Store Match Books Safely: Is There a Risk?

  • Thread starter Greg Bernhardt
  • Start date
  • Tags
    Books Match
In summary, the conversation discusses the storage of match books and the potential dangers of storing them in a closet. There is a suggestion to store them in a metal box in a garage due to concerns about spontaneous combustion. The conversation also touches on the topic of storing matches for camping and the possibility of them absorbing moisture. Lastly, there is a humorous mention of the speaker's large stockpile of canned beans.
  • #1
I have a shoe box full of old match books from bars and casinos etc. I store them in a closet. It just dawned on my that it might not be an ideal storing situation. Is there any danger them like this? Should I put them in a metal box and in a garage? Could them spontaneously light and burn my apartment down?
Physics news on
  • #2
I stored a bunch of match book matches for camping. They had been stored in "zip lock" baggies for years and when I went to use some, they wouldn't ignite. They had absorbed moisture and just crumpled when striking.
  • #3
*wonders if Greg is secretly a survivalist*
  • #4
lisab said:
*wonders if Greg is secretly a survivalist*

I'm not that bad. I do need to make another thread about the 2000 cans of beans in my bunker though. :-p
  • #5
Greg Bernhardt said:
I'm not that bad. I do need to make another thread about the 2000 cans of beans in my bunker though. :-p
Note to self: purchase gas mask.
  • #6
Dave <---- ponders what the critical mass of phosphorus and baked beans is ? :wink:
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FAQ: Store Match Books Safely: Is There a Risk?

1. What are the potential risks of storing match books?

The most common risk associated with storing match books is the possibility of accidental ignition. Matches contain flammable chemicals and if not stored properly, they can easily catch fire.

2. How should I store match books to minimize the risk?

The best way to store match books safely is to keep them in a cool, dry place away from any sources of heat or flame. It is also important to keep them out of reach of children and pets.

3. Is there a specific temperature range that is safe for storing match books?

Yes, it is recommended to store match books in an environment with a temperature between 50-70 degrees Fahrenheit. Extreme temperatures can cause the matches to become unstable and increase the risk of accidental ignition.

4. Can match books be safely stored in a car or other vehicle?

No, it is not recommended to store match books in a car or other vehicle. The temperature inside a car can fluctuate greatly and can potentially cause the matches to ignite.

5. Are there any other precautions I should take when storing match books?

It is important to keep match books in their original packaging or a tightly sealed container to prevent them from being exposed to moisture. It is also a good idea to periodically check the expiration date of the matches and dispose of any that have expired.
