Project : Create a PWR simulator

In summary, the speaker, a French junior engineer in the nuclear industry, is interested in developing a PWR simulator with a graphical interface and a focus on regulations and manual control. They have good skills in process modeling and access to necessary data for a 900 MW 3-loop type PWR power plant. They are looking for collaborators with programming, graphical interface, and nuclear simulation skills. The speaker may also consider seeking input from professionals in the industry and utilizing programming languages such as Python or Java.
  • #1
I'm a french junior engineer in nuclear industry. Since few weeks, I'm thinking about develloping a little PWR simulator.

In a first time, the goal would be to create a program with graphical interface to simulate the process, the regulations and the manual control for a very simplified plant. The level of detail is to be defined.

The code used to create this simulator is to defined.

I have good skill in modelisation of process (core, heat transfer), and I can have all the required datas (regulation schemes, mechanical and thermal characteristics,...) for a 900 MW 3-loop type pwr power plant.

I'm looking for people who have skill in programing, graphical interface and nuclear simulation or all other ability related with this project.

If you are interested in this project, you can contact me by PM
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  • #2
Sounds cool, maybe something like" but with more detail and technical accuracy?
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  • #3

Hi there! Your project sounds really interesting. I am not an engineer or programmer, but I do have some experience with nuclear energy and simulations. I think it's great that you are taking the initiative to develop a PWR simulator, especially with a focus on the regulations and manual control.

Since you mentioned that the level of detail is still to be defined, have you considered reaching out to professionals in the nuclear industry for their input? They may have valuable insights and suggestions on what aspects of the plant should be included in the simulation.

As for the code used to create the simulator, have you thought about using a programming language like Python or Java? Both have libraries and frameworks that could be useful for your project.

I hope you find the right people to collaborate with on this project. Good luck!

FAQ: Project : Create a PWR simulator

1. What is a PWR simulator?

A PWR simulator is a computer program that simulates the operation of a pressurized water reactor (PWR). It replicates the physical processes and systems involved in a PWR, allowing users to study and analyze the reactor's behavior in a safe and controlled environment.

2. Why is a PWR simulator important?

A PWR simulator is important because it allows scientists and engineers to test and improve the design, safety, and efficiency of PWRs without the need for expensive and potentially dangerous real-life experiments. It also serves as a valuable training tool for nuclear power plant operators.

3. How is a PWR simulator created?

A PWR simulator is created using computer code and mathematical models that represent the physical processes and systems of a PWR. The code is written and tested by scientists and engineers, and the simulator is continuously updated and improved as new data and technology become available.

4. What can be learned from a PWR simulator?

A PWR simulator can be used to study and analyze various scenarios and conditions of a PWR, such as normal operation, startup and shutdown procedures, and response to accidents or malfunctions. It can also be used to test and evaluate new designs and modifications to existing PWRs.

5. How accurate is a PWR simulator?

The accuracy of a PWR simulator depends on the quality of the code and models used, as well as the data and assumptions inputted by the user. While a simulator cannot perfectly replicate the behavior of a real PWR, it can provide valuable insights and predictions that can aid in the design, operation, and safety of nuclear power plants.
