Stat Mech: Mean, Std Dev & Probability Distrib of n/N as N Increases

  • Thread starter latentcorpse
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    Stat mech
In summary, the mean and standard deviation of the number of molecules in a volume V/3 can be calculated using the grand canonical distribution. The probability distributions of n and n/N can be represented by a Poisson distribution, with the former becoming wider and less peaked and the latter becoming narrower and more peaked as N increases.
  • #1
An ideal gas of N molecules in a volume V. Write down the mean and standard deviation of the number of molecules n to appear in a volume V/3. Sketch the probability distribution of n and of n/N. Indicate how the curves change as N increases.

ok. [itex]\bar{n}=\sum_i n_i P_i[/itex]

do i use [itex]P_i[/itex] form the grand canonical distribution or from teh canonical distribution here? i was going to go with the former as the subsystem of volume V/3 is an open system i.e. it can exchange energy AND particles with the rest of the system - but i wanted to check??

for the variance, do i just use

[itex]\bar{\Delta n^2}= \bar{n^2} - \bar{n}^2[/itex]?

what would the graphs look like?

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  • #2
The mean and standard deviation of the number of molecules n to appear in a volume V/3 can be calculated using the grand canonical distribution: Mean: \bar{n} = N\frac{V}{3V_{eq}} Standard Deviation: \Delta n = \sqrt{N\frac{V}{3V_{eq}}} The probability distribution of n and of n/N can be represented by a Poisson distribution. As N increases, the probability distribution of n/N becomes narrower and more peaked. The probability distribution of n becomes wider and less peaked.

FAQ: Stat Mech: Mean, Std Dev & Probability Distrib of n/N as N Increases

What is statistical mechanics?

Statistical mechanics is a branch of physics that uses statistical methods to explain the behavior of large ensembles of particles. It links the microscopic behavior of individual particles to the macroscopic properties of a system.

What is the mean in statistical mechanics?

In statistical mechanics, the mean refers to the average value of a variable in a system. It is calculated by taking the sum of all values and dividing it by the total number of values.

How is standard deviation used in statistical mechanics?

Standard deviation is a measure of how spread out the values of a variable are in a system. In statistical mechanics, it is used to quantify the variability of a system's properties and to compare different systems.

What is the probability distribution of n/N as N increases?

The probability distribution of n/N as N increases is a way to describe the likelihood of obtaining a particular value of n/N in a system as the size of the system (N) increases. It is often used to study the behavior of systems with a large number of particles.

How does N affect the probability distribution of n/N?

As N increases, the probability distribution of n/N becomes narrower and more concentrated around the mean value. This is due to the central limit theorem, which states that as the sample size (N) increases, the distribution of sample means becomes closer to a normal distribution.

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