Proof by Induction Question on Determinants and Eigenvalues

In summary, the homework statement is true for all positive integers, and the equation for homework is P(n)=A^nx=\lambda^n x. The attempt at a solution was to factorize the expression, but was not successful. The solution was found by using the determinant approach and proving that p(k) implies p(k+1).
  • #1
Thanks, although I still haven't managed to factorise the expression although I did type it up in LaTeX!

Homework Statement

Prove by induction that the following statement is true for all positive integers n.

If [itex]\lambda[/itex] is an Eigenvalue of the square matrix [itex]A[/itex], then [itex]\lambda^n[/itex] is an eigenvalue of the matrix [itex]A^n[/itex]

Homework Equations

I think the relevant equations are:

[tex]\det(A-\lambda I)=0[/tex]

(where I is an identity matrix)


The Attempt at a Solution

So, in mathematical terms I converted the question into the proposition p(n). I got,

[tex]p(n):\det(A^n - \lambda^nI) = 0[/tex]

Now I assumed that p(n) is true for some value k, so I got,

[tex]p(k):\det(A^k - \lambda^kI) = 0[/tex]

I know that p(1) is true so all I need to do is prove that p(k)=>p(k+1)

So I need to show that [itex]\det(A^{k+1} - \lambda^{k+1}I) = 0[/itex] by using the assumption.

I tried a couple of things here that got me no where. I multiplied both sides of the assumption by det(A) and got:
[tex]\det(A^{k+1} - A\lambda^k I) = 0[/tex]

But I saw no continuation. I also tried [itex]A^n=PD^nP^{-1}[/itex] and got something incredibly messy but it didnt work for me.

Thanks for all help in advance.
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  • #2
Welcome to PF!

Hi Abuda! Welcome to PF! :smile:

(try using the X2 icon just above the Reply box :wink:)

Hint: factor An - Ln :wink:

(though I don't see what that has to do with proof by induction :confused:)
  • #3
I edited the question to make it readable as you suggested tiny-tim! And thanks for the welcome. But I'm still confused due to my being not able to factorise it :S
  • #4
Abuda said:
I edited the question to make it readable as you suggested tiny-tim! And thanks for the welcome. But I'm still confused due to my being not able to factorise it :S

You are probably better off doing this without the determinants. If x is an eigenvector of A with eigenvalue lambda, then Ax=(lambda)x. Try doing induction with that definition.
  • #5
Dick said:
You are probably better off doing this without the determinants. If x is an eigenvector of A with eigenvalue lambda, then Ax=(lambda)x. Try doing induction with that definition.
Thanks for the simple answer Dick! I think I got the answer. I got:

[tex]P(n): A^nx=\lambda^n x[/tex]

P(1) is true

Assume P(k) is true.

[tex]P(k): A^kx=\lambda^k x[/tex]

Multiplying both sides of p(k) by A yields:


Now we sub in [itex]Ax=\lambda x[/itex] from the definition of eigenvalues.


Therefore, p(k) implies p(k+1) and hence p(n) is true for all n. It seems that I spent a lot of time on the method using the determinant approach but I realize now that the determinant approach couldn't have worked easily as the substitution of Ax=lambda x couldn't have been carried out...Thanks heaps Physics Forums. Its a pleasure to have joined your website!
  • #6
just for the record, my idea was An - Ln = (An-1 + An-2L + … + Ln-1)(A - L) :wink:
  • #7
tiny-tim said:
just for the record, my idea was An - Ln = (An-1 + An-2L + … + Ln-1)(A - L) :wink:

Oh Yeah! Because we know that Det(AB)=Det(A)Det(B) and Det(A-L)=0 we can prove it directly without induction using the determinant approach. Great idea. I tried to factorize it briefly before I posted the question but I didnt even know the rule you posted so I had no success!..Thanks again
  • #8
Hi Alex! :smile:
Abuda said:
… I didnt even know the rule you posted …

oooh, in that case for future possible use you also need to learn …

An + Ln = (An-1 - An-2L + … - ALn-1 + Ln-1)(A - L)

(with alternating + and - signs, and it only works for odd n :wink:)

of course, these work for ordinary numbers also
  • #9
tiny-tim said:
Hi Alex! :smile:

oooh, in that case for future possible use you also need to learn …

An + Ln = (An-1 - An-2L + … - ALn-1 + Ln-1)(A - L)

(with alternating + and - signs, and it only works for odd n :wink:)

of course, these work for ordinary numbers also

Thanks Tim, Excellent, I put them down in book! :)

FAQ: Proof by Induction Question on Determinants and Eigenvalues

1. How does proof by induction work when dealing with determinants and eigenvalues?

Proof by induction is a mathematical technique used to prove that a statement is true for all natural numbers. In the context of determinants and eigenvalues, it is used to prove that a certain property or formula holds true for all matrices of a particular size. The proof typically involves showing that the statement is true for the base case (usually a 2x2 matrix) and then showing that if the statement is true for any matrix of size n, it is also true for a matrix of size n+1. This process is repeated until the statement is proven to hold true for all matrices of the given size.

2. Can proof by induction be used to prove properties of all matrices or only specific types?

Proof by induction can be used to prove properties of all matrices, as long as the property in question can be expressed in a general form that applies to all matrices of a given size. However, it may not be the most efficient or practical method for proving certain properties, and other techniques may be more suitable.

3. Are there any limitations to using proof by induction for determinants and eigenvalues?

One limitation of using proof by induction for determinants and eigenvalues is that it may not work for certain types of matrices, such as non-square matrices or matrices with complex entries. In these cases, other techniques may need to be used. Additionally, proof by induction can be time-consuming and may not always provide the most elegant or intuitive proof.

4. How is proof by induction different from other methods of proof?

Proof by induction is different from other methods of proof in that it relies on the principle of mathematical induction, which states that if a statement is true for a particular value (or base case) and can be shown to also be true for the next value, then it is true for all subsequent values. This allows for a concise and systematic way of proving statements for infinitely many cases.

5. Can proof by induction be used in other branches of mathematics?

Yes, proof by induction is a commonly used technique in many branches of mathematics, including algebra, number theory, and graph theory. It can be applied to prove various properties and formulas for different types of mathematical objects, as long as they can be expressed in a general form that applies to all objects of a given size or type.

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