Spring, blocks and conservation of energy

In summary: Hence the "just". For the brief moment when the collision happens, one can assume that the change in potential energy due to gravitational force is negligible.Hmm...neglecting it, I got h=3m by applying W-E theorem. Thanks for your help!
  • #1

Homework Statement

A mass M is in static equilibrium on a massless vertical spring as shown in the figure. A ball of mass m dropped from certain height sticks to the mass M after colliding with it. The oscillations they perform reach to height 'a' above the original level of scales & depth 'b' below it. What is the height above the initial level from which the mass m was dropped? (Given that M = m; m = 1 kg , b=3mg/k, k = 10 N/m, g =10m/s2)


The Attempt at a Solution

By conservation of energy (with 0 potential energy level the along the dotted line),

mgh + 0.5*k*(mg/k)2 = -(2mgb) + 0.5*k(b+mg/k)2

On solving, I got h as 1.5m which is incorrect.
Can somebody point out my mistake?


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  • #2
Because energy is not conserved :smile:

Remember - "..sticks to the mass.." => Inelastic collision => Momentum conserved, energy not conserved.. so on.
  • #3
Sourabh N said:
Because energy is not conserved :smile:

kinetic energy. Total energy is always conserved :wink:

Sourabh N said:
Remember - "..sticks to the mass.." => Inelastic collision => Momentum conserved, energy not conserved.. so on.

How is the momentum conserved? There is an external gravitational force on the system.
  • #4
Abdul Quadeer said:
kinetic energy. Total energy is always conserved :wink:
Oops sorry, I meant total mechanical energy is not conserved. It being an inelastic collision, some energy (mechanical energy) is converted to vibrational energy to shake the molecules.

How is the momentum conserved? There is an external gravitational force on the system.

Just before the collision and just after the collision, momentum is conserved. So the way I did it, is to conserve energy till the moment before collision to find the momentum before collision, use conservation of momentum and the fact that they stick together to find *new* mechanical energy, conserve energy again.

Tell me if this makes things clearer :P
  • #5
Sourabh N said:
Tell me if this makes things clearer :P
Actually that confused me more :biggrin:
Sourabh N said:
Just before the collision and just after the collision, momentum is conserved.

momentum of what?
  • #6
Okay, haha let's go slow.

First, draw images of the system just before the ball hits the pad and just after. (Make the pictures like a time series, so in the initial figure you posted, these two new images will be in between your two images.) Label the images 1, 2, 3 and 4.

Ask yourself, what happens from 1-> 2, from 2 -> 3 and from 3-> 4. Among energy and momentum, what is conserved and what is not, for each case. Good luck :-p
  • #7
I understand what you are talking about.
If you consider the system of the two blocks just before and after the collision, there is a vertical gravitational force (weight) acting on the system. How can we conserve the momentum?. Your point will be right if the process takes place on a horizontal plane, where weight is perpendicular to the motion.
  • #8
Abdul Quadeer said:
I understand what you are talking about.
If you consider the system of the two blocks just before and after the collision, there is a vertical gravitational force (weight) acting on the system. How can we conserve the momentum?. Your point will be right if the process takes place on a horizontal plane, where weight is perpendicular to the motion.

Hence the "just". For the brief moment when the collision happens, one can assume that the change in potential energy due to gravitational force is negligible.
  • #9
Hmm...neglecting it, I got h=3m by applying W-E theorem. Thanks for your help!

FAQ: Spring, blocks and conservation of energy

1. What is the principle of conservation of energy?

The principle of conservation of energy states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, but can only be converted from one form to another. This means that the total amount of energy in a closed system remains constant over time.

2. How does a spring store and release energy?

A spring stores energy in the form of potential energy when it is compressed or stretched. This potential energy is converted into kinetic energy when the spring is released, causing it to vibrate back and forth.

3. What factors affect the amount of potential energy stored in a spring?

The amount of potential energy stored in a spring depends on its spring constant, which is a measure of its stiffness, and the amount of compression or stretching applied to the spring. The greater the spring constant and the more the spring is compressed or stretched, the more potential energy it will store.

4. How does the mass of a block affect its kinetic energy?

The kinetic energy of a block is directly proportional to its mass. This means that the more massive a block is, the more kinetic energy it will have when moving at a certain velocity.

5. How does friction affect the conservation of energy in a system of blocks and springs?

Friction is a force that opposes motion and can cause energy to be lost as heat. In a system of blocks and springs, friction can decrease the total amount of energy in the system, leading to a decrease in the amplitude of the spring's vibrations and a decrease in the height of the block's bounce. However, the total amount of energy in the system will still be conserved.
