Searching for Knowledge: Exploring the Energy of Creation

In summary, the speaker is a newcomer to the forum seeking information and guidance. They have theories about the Big Bang and the role of dark matter in the creation of the universe. They also question whether energy can carry a memory and if humans can recognize this connection. The speaker believes that the universe is not a happenstance, but rather an intense orchestration driven by the energy of creation. They acknowledge that their theories may not have scientific backing, but are open to discussing mainstream theories on the forum.
  • #1
This is my first post here and I am strictly seeking info, guidance, assistance... I have read many posts here and see many intellegent people. If you have any beneficial info I would appreciate it.

I have theories... Before the Big Bang, existence in its entirity would have been dark matter. The expanse of space would have been filled completely with dark matter. Everything that we know of today would have come from this energy (Law of conservation of energy.) Once the bang occurred, all the energy/dark matter would have been set in motion to become what we know it as today. All the planets, stars, quazars, trees, animals and friends would have all originated from the exact same expanse of energy/dark matter.

Could energy carry some resemblance of a memory? If so, is it not possble for humans to reconize the connection? The energy from our bodies was indeed present before the bang. In actuallity we predate creation, so to speak.

I also theorize, that everything going on in the universe does not happen by some happenstance. But rather, the universe is an intense orchestration. What I refer to as the energy of creation, seems to know what it is doing. I am not saying some external puppet master, but rather the energy of creation had a purpose when it began to create. This energy is part of us all today. And I think it is what drives humans to continue to ask the creation questions. I say we have already been there and we saw it happen but we do not yet possesses the brain power to completely understand the severity of it all.

Thanks for any input. Like I said before this is my first post. I am hungry for knowlede and any help would be greatly appreciated.
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  • #2
bombaglad said:
This is my first post here and I am strictly seeking info, guidance, assistance... I have read many posts here and see many intellegent people. If you have any beneficial info I would appreciate it.

I have theories... Before the Big Bang, existence in its entirity would have been dark matter. The expanse of space would have been filled completely with dark matter. Everything that we know of today would have come from this energy (Law of conservation of energy.) Once the bang occurred, all the energy/dark matter would have been set in motion to become what we know it as today. All the planets, stars, quazars, trees, animals and friends would have all originated from the exact same expanse of energy/dark matter.

Could energy carry some resemblance of a memory? If so, is it not possble for humans to reconize the connection? The energy from our bodies was indeed present before the bang. In actuallity we predate creation, so to speak.

I also theorize, that everything going on in the universe does not happen by some happenstance. But rather, the universe is an intense orchestration. What I refer to as the energy of creation, seems to know what it is doing. I am not saying some external puppet master, but rather the energy of creation had a purpose when it began to create. This energy is part of us all today. And I think it is what drives humans to continue to ask the creation questions. I say we have already been there and we saw it happen but we do not yet possesses the brain power to completely understand the severity of it all.

Thanks for any input. Like I said before this is my first post. I am hungry for knowlede and any help would be greatly appreciated.

Hello bombaglad,

You're welcome to theorize whatever you like, but speculative "theories" with no experimental or mathematical backing are not allowed here at PF. Discussion of any mainstream (and even several non-mainsteam) theories is however permitted, so I suggest you read the forum guidelines:


FAQ: Searching for Knowledge: Exploring the Energy of Creation

1. What is "Searching for Knowledge: Exploring the Energy of Creation" about?

"Searching for Knowledge: Exploring the Energy of Creation" is a scientific inquiry into the fundamental building blocks of the universe and how they interact to create the world we live in. It explores the concepts of energy and creation, and how they are interconnected in the natural world.

2. How did you conduct your research for this project?

Our research for this project involved a combination of theoretical and experimental methods. We studied existing scientific theories and conducted experiments to test and expand upon these theories. We also consulted with other scientists and experts in the field to gather their insights and perspectives.

3. What are some key findings from your research?

Through our research, we have found that energy is a fundamental aspect of creation and is constantly at work in the universe. We have also discovered the interconnectedness of different forms of energy and how they can be transformed and utilized in various processes and phenomena.

4. How does your research contribute to our understanding of the world?

Our research provides a deeper understanding of the fundamental principles that govern the universe and how they shape our world. It also offers insights into the potential applications of this knowledge in various fields, such as energy production and technological advancements.

5. What are some potential future directions for your research?

There are many potential future directions for our research, including further exploration of the role of energy in creation, understanding the origins of the universe, and finding ways to harness and utilize energy more efficiently. We also hope to collaborate with other scientists and continue to push the boundaries of what we know about the energy of creation.
