Replacing the shape of the track of accelerator particles

In summary, the shape of particle accelerator tracks is typically circular due to the difficulty of maintaining particles on a curved path and minimizing energy loss. The LHC has four points where beams cross but could have more if needed. It is a pity that after the LHC, more advanced projects may not be seen for some time, but there are concepts such as the ILC that could start operating before the LHC retires. The idea of using more complex shapes like knots to gain space in future accelerators is discussed, but it is limited by the strength of the magnets needed and the overall size and complexity of the device.
  • #1
Gold Member
From what I can recall the shape of tracks of particle accelerator is circular.

Is it possible to change this circular shape in future particle acclerators, to shapes like some knots (with more than one crossing)?
to gain more distance in less space, I don't know how construct it, but it's a pitty that after the LHC is done its work we won't see more particle accelartors like this project in the near future.
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  • #2
MathematicalPhysicist said:
From what I can recall the shape of tracks of particle accelerator is circular.
There are both circular and linear accelerators.

They are circular because getting the particles around the curve is hard and needs strong magnetic fields (for protons) or the particles lose too much energy if the bend is too sharp (electrons). A circle is the optimal shape if you want to have a large curvature radius.

The LHC has four points where the beams cross each other, it could have more if there would be more experiments to use them.

MathematicalPhysicist said:
but it's a pitty that after the LHC is done its work we won't see more particle accelartors like this project in the near future.
The ILC could start operation years before the LHC retires, and there are several concepts how the LHC infrastructure can be used for more advanced projects later.
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  • #3
MathematicalPhysicist said:
From what I can recall the shape of tracks of particle accelerator is circular.

Is it possible to change this circular shape in future particle acclerators, to shapes like some knots (with more than one crossing)?
to gain more distance in less space, I don't know how construct it, but it's a pitty that after the LHC is done its work we won't see more particle accelartors like this project in the near future.

And make more tight turns and lose even more energy in the process? Why would anyone want to do that?

  • #4
ZapperZ said:
And make more tight turns and lose even more energy in the process? Why would anyone want to do that?


Well, for a proton machine where synchrotron losses aren't a big deal yet, conceivably you gain on space. The real issue would be designing a magnet strong enough to get to appreciable energies, which is of course already the limitation in building high energy hadron machines.
  • #5
You gain space relative to what? The energy is limited by the product of magnetic field strength and curvature radius. Making the track more complicated at the same curvature radius just increases the length of the shape and the overall size of the device, which makes the construction more complex and more expensive.
The length of circular accelerators is a disadvantage - you want to keep them as short as possible for the designed energy.

FAQ: Replacing the shape of the track of accelerator particles

1. How does replacing the shape of the track of accelerator particles affect their speed and trajectory?

Replacing the shape of the track of accelerator particles can significantly impact their speed and trajectory. This is because the shape of the track determines the path that the particles will follow, and any changes to this path can alter their velocity and direction. For example, a curved track can provide centripetal force, causing the particles to accelerate and maintain a circular path.

2. What are some possible reasons for replacing the shape of the track of accelerator particles?

There are several reasons why scientists may want to replace the shape of the track of accelerator particles. One reason is to increase the speed of the particles, as different shapes can provide varying levels of acceleration. Another reason is to change the trajectory of the particles, allowing them to collide at different angles and energies. Additionally, different shapes can also affect the stability and efficiency of an accelerator.

3. Are there any risks or challenges associated with changing the shape of the track of accelerator particles?

Yes, there can be potential risks and challenges when replacing the shape of the track of accelerator particles. Altering the shape can affect the stability of the accelerator, potentially causing deviations or collisions that can damage the equipment. It may also require significant adjustments and modifications to the accelerator's design and operation, which can be time-consuming and costly.

4. Can changing the shape of the track of accelerator particles lead to new discoveries or advancements in scientific research?

Yes, changing the shape of the track of accelerator particles can lead to new discoveries and advancements in scientific research. By altering the path and energy of the particles, scientists can create new collision scenarios and study the resulting particles' properties. This can help us gain a better understanding of fundamental particles and their interactions, leading to breakthroughs in fields such as particle physics, material science, and cosmology.

5. How do scientists determine the optimal shape for the track of accelerator particles?

Determining the optimal shape for the track of accelerator particles requires a combination of theoretical calculations, computer simulations, and experimental tests. Scientists use mathematical models to predict the behavior of particles under different track shapes and compare them with experimental data. They also use advanced computer simulations to simulate and visualize the particle's path and energy in different track configurations. Ultimately, the optimal shape is chosen based on the desired outcomes and the feasibility of implementing it in an existing accelerator system.
