Solving Ricci Tensor Problem: Schwarzschild Metric

In summary, the Reimann tensor R^a_{mbn} is anti-symmetric in m and n, meaning that its contracted tensor is equal to its symmetric part. This is shown by subtracting two expressions of the tensor and using the symmetry of the Christoffel symbols and the metric. The second term may be proven to be zero by expanding the Christoffel symbol in terms of the metric and its derivatives.
  • #1
Starting with this definition of the Reimann tensor

[tex]R^a_{mbn}=\Gamma ^{a}_{mn,b}-\Gamma ^{a}_{mb,n}+\Gamma ^{a}_{rb}\Gamma ^{r}_{mn}-\Gamma ^{a}_{rn}\Gamma ^{r}_{mb}

Can I contract on indices a,b and r to get [tex]R_{mn}[/tex] ?

It bothers me that the expression on the right is not symmetric in m,n. I worked out

[tex]R_{12}=\Gamma ^{2}_{12}\Gamma ^{3}_{23}-\Gamma ^{3}_{13,2}-\Gamma ^{3}_{13,2}-\Gamma ^{3}_{13,2}-\Gamma ^{3}_{13,2}-\Gamma ^{3}_{13}\Gamma ^{3}_{32}[/tex]
[tex]R_{21}=\Gamma ^{2}_{21}\Gamma ^{3}_{23}-\Gamma ^{3}_{23,1}-\Gamma ^{3}_{23,1}-\Gamma ^{3}_{23,1}-\Gamma ^{3}_{23,1}-\Gamma ^{3}_{23}\Gamma ^{3}_{31}[/tex].
I thought they should be equal. I'm Using the Schwarzschild metric, with signature (-1, 1, 1, 1), x0 = t, x1=r, x2=theta, x3=phi.

This is no doubt due to some misunderstanding on my part - please help me out.
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  • #2
Check your opening formulation. I think I'm reading differently, and I'll see if I can present it.[tex] {R^a}_{mbn}={\Gamma^a}_{mn|b} -{\Gamma^a}_{bm|n}+{\Gamma^a}_{kb}{\Gamma^k}_{nm} - {\Gamma^a}_{kn}{\Gamma^k}_{bm}. [/tex] What do you need to do to see LaTex edits?
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  • #3
A priori, you can't contract on a,b, since the Ricci curvature is the (1,4) contraction of the Riemann curvature, not the (1,3) contraction. But the right hand side of your first equation is anti-symmetric in n and b, so [itex]R^a_{mbn} = -R^a_{mnb}[/itex]. So if you were to contract the right side, you'd simply get the negative of the Ricci curvature.
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  • #4
Thanks AKG, I'll try the (1,4) contraction - at least it looks symmetric.

Norman, I'm not sure what your notation means.
  • #5
One vertical line means simple differentiation; two mean covariant. Maybe you're used to comma and semicolon? I read that the both the first pair of indices and the second, are antisymmetric, and that the pairs themselves are symmetric upon exchange.
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  • #6
Hi Norman, yes, I'm accustomed to the comma and semicolon. I'm going to check out the (1,4) contraction a little later. I'll be glad to get past this one, I'm going cross-eyed doing index gymnastics.
  • #7
Yah, this demands more coffee or woodchopping breaks than calculus. I am slowly but steadily putting together the pieces to do what I mention in the 'tarpits' thread.
  • #8
AKG, according to my book, Stephani, the 1,3 and 1,4 contractions of that expression give R_mn and -R_mn. It doesn't matter how I do it, it won't come out symmetrical. In fact I don't see how it possibly can. The original expression is not symmetrical, so there has to be some cancellation of terms presumably.
  • #9
Mentz114 said:
AKG, according to my book, Stephani, the 1,3 and 1,4 contractions of that expression give R_mn and -R_mn.
That's exactly what I said, but with the signs reversed (i.e. I said that the 1,4 contraction gives R_mn, and the 1,3 gives -R_mn). This is not surprising because there 7 different sign conventions in current use.
It doesn't matter how I do it, it won't come out symmetrical.
I know, that's why I said it's anti-symmetrical.
In fact I don't see how it possibly can. The original expression is not symmetrical, so there has to be some cancellation of terms presumably.
It all depends on the definitions and conventions in your book. Why haven't you bothered to post the definitions (esp. the definition of the Ricci curvature) you're working with? You should always do this when asking for help with problems in the future.
  • #10
AKG, I was affirming what you told me, not trying to contradict you. I am grateful for your advice, believe me.

