Showing that general operator equations are hermitian

In summary: Here, A^{\dagger} denotes the adjoint of A with respect to the inner product on \mathcal{H} ."But then, the problem would have to be formulated in terms of the definitions and theorems of functional analysis of linear operators on Hilbert spaces, of which the "Advanced Physics" course most probably includes nothing.Anyhow, the problem is to be solved by using the definition of a selfadjoint operator on a Hilbert space that says that an operator A on \mathcal{H} is selfadjoint if and only if A=A^{\dagger}.In summary, the first part of the problem can be solved by using
  • #1

Homework Statement

a)For a general operator A, show that and i(A-A+) are hermitian?

b) If operators A and B are hermitian, show that the operator (A+B)^n is Hermitian.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

The first part I did,



The second part I used binomial expansion (induction) but I was told they do not commute so this cannot be done?

Is my answer to the first part correct and what route should I take for the second? Thanks
Physics news on
  • #2
First part looks about right.

For the second part, do you really need to multiply things out? After all, if A and B are Hermitian then A+B is also Hermitian...
  • #3
The problems seems to have no connection with <Advanced Physics> and neither with mathematics, since it's not mathematically (i.e. in agreement with mathematics) formulated and not even semantically.
  • #4
For example, the mathematical problem for point a) should have been

"Let A be a densly defined linear operator on a complex separable Hilbert space [itex] \mathcal{H}[/itex].

Prove that if [itex] D(A)\cap D\left(A^{\dagger}\right) [/itex] is dense everywhere in [itex] \mathcal{H} [/itex],

then the operator [itex] i\left(A-A^{\dagger}\right) [/itex] is symmetric.
  • #5

Your answer to the first part is correct. As for the second part, you are correct that operators do not generally commute, so the binomial expansion method may not work. Instead, you can approach this problem by using the definition of a Hermitian operator, which states that A is Hermitian if A=A+. So, for (A+B)^n to be Hermitian, we must show that [(A+B)^n]^+=(A+B)^n.

We can start by expanding the left side using the definition of the Hermitian conjugate:


= (A+B)^+ * (A+B)^+ * ... * (A+B)^+

= (A^+ + B^+) * (A^+ + B^+) * ... * (A^+ + B^+)

= (A^+ * A^+ * ... * A^+) + (A^+ * B^+ * ... * B^+) + (B^+ * A^+ * ... * B^+) + (B^+ * B^+ * ... * B^+)

= A^n + A^(n-1)B + BA^(n-1) + B^n

Now, using the definition of a Hermitian operator, we know that A and B are Hermitian, so A=A+ and B=B+. Therefore, we can rewrite the above expression as:

= A^n + A^(n-1)B + AB^(n-1) + B^n

= (A^n + A^(n-1)B + AB^(n-1) + B^n)^+

= (A+B)^n

Hence, we have shown that [(A+B)^n]^+=(A+B)^n, and therefore, (A+B)^n is Hermitian.

FAQ: Showing that general operator equations are hermitian

1. What is a hermitian operator?

A hermitian operator is a type of mathematical operator that is used in quantum mechanics to represent physical observables. It is named after the mathematician Charles Hermite and is characterized by the property that its adjoint is equal to itself.

2. How do you show that a general operator equation is hermitian?

To show that a general operator equation is hermitian, you must first calculate the adjoint of the operator. This is done by taking the complex conjugate of the operator and then transposing it. Next, you must plug this adjoint into the original equation and solve for the original operator. If the original operator is equal to its adjoint, then it is hermitian.

3. What is the significance of a hermitian operator?

A hermitian operator is important because it represents a physical observable in quantum mechanics. This means that when a system is measured, the result will be one of the eigenvalues of the hermitian operator. Additionally, hermitian operators have real eigenvalues, which have physical significance.

4. Can a non-hermitian operator be used to represent physical observables?

No, a non-hermitian operator cannot be used to represent physical observables. This is because non-hermitian operators do not have real eigenvalues, which means they do not correspond to physical quantities that can be measured. Only hermitian operators can accurately describe physical systems in quantum mechanics.

5. Are there any practical applications of hermitian operators?

Yes, hermitian operators have many practical applications in quantum mechanics. They are used to represent a wide range of physical observables, such as position, momentum, energy, and angular momentum. Hermitian operators are also used in calculations for quantum mechanics, such as finding the energy levels of a system or calculating transition probabilities between states.
