Spanning sets of polynomial functions

In summary, both set a) and set b) are spanning sets for the vector space P2 of polynomial functions of degree \leq2. This is because every vector in P2 can be written as a linear combination of the vectors in the set.
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[SOLVED] Spanning sets of polynomial functions (urgent)

Homework Statement

Which o the following are spanning sets for the vector space P2 of polynomial functions of degree [tex]\leq[/tex]2? (give reasons or your answers)

a.) 2, t^2, t, 2t^2 +3

b.)t+2, t^2 -1

The Attempt at a Solution

I'm not entirely sure how to do this but i think i need to show that any vector in P2 can be written as a linear combination of the elements in the set.

So for a.) i wrote out the generic polynomial of P2 with scalar coefficients:

at^2 + bt + c= 2p + qt^2 + xt + 2yt^2 + 3z

In this case a = q+2y, b = x, c = 2p+3z

I then put this into an augmented matirx and reduced it to:

p 0 0 0 3z/a c/a
0 q 0 2y 0 a
0 0 x 0 0 b

I don't really know what i am supposed to do from here, i was just following a worked example but the conclusion is unclear in it and i don't knoaw what to do. I followed the same procedure or b.) and got this augmented matrix:

a -b/2 0 z/2
0 0 0 x-z
0 0 0 y+z

Im a bit unsure if this is right, but i don't know how to proceed. Any help please, urgent also.
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To determine if a set of vectors is a spanning set for a vector space, you need to show that every vector in the vector space can be written as a linear combination of the vectors in the set. In other words, for every vector v in P2, there exist scalars a, b, c such that v = a(2) + b(t^2) + c(t) + a(2t^2 + 3).

For set a), you correctly showed that any vector v in P2 can be written as a linear combination of the vectors in the set. This means that set a) is a spanning set for P2.

For set b), you also correctly showed that any vector v in P2 can be written as a linear combination of the vectors in the set. This means that set b) is also a spanning set for P2.

Therefore, both set a) and set b) are spanning sets for P2.

FAQ: Spanning sets of polynomial functions

1. What are spanning sets of polynomial functions?

A spanning set of polynomial functions is a set of polynomials that can be used to represent any other polynomial function. In other words, any polynomial function can be written as a linear combination of the polynomials in the spanning set.

2. How do I determine if a set of polynomials is a spanning set?

A set of polynomials is a spanning set if every polynomial function can be written as a linear combination of the polynomials in the set. This can be determined by solving a system of equations to see if all possible polynomial functions can be represented.

3. Can a spanning set of polynomial functions be infinite?

Yes, a spanning set of polynomial functions can be infinite. As long as the set includes enough polynomials to represent any possible polynomial function, it is considered a spanning set.

4. Are spanning sets of polynomial functions unique?

No, spanning sets of polynomial functions are not unique. There can be multiple different sets of polynomials that can be used to represent any polynomial function. However, there may be a minimum spanning set that includes the fewest number of polynomials necessary to represent all possible polynomial functions.

5. How are spanning sets of polynomial functions useful in mathematics and science?

Spanning sets of polynomial functions are useful in mathematics and science because they allow for more efficient and accurate representation of polynomial functions. They can also help with solving systems of equations and understanding the behavior of complex functions.
