Proving Hermiticity for the Product of Two Hermitian Operators

In summary, the conversation discusses the proof of Hermiticity for operators Q and R, where it is shown that QR is only Hermitian if [Q,R]=0. The conversation also mentions the proof for bounded and unbounded operators in a separable Hilbert space.
  • #1
Hello everybody, long time reader, first time poster.
I've searched the forums extensively (and what seems like 60% of the entire internet) for anything relevant and haven't found anything, please point me in the right direction if you've seen this before!

Homework Statement

Show that even though Q and R are Hermitian operators, QR is only Hermitian if [Q,R]=0

Homework Equations

[Q,R] = QR - RQ
[Q,R]* = R*Q*-Q*R*

The Attempt at a Solution

I've managed to prove, using the definition of Hermiticity that:

∫f(i(QR-RQ))g dτ = ∫g(i(QR-RQ))*f dτ

For two random functions, f and g, and i= Sqrt(-1)

But I'm not sure how relevant this is... I don't have a strong enough intuition to see whether or not this immediately proves anything. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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  • #2
For bounded linear operators acting on a separable Hilbert space, you have that, if [itex] Q=Q^{\dagger} ,\, R=R^{\dagger} [/itex], then [itex] (QR)^{\dagger} = R^{\dagger}Q^{\dagger} = RQ [/itex] and it is equal to QR, if Q and R commute. For unbounded operators, the proof is much more complicated, since the concept of commutativity is harder to define.
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FAQ: Proving Hermiticity for the Product of Two Hermitian Operators

1. What is hermiticity?

Hermiticity refers to the property of an operator in quantum mechanics to be self-adjoint, meaning that it is equal to its own conjugate transpose. This is an important concept in quantum mechanics as it ensures that the operator has real eigenvalues and is observable.

2. Why is it important to prove hermiticity for the product of two hermitian operators?

Proving hermiticity for the product of two hermitian operators is important in quantum mechanics because it ensures that the resulting operator is also hermitian. This is crucial for making accurate predictions and calculations in quantum mechanics.

3. How do you prove hermiticity for the product of two hermitian operators?

To prove hermiticity for the product of two hermitian operators, you must show that the resulting operator satisfies the definition of hermiticity. This means that it must be equal to its own conjugate transpose, or in other words, the transpose of its complex conjugate.

4. What are the steps to prove hermiticity for the product of two hermitian operators?

The steps to prove hermiticity for the product of two hermitian operators are as follows:
1. Write out the definition of hermiticity for the product of two operators.
2. Use the properties of hermitian operators to manipulate the expression.
3. Show that the resulting expression is equal to its own conjugate transpose.
4. Therefore, the operator is hermitian.

5. Can an operator that is not hermitian be the product of two hermitian operators?

No, an operator that is not hermitian cannot be the product of two hermitian operators. This is because the product of two hermitian operators must also be hermitian, and an operator that is not hermitian does not satisfy the definition of hermiticity.
