and exposure to mass media also play a role. Scientists themselves may also be partly to blame for not carefully distinguishing varying levels of confidence in different parts of science. In order to combat these issues, there are efforts being made to educate the public on how to decipher the truth and combat "BS." However, there is still a massive task in front of science educators and communicators in order to gain the trust of
  • #141
i am so sorry for the awful typing errors throughout my earlier post. Unfortunately I am currently limited to accessing these forums via handheld device with unwieldy OSK