Time projection chamber and energy

In summary, the conversation discusses how to calculate the energy of an incident particle in a time projection chamber. The method involves using the charges collected by the anode and the energy needed to create an electron/ion pair in the gas. The Bethe-Block formula is also mentioned as a way to find the energy, but it may not work for high energy particles. Another method is to use a uniform magnetic field to track the particles and infer their momentum, which is equal to the energy in the relativistic domain.
  • #1
Hi all !

I'm currently studying time projection chambers and I am wondering how the energy of the incident particle (the one that ionizes the gas in the drift chamber) is calculated from the measured signals.

Does anyone have some hints for me ?

Thanks a lot for your answers.
Best regards
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  • #2
A candle in the dark


It is quite simple:

- You have access to a number of charges (electrons) collected by the anode in your TPC when a ionizing particule came in
- you may know the energy needed to create a electron/ion pair in your gaz (in eV)

- so you can infer the energy lost by the particule in the gaz

- you know the energy lost (dE) fot a length (dx) of gaz

- you just assume (in first approximation) that your particule lost her E in a continue way

- then, by using Bethe-Block formulae, you have the incident E of you particule (cos' you already know the A,Z,rho,I of your gaz..)

You may be able to find better way to find it, but I think it works (by asking my memories ...)

Thus ...
  • #3

Thanks a lot Wolverine !

I came to the same conclusions, but I was still quite unsure about it (I'm not used to Bethe-Bloch, so this looked fuzzy to me).

All the best !
  • #4
wolverine said:
- then, by using Bethe-Block formulae, you have the incident E of you particule (cos' you already know the A,Z,rho,I of your gaz..)

Thus ...

This doesn't work for high energy particles, because the B-B formula levels off to a constant value (called the "minimum ionizing particle limit") when the particle is highly relativistic. The usual way the energy is inferred with a tracker such as a TPC is by putting the whole thing within a uniform magnetic field. The particles ionize along a track, and you can find those tracks back in a TPC. From the curvature of the track, you can infer the momentum (which equals the energy in the relativistic domain).


FAQ: Time projection chamber and energy

1. What is a time projection chamber (TPC)?

A time projection chamber is a type of particle detector used in high-energy physics experiments to track the paths of charged particles. It uses a combination of electric and magnetic fields to create a three-dimensional image of the particle's trajectory.

2. How does a TPC work?

A TPC works by filling a gas chamber with a mixture of gas and a small amount of a noble gas, such as argon or xenon. When a charged particle passes through the chamber, it ionizes the gas, creating free electrons. These electrons are then drawn towards a series of anode wires by an electric field, creating a signal that can be recorded and used to reconstruct the particle's path.

3. What is the role of energy in a TPC?

The energy of a particle is an important factor in a TPC, as it determines the amount of ionization and the strength of the signal produced. This signal can then be used to determine the particle's momentum and mass, providing valuable information about the particle's properties.

4. What are the advantages of using a TPC over other particle detectors?

TPCs have several advantages over other types of particle detectors. They have excellent position and momentum resolution, can track multiple particles simultaneously, and are able to operate in a high-rate environment without saturation. They also have a large active volume, making them ideal for detecting rare or low-energy particles.

5. How are TPCs used in scientific research?

TPCs are used in a wide range of scientific research, including particle physics, nuclear physics, and astrophysics. They are used to study the properties of particles, such as their mass and charge, and to search for new particles or phenomena. TPCs are also used in medical research, such as in positron emission tomography (PET) imaging.

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