Raising Complex Numbers to Powers of Angles - What Happens?

  • Thread starter Andrea2
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In summary, when raising a complex number to the power of an angle in radians, the result can be found by using the formula (i)^a = e^(i x a x π/2), where a is the angle in radians. This formula is derived from the fact that the natural logarithm of i is equal to i multiplied by π/2. Raising a real number to the power of an angle in radians follows a similar process, but the solution is a more difficult complex number.
  • #1
is there anyone who can tell me what happen when i raise a complex number to the power of an angle in rad? for example, what is the result of (i)^1rad?
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  • #2
is there anyone who can tell me what happen when i raise a complex number to the power of an angle in rad? for example, what is the result of (i)^1rad?
Since you ask about the power of a COMPLEX number, so I suppose that you already know what happen when you raise a REAL number to the power of an angle in rad. For example, what is the result of 2^1rad ?
  • #3
i don't know exactly what happen if i raise a real number to the power of an angle, i tried to answer also to this question, but five minutes ago i think I've found the answer to my first question, and i think that this problem is more difficult with real numbers than with complex! My solution is that (i)^a = e^(a x log(i)) with a=angle in rad. log(i) = i x p/2 (p=3.1416...), so (i)^a = e^(i x ap), that is a complex number...

FAQ: Raising Complex Numbers to Powers of Angles - What Happens?

What is the purpose of raising complex numbers to powers of angles?

The purpose of raising complex numbers to powers of angles is to simplify complex calculations involving trigonometric functions. By converting the complex number into polar form and raising it to an angle, we can easily perform multiplication, division, and exponentiation operations.

How do you raise a complex number to a power of an angle?

To raise a complex number to a power of an angle, we first convert the complex number into polar form by using the modulus and argument of the complex number. Then, we apply the angle to the argument and raise the modulus to the power of the angle. Finally, we convert the resulting polar form back into rectangular form.

What happens when you raise a complex number to a power of 0?

When you raise a complex number to a power of 0, the resulting value will be 1. This is because any number raised to the power of 0 is equal to 1. In terms of complex numbers, this means the angle of the complex number will be multiplied by 0, resulting in a modulus of 1.

Can you raise a complex number to a negative power of an angle?

Yes, you can raise a complex number to a negative power of an angle. This is equivalent to finding the reciprocal of the complex number raised to the positive power of the angle. In other words, you can convert the complex number to polar form, change the sign of the angle, and raise the modulus to the absolute value of the angle.

What is the difference between raising a complex number to a power of an angle and raising a complex number to a power of a real number?

The main difference is that raising a complex number to a power of an angle involves both the modulus and the argument of the complex number, while raising a complex number to a power of a real number only involves the modulus. Additionally, raising a complex number to a power of an angle results in a complex number, while raising a complex number to a power of a real number may result in a real or complex number, depending on the power.

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