Quantum theory and electronic engineering

In summary, Electronics engineers utilize quantum theory in the field of solid state physics to design and model very small components, such as transistors and diodes. While resistors, capacitors, and inductors can be understood and designed without quantum theory, it becomes necessary when working on a nanoscale. In the future, spintronics and advanced materials like graphene will also rely on quantum theory. In an engineering curriculum, only the necessary amount of quantum theory is taught for practical application in device and system design.
  • #1
I'm an electronics engineering student and I've only had a introductory one-semester course to quantum mechanics, so I don't really have much knowledge on quantum physics
I'd like to get more information about the topic Quantum Information in electronics

what is real use of quantum theory in electronics engineering field ?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
The field you want is "solid state physics".
Quantum theory is used to build and model very small components.
  • #3
Simon Bridge said:
The field you want is "solid state physics".
Quantum theory is used to build and model very small components.

that means diode transistor are made with silicon atom
so I read quantum theory for components
  • #4
Not just silicone semiconductors ;)
It is now possible to build crystals one layer of atoms at a time - so you get nanometer scale structures with novel properties.
  • #5
all component like resistor , capacitor , inductor transistor made with atom
we can apply quantum theory to design component
  • #6
vead said:
all component like resistor , capacitor , inductor transistor made with atom
we can apply quantum theory to design component

Transistors and diodes cannot be understood without quantum theory; you will make use of it when you take a solid state devices course.

Resistors, capacitors, inductors and other linear devices don't require quantum theory to understand or design, though if you make them on the nanoscale the models must take quantum theory into account.

In the future electronics may be based on spintronics; this only makes sense when viewed via quantum theory. New materials such as graphene (single or multiple layers) requires quantum theory; etc. When you take an advanced course in thermodynamics/heat transfer you will find that statistical mechanics depends upon quantum theory.

But in an engineering curriculum they will only teach enough quantum theory so that you can understand what is going on; that is, you will understand it well enough to be able to make use of it in the design of devices or systems. Oftimes this requires only semi-classical quantum theory.

FAQ: Quantum theory and electronic engineering

1. What is quantum theory and how does it relate to electronic engineering?

Quantum theory is the branch of physics that studies the behavior of matter and energy at a very small scale, such as atoms and subatomic particles. It explains how these particles behave and interact with each other. In electronic engineering, quantum theory is used to understand and develop devices such as transistors, lasers, and computer chips.

2. How does quantum theory challenge our understanding of the physical world?

Quantum theory introduces the concept of superposition, where particles can exist in multiple states simultaneously. It also challenges the notion of determinism, as it suggests that the behavior of particles is inherently unpredictable. These ideas go against our traditional understanding of the physical world and have led to many philosophical debates.

3. What are some real-world applications of quantum theory in electronic engineering?

Quantum theory has been instrumental in the development of modern technologies such as transistors, lasers, and computers. It has also been used to develop quantum computing, which has the potential to revolutionize industries such as cybersecurity, drug discovery, and financial modeling.

4. How does quantum theory impact the design and functionality of electronic devices?

Quantum theory has led to the development of new materials and technologies that can manipulate and control the behavior of particles at a quantum level. This has allowed for the creation of smaller, faster, and more efficient electronic devices. Additionally, quantum mechanics is used in the design of semiconductor devices, which are the building blocks of modern electronics.

5. What are some current challenges and limitations in applying quantum theory to electronic engineering?

One of the main challenges in applying quantum theory to electronic engineering is the difficulty in controlling and measuring quantum systems. This has limited the practical applications of quantum technologies and has led to ongoing research in quantum error correction and fault tolerance. Additionally, the cost and complexity of building and maintaining quantum devices pose a challenge for widespread adoption in consumer electronics.

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