Spectral weight function and the mass shift of a scalar field

In summary, the spectral representation can be used to find the mass shift of a scalar field. However, you need to insert a basis of energy eigenstates which forces you to use the actual mass m instead of the bare mass m_0.
  • #1
Rocky Raccoon
In the Kallen-Lehmann spectral representation (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Källén–Lehmann_spectral_representation) the interacting propagator is given as a weighted sum over free propagators. The pole of the integracting propagator is, of course, given by [itex]p^2=m^2[/itex], m being the physical mass of the particle.

Could this spectral representation be used to find the mass shift [itex]\delta m^2 = m^2 - m_0^2[/itex] of a scalar field (m_0 is the bare mass of the noninteracting particle)?

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  • #2
I think not but I'm not sure. In order to derive the spectral density function formula you are required to insert a basis of energy eigenstates which forces you to use the actual mass [itex]m[/itex] and not the bare mass [itex]m_0[/itex]. So that the free single particle propagator has the same pole location as the full propagator.

You might think that since the spectral density is a sum over poles you would find that taking this sum would yield a "total pole" and the location of the pole would be different from the single particle propagator. However the location of the pole of the full propagator is completely determined by the location of the pole of the free single-particle propagator (expressed in terms of the physical mass). Usually the full propagator is written in terms of the spectral density the following way to make this idea more explicit.

\Delta(k^2) = \frac{1}{k^2+m^2-i\epsilon}+\int^\infty_{(2m)^2}d\mu^2\rho(\mu^2) \frac{1}{k^2+\mu^2-i\epsilon}

The integral of the poles gives something like a branch cut rather than contributing to the pole of the free propagator.
  • #4
Interesting. Sorry I led you astray!
  • #5
You didn't lead me astray, I was thinking the same thing as you and it got me nowhere so I tried PF :)

FAQ: Spectral weight function and the mass shift of a scalar field

What is the spectral weight function of a scalar field?

The spectral weight function of a scalar field is a mathematical function that describes the distribution of spectral weight (or intensity) of a particle's energy states. It is used to analyze the properties of the particle, such as its mass and interactions with other particles.

How is the spectral weight function related to the mass shift of a scalar field?

The spectral weight function is directly related to the mass shift of a scalar field. The mass shift is the difference between the observed mass and the bare mass of a particle and can be calculated using the spectral weight function. By analyzing the spectral weight function, scientists can determine the mass shift and gain insight into the particle's interactions.

What factors affect the spectral weight function and mass shift of a scalar field?

Several factors can affect the spectral weight function and mass shift of a scalar field. These include the particle's energy, momentum, and interactions with other particles. Additionally, the properties of the medium in which the particle exists can also impact the spectral weight function and mass shift.

How is the spectral weight function experimentally determined?

The spectral weight function is often determined through experimental techniques, such as scattering experiments or spectroscopy. In these experiments, the particle's interactions and energy states are measured, and the spectral weight function is calculated from the data. This allows scientists to study the properties of the particle and validate theoretical predictions.

What are some applications of studying the spectral weight function and mass shift of a scalar field?

Studying the spectral weight function and mass shift of a scalar field has various applications in particle physics and condensed matter physics. For example, it can help scientists understand the behavior of particles in different materials and environments, and it can aid in the development of new theories and models to explain particle interactions. It also has practical applications in fields such as materials science and quantum computing.

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