Puzzling thing about QFT in curved space-time

In summary, Quantum Field Theory (QFT) is a theoretical framework that combines quantum mechanics and special relativity to describe particle behavior. In curved space-time, the effects of gravity must be accounted for. However, the framework is not fully understood and is considered a puzzle due to unresolved issues and mathematical challenges. QFT in curved space-time has various applications, and scientists use a combination of theoretical and experimental methods to study it. Current developments include new mathematical techniques and challenges such as reconciling quantum mechanics and general relativity.
  • #1
Insights Author
Gold Member
In the page http://en.wikiped
ia.org/wiki/Hamilton%E2%80%93Jacobi%E2%80%93Einstein_equation, under Shortcomings of four-dimensional spacetime", you can see the following line:
It is possible to formulate quantum field theory in curved spacetime, yet even this still cannot incorporate GR because gravity is not renormalizable in QFT.

Is it correct?

If it is, how can it be? Because in GR, gravity is space-time curvature!
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  • #2
You can have how fields interact in a given curved spacetime.
You cannot solve for that spacetime (in order to let the metric be a dynamical variable).

FAQ: Puzzling thing about QFT in curved space-time

What is Quantum Field Theory (QFT) in curved space-time?

Quantum Field Theory (QFT) is a theoretical framework that combines principles of quantum mechanics and special relativity to describe the behavior of particles in a system. In curved space-time, the fabric of space-time is no longer flat and the effects of gravity must be taken into account.

Why is QFT in curved space-time considered a puzzle?

The framework of QFT in curved space-time is not fully understood and there are several unresolved issues, such as the presence of divergences, that make it a puzzle for scientists to solve. Additionally, the mathematical equations used in QFT do not easily translate to curved space-time, making it a challenging area of research.

What are some applications of QFT in curved space-time?

QFT in curved space-time has several applications in modern physics, including the study of black holes, the early universe, and the behavior of particles in strong gravitational fields. It also has potential applications in quantum computing and quantum gravity theories.

How do scientists approach studying QFT in curved space-time?

Scientists use a combination of theoretical and experimental methods to study QFT in curved space-time. They use mathematical models and simulations to understand the behavior of particles in curved space-time, and also conduct experiments in high-energy particle accelerators to test these theories.

What are some current developments and challenges in QFT in curved space-time?

Scientists are constantly working to improve our understanding of QFT in curved space-time and addressing the challenges it presents. Some current developments include the use of new mathematical techniques, such as holography, to better understand the connection between quantum field theory and gravity. Challenges include finding a way to reconcile quantum mechanics and general relativity, and resolving the issue of divergences in the equations.

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