Why haven't you bothered to post the definitions (esp. the definition of the Ricci curvature) you're working with?
Sorry, I thought there was enough information in my original post. The thing is I'm contracting the tensor I've been given and ending up with an expression that has two lower indices, m,n which is supposed to be R_mn, a symmetric tensor. But I don't see how a symmetric tensor can arise if I start with something that is unsymmetric in m,n ( neither symmetric nor antisymmetric ).
  • #11
Mentz114 said:
Starting with this definition of the Reimann tensor

[tex]R^a_{mbn}=\Gamma ^{a}_{mn,b}-\Gamma ^{a}_{mb,n}+\Gamma ^{a}_{rb}\Gamma ^{r}_{mn}-\Gamma ^{a}_{rn}\Gamma ^{r}_{mb}

Can I contract on indices a,b and r to get [tex]R_{mn}[/tex] ?


It bothers me that the expression on the right is not symmetric in m,n.

It shouldn't bother you, the Ricci tensor is not always symmetric or anti-symmetric. Work out the algebra.

I did, starting with the 3D sphere. The troublesome [tex]R_{12}[/tex] and [tex]R_{21}[/tex] components are zero after all. Ditto Schwarzschild. Jubilation.

Easy isn't it ?

Thanks for your help

Don't mention it. By the way you'd better stop answering your own posts ...
  • #12

There are the symmetries I described.
  • #13
The Ricci tensor is symmetric with a symmetric Christoffel symbol.

[tex]R^a_{mbn}=\Gamma ^{a}_{mn,b}-\Gamma ^{a}_{mb,n}+\Gamma ^{a}_{rb}\Gamma ^{r}_{mn}-\Gamma ^{a}_{rn}\Gamma ^{r}_{mb}
and, by index substitution,
[tex]R^a_{nbm}=\Gamma ^{a}_{nm,b}-\Gamma ^{a}_{nb,m}+\Gamma ^{a}_{rb}\Gamma ^{r}_{nm}-\Gamma ^{a}_{rm}\Gamma ^{r}_{nb}
Subtract the two... forming the combination that is antisymmetric in m and n. This is not identically zero, although its contraction with a and b is zero [using the symmetry of the Christoffel symbols and of the metric.. and probably some dummy-index-substitutions]... meaning that this contracted tensor is equal to its symmetric part.[tex]R^a_{man}-R^a_{nam}
( \Gamma ^{a}_{mn,a}-\Gamma ^{a}_{nm,a} )
-( \Gamma ^{a}_{ma,n} -\Gamma ^{a}_{na,m} )
+( \Gamma ^{a}_{ra}\Gamma ^{r}_{mn}-\Gamma ^{a}_{ra}\Gamma ^{r}_{nm} )
-( \Gamma ^{a}_{rn}\Gamma ^{r}_{ma} -\Gamma ^{a}_{rm}\Gamma ^{r}_{na} )

The first and third terms are obviously zero [by symmetry of the Christoffel symbols].
The last term is zero by dummy-index-substitution (swapping all occurrences of the dummy indices a and r) on the second term :
( \Gamma ^{a}_{rn}\Gamma ^{r}_{ma} -\Gamma ^{a}_{rm}\Gamma ^{r}_{na} )
&=( \Gamma ^{a}_{rn}\Gamma ^{r}_{ma} -\Gamma ^{r}_{am}\Gamma ^{a}_{nr} )\\
&=( \Gamma ^{a}_{rn}\Gamma ^{r}_{ma} -\Gamma ^{r}_{ma}\Gamma ^{a}_{rn} )\\
&=( \Gamma ^{a}_{rn}\Gamma ^{r}_{ma} -\Gamma ^{a}_{rn}\Gamma ^{r}_{ma} )
where we use the symmetry of the Christoffel symbol in the second-to-the-last line and commutativity in the last line.

