The Length of a Matrix- Double Sum

In summary: The "length" of a vector is the square root of the sum of squares of the components. The "norm" of a matrix is the square root of the sum of squares of all the components. I suspect that that first sentence was a typo and the second was just a mistake. In summary, the double sum given in the textbook is the sum of squares of all the entries in a matrix. It is computed by first summing the squares of each row, and then summing those partial sums together. This can also be done by first summing the squares of each column and then summing those partial sums together. However, this is not the "length" of a matrix, but rather the "norm".
  • #1
I'm really confused about the double sum given by my textbook. Here's what it says:

If A is an nxm matrix, its length is the square root of the sum of its squares of all its entries.


The double sum is what has me caught up. How do you visualize this, and how do you compute it?
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  • #2
Start working from left to right.

1. For the first sigma, set i = 1.
2. Go to the second sigma. Here, let j run from 1 to m.
3. The partial sums will be: a(1,1)^2 + a(1,2)^2 + ... + a(1,m-1)^2 + a(1,m)^2 Notice, i stays constant
4. Set i = 2
5. Go to Step 2. Repeat Step 3, adding the partial sum for i = 2 to the partial sum for i = 1
6. Repeat Steps 2 and 3 until i = n, adding the partial sums together.

Hope this helps.
  • #3
Note that, with i= column number, j= row number [itex]\sum_i(\sum_j a^2_{ij})[/itex] means that for i= 1 you sum over all numbers in the first column, for i= 2, you sum over all numbers in the second column, etc.

That is, the double sum is the just the sum of squares of all the numbers in the matrix.
  • #4
I'm still confused.

Let's try a concrete example. [tex]A = [\begin{matrix} 1 & 2 \\ 0 & 1 \end{matrix}][/tex]

How would you wright this out? like this:

[tex]\sum^{2}_{i=1}\sum^{2}_{i=1}a^{2}_{i,j} = (\sum^{2}_{j=1}a^{2}_{j})+(\sum^{2}_{j=1}a^{2}_{j})[/tex]

But where does it go from here? What happened to the i?
  • #5
It is not the sum of two sums, it is the sum of a sum. That is:
[tex]\sum_{i=1}^{n} \sum_{j=1}^m a_{i,j}^2 = \sum_{i=1}^{n} \left(\sum_{j=1}^m a_{i,j}^2\right)[/tex]
Write the sum over j out inside the parentheses first, then sum the result over i.
In the case you raised,
[tex]\sum_{i=1}^2 \left(\sum_{j=1}^2 a_{i,j}^2\right) = \sum_{i=1}^2 (a_{i,1}^2 + a_{i, 2}^2)[/tex]
  • #6
Astrum said:
I'm still confused.

Let's try a concrete example. [tex]A = [\begin{matrix} 1 & 2 \\ 0 & 1 \end{matrix}][/tex]

How would you wright this out? like this:

[tex]\sum^{2}_{i=1}\sum^{2}_{i=1}a^{2}_{i,j} = (\sum^{2}_{j=1}a^{2}_{j})+(\sum^{2}_{j=1}a^{2}_{j})[/tex]

But where does it go from here? What happened to the i?
Both indices, i and j, label the terms of the matrix. When you broke this into two sums, your first sum corresponds to i= 1 and the second to i= 2.
With this particular A, that would be [tex](1^2+ 2^2)+ (0^2+ 1^2)= 5+ 1= 6[/tex].
Swapping i and j, that is swapping row and columns, we would get [tex](1^2+ 0^2)+ (2^2+ 1^2)= 1+ 5= 6[/tex].

Either way, the sum is just the sum of squares or all members orf the matrix: [tex]1^2+ 2^2+ 0^2+ 1^2= 1+ 4+ 0+ 1= 6[/tex]

However, I would not call this the "length" of a matrix, I would call it the "norm".

FAQ: The Length of a Matrix- Double Sum

1. What is the definition of "The Length of a Matrix- Double Sum"?

The length of a matrix-double sum is a mathematical concept that refers to the total number of elements in a matrix obtained by adding all the elements in each row and then adding all the resulting sums.

2. How is the length of a matrix-double sum calculated?

The length of a matrix-double sum is calculated by first finding the sum of each row in the matrix. Then, the resulting sums are added together to obtain the total length of the matrix.

3. What is the purpose of calculating the length of a matrix-double sum?

The length of a matrix-double sum is often used in linear algebra to determine the size and structure of a given matrix. It can also be used in various mathematical equations and applications.

4. Can the length of a matrix-double sum be negative?

No, the length of a matrix-double sum is always a positive value. This is because it represents the total number of elements in a matrix, which cannot be negative.

5. Are there any shortcuts or tricks for calculating the length of a matrix-double sum?

Yes, there are a few shortcuts and tricks that can be used to calculate the length of a matrix-double sum more efficiently. For example, if the matrix is a square matrix, the length of the matrix-double sum can be calculated by simply multiplying the number of rows or columns by the sum of the elements in a single row or column.

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