Proving a polynomial is constant

In summary: So, in summary, the problem asks for the maximum number of non-prime integers less than or equal to 100 that can be chosen such that they are all pairwise co-prime. The largest possible subset is 4 elements.
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  • #2
what have you tried?
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  • #3
It is a nice problem. First, you need to know that is a polynomial of degree n takes the same value (n+1) times then it must be be a constant polynomial. The problem says P(x) is a polynomial with integer coefficients so it means P(x) is an integer whenever x is an integer. We know that |P(x)|<n^2 whenever |x|<n so it means for x = -(n-1),...,-1,0,1,...,(n-1) we get P(x) = -(n^2-1),...,-1,0,1,...,(n^2-1). Let P(x) be the "pigeons" and x be the "x". By strong pigeonhole at least n+1 of the pigeons end up in the same hole. So it must be constant.
  • #4
P(x) = x

n=1, and |P(x)|<1 whenever |x|<1^2. But P(x) is not constant.
  • #5
Kummer said:
It is a nice problem. First, you need to know that is a polynomial of degree n takes the same value (n+1) times then it must be be a constant polynomial. The problem says P(x) is a polynomial with integer coefficients so it means P(x) is an integer whenever x is an integer. We know that |P(x)|<n^2 whenever |x|<n so it means for x = -(n-1),...,-1,0,1,...,(n-1) we get P(x) = -(n^2-1),...,-1,0,1,...,(n^2-1). Let P(x) be the "pigeons" and x be the "x". By strong pigeonhole at least n+1 of the pigeons end up in the same hole. So it must be constant.

First of all it should be |P(x)|<n whenever |x|<n^2 and secondly I get that there are 2n^2-1 pigeons flying into n-1 pigeon-holes? I have never heard of the strong pigeonhole principle but I do not see why one of the pigeonholes needs to get n+1 pigeons?
  • #6
ehrenfest said:
First of all it should be |P(x)|<n whenever |x|<n^2 and secondly I get that there are 2n^2-1 pigeons flying into n-1 pigeon-holes? I have never heard of the strong pigeonhole principle but I do not see why one of the pigeonholes needs to get n+1 pigeons?
If each pigeonhole has at most n pigeons, then at most how many pigeons are there?
  • #7
Less than or equal to n times the number of pigeon-holes.

In our case, there must be less than or equal to 2n^2 - n total pigeons, which is a contradiction when n is greater than 1. So that explains morphism's counterexample.

But what exactly is the strong pigeon-hole principle? How is it different than "if kn+1 pigeon fly into n pigeonholes, than one of the pigeonholes gets at least k+1 pigeons"?

Can you instead show that ceiling( (2n^2-1)/(2n-1)) is greater than or equal to n+1 somehow?
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  • #8
morphism said:
P(x) = x. n=1, and |P(x)|<1 whenever |x|<1^2. But P(x) is not constant.

ehrenfest said:
First of all it should be |P(x)|<n whenever |x|<n^2 and secondly I get that there are 2n^2-1 pigeons flying into n-1 pigeon-holes?

I did the problem backward, I am sorry. But the way it should be as Ehrenfest posted is correct if you apply my argument.

ehrenfest said:
I have never heard of the strong pigeonhole principle
Okay, it is very simple. If you have 6 pigeonholes and 32 pigeons then there is a pigeonhole that has at least 6 pigeons. In general given h pigeonholes and p pigeons then the number is [n/p] where [ ] here is the ceiling function.
  • #9
That is what I would just call the normal pigeonhole principle. Is there a reason you called is "strong"?
  • #10
ehrenfest said:
That is what I would just call the normal pigeonhole principle. Is there a reason you called is "strong"?
I call the "basic" pigeonhole to be the one that says that there exists at least one hole having two pigeons. The "strong" one is the generalized argument. I am not sure if that is how it is officially called but that is how I refer to it.

Here is a problem to try for you to solve:
"Let S be the set {2,3,...,100} what is the largest subset that can be chosen of non-prime numbers so that all are pairwise co-prime?"
(Here, 'largest' means the largest number of elements in a set).
  • #11
That's hard. So the pigeon-holes would have to be the number of primes less than 100. And the pigeons would have to be the elements of S. But the problem is pigeon's can fly into multiple holes!
  • #12
Am I missing something, or isn't P(x)=x a counterexample to the original problem?
  • #13
It is a counterexample. See post #7.
  • #14
@ehrenfest. It really is not so hard. If n is a number in {2,3,...,100} it not a prime number then we can write n = p*m where p is a prime number. So for any n there exists a smallest possible prime divisor. Given any n the smallest prime divisor is 7 because it cannot be 11 because if it were its other prime divisor (which it must have because the number is not prime) must be at least 11 again but then 11*11=121 > 100 which is too large. So 7 is the smallest prime divisor of n. So the smallest prime divisors of n can be: 2,3,5,7. That means if you have 5 (non-prime) numbers by pigeonhole it means two of them share a prime factor so they are not co-prime. That means if you have at least 5 non-prime numbers then they all cannot be pairwise coprime. That means 4 is the largest possible subset, i.e. {4,9,25,49}

FAQ: Proving a polynomial is constant

1. How do you prove that a polynomial is constant?

To prove that a polynomial is constant, you can use the fact that a polynomial is constant if and only if all of its coefficients are equal to zero. This means that you can set the polynomial equal to a constant value and then solve for the coefficients using algebraic manipulation.

2. What are the steps to proving a polynomial is constant?

The steps to proving a polynomial is constant include setting the polynomial equal to a constant value, solving for the coefficients using algebraic manipulation, and showing that all coefficients are equal to zero. You may also need to use the properties of polynomials, such as the fact that the degree of a constant polynomial is 0.

3. Can a polynomial be constant if it has a variable in it?

No, a polynomial is only considered constant if all of its coefficients are equal to zero. This means that a polynomial cannot have any variables in it, as these would result in non-zero coefficients. However, a polynomial can have a constant term, such as 5, which would result in a constant polynomial.

4. What is the difference between a constant polynomial and a non-constant polynomial?

A constant polynomial is a special type of polynomial where all of the coefficients are equal to zero. This means that the polynomial has a degree of 0 and does not contain any variables. On the other hand, a non-constant polynomial has at least one non-zero coefficient and may contain variables, resulting in a non-zero degree.

5. Can a polynomial be both constant and non-constant?

No, a polynomial cannot be both constant and non-constant. A polynomial must satisfy one of these conditions: all coefficients are equal to zero (constant) or at least one coefficient is non-zero (non-constant). If a polynomial has both zero and non-zero coefficients, it is not considered a valid polynomial.