The second term will probably turn out to be zero by writing out the Christoffel symbol in terms of the [symmetric] metric and its derivatives.

I hope I didn't make any errors.
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  • #14
Thanks, robphy, I understand what you're saying. After finding out more about the Reimann tensor, i.e. anti-symmetric under 1<->2 and 3<->4 interchange, and symmetric under (12)<->(34), it occurred to me that something like this needs doing because we're left with 2,4 after contraction. To be symmetric 2,4 must be acompanied by a 1,3 interchange, but since we're summing over 1,3, extra symmetrization is needed (?).

It's becoming clearer, but it's more important to me right now that I can get the text-book answers from my own calculations.
  • #15
I wrote out the components of this
[tex] \Gamma ^{a}_{ma,n} -\Gamma ^{a}_{na,m} [/tex]

in 3 dimensions and compared components for m<>n. They are not equal...
  • #16
Note that there is an identity involving [tex] \Gamma ^{a}_{ma} [/tex]:

See "The contracting relations on the Christoffel symbols" near the bottom of

In our symbols, [tex] \Gamma ^{a}_{ma} = (\log{\sqrt{\det g}})_{,m}[/tex], that is the partial derivative of a scalar function.

\Gamma ^{a}_{ma,n} - \Gamma ^{a}_{na,m}
&= (\log{\sqrt{\det g}})_{,mn} - (\log{\sqrt{\det g}})_{,nm}\\
since partial derivatives commute on a scalar function.

I hope I didn't make any errors.
  • #17
Food for thought. Thanks for pointing that out, robphy. My doubts about the symmetry of the Ricci tensor are getting very weak.

[edit] I did the full subtraction as you suggest in your earlier post. All the residual terms have the form -

[tex]\Gamma ^{k}_{mk,n}-\Gamma ^{k}_{nk,m} [/tex]

which is zero thanks to the identity you quoted. So all doubt gone, and much learnt. Thanks again.
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FAQ: Solving Ricci Tensor Problem: Schwarzschild Metric

1. What is the Ricci tensor problem in the context of the Schwarzschild metric?

The Ricci tensor problem in the context of the Schwarzschild metric is a mathematical challenge that arises when trying to solve the Einstein field equations for the spacetime around a non-rotating, uncharged black hole. The Schwarzschild metric is a solution to these equations, but the Ricci tensor (which describes the curvature of spacetime) has a singularity at the event horizon of the black hole. This poses a problem for understanding the physical properties of the black hole and its effects on surrounding matter.

2. Why is solving the Ricci tensor problem important?

Solving the Ricci tensor problem is important because it helps us to better understand the nature of black holes and the behavior of spacetime in their vicinity. It also has implications for understanding the larger framework of general relativity and how it describes the universe on a larger scale. Additionally, solving this problem could potentially lead to new insights into the nature of gravity and its effects on matter.

3. How have scientists attempted to solve the Ricci tensor problem?

Scientists have used various mathematical techniques and approaches to try and solve the Ricci tensor problem. Some have proposed modifications to the Einstein field equations, while others have used numerical simulations and computer models to study the behavior of the Ricci tensor. There have also been attempts to link the problem to other areas of physics, such as quantum mechanics and string theory, in order to gain a better understanding.

4. What are some potential solutions to the Ricci tensor problem?

There is currently no consensus on a definitive solution to the Ricci tensor problem. Some scientists believe that the singularity in the Schwarzschild metric is a mathematical artifact and does not have physical significance. Others have proposed alternate metrics that may provide a smoother description of spacetime around a black hole. There is also ongoing research into the possibility of a quantum theory of gravity that could potentially resolve the issue.

5. What are the implications of solving the Ricci tensor problem?

If the Ricci tensor problem is solved, it could have significant implications for our understanding of black holes, gravity, and the fundamental laws of the universe. It could also allow us to make more accurate predictions and models of astrophysical phenomena, such as the behavior of matter falling into a black hole. Additionally, solving this problem could provide new insights into the relationship between gravity and other forces, and potentially lead to new advancements in physics and technology.

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