Transformations and eigenvalues

In summary, the conversation is discussing a linear transformation T on R^3 that rotates points about a line through the origin. The problem is to find an eigenvalue of the transformation and describe the corresponding eigenspace. The conversation delves into the concept of eigenvectors and how they are affected by rotations. The conclusion is that the eigenspace can be thought of as the axis of rotation and the eigenvalue represents the change in length of the vector after the rotation.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Let A be the matrix of the linear transformation T. Without writing A, find an eigenvalue of A and describe the eigenspace. T is the transformation on R^3 that rotates points about some line through the origin.

Homework Equations

maybe...Ax=(lambda)x ?

The Attempt at a Solution

The biggest issue for me is imagining this problem geometrically. I am not sure if I understand it.

Any eigenvector will be on this line through the origin that, despite the transformation, remains on that line. So any eigenvalue corresponding to that eigenvector is valid? (and given the abstract question, can I answer it as such? that's also somewhat new and strange to me.)

As for the description of the eigenspace, which is the null space of the matrix A-(lambda)I would that just be a single vector with three entries? I think this because the generation of a line in R^3 is done with the linear combinations of a single vector.

I am imagining that when the question says " rotates points about some line through the origin" the points on the line stay in place, while points outside the line in three space are rotated around this line.

My problem with this class in general, I think, is making the jump from primarily computational problems with some theory mixed in, to primarily theoretical problems, with computational mixed in. I usually enjoy these types of problems, but I think I am having an off semester or something.

Thanks for your time.
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  • #2
Your reasoning is roughly correct. The operator T acts as rotations in 3-space, but you can think of an arbitrary rotation to consist of a series of rotations, each about a particular line (leaving that line unchanged). The most convenient way to do this is by laying down an xyz coordinate frame, then recreating the arbitrary rotation via a rotation about the x-axis, then the y-axis, then the z-axis; so there are 3 linearly independent types of rotations you can make each one leaving one of the axes unchanged.
Now, an eigenvector x is a vector that appears in the operator equation Tx=lambda x, which you should interpret as: The operator T acts on the vector leaving its direction unchanged but the magnitude changed by a factor of lambda. For rotations this has a simple interpretation, as the eigenvectors can be taken as the *orthonormal basis vectors* of the 3-space (which we coordinatized by x,y and z), so they can be written as three 3-component vectors. Once the 3x3 matrix A is diagonalized for one of the eigenvectors (say, the one for the z-direction) we have
[itex]A_{z}\bf{z}=\lambda_{z}\bf{z}[/itex]. (Note that this matrix will not preserve the direction of the other two eigenvectors).
Now, how does the magnitude of the eigenvector z change when you rotate about the z-axis?
  • #3
This problem is asking you to think "geometrically"
[itex]Ax= \lambda x[/itex] means that A transforms the vector x into a multiple of itself. That is, into a vector lying along the same line as x, with length multiplied by [itex]\lambda[/itex]. Do you see that the only vectors that "rotate" into vectors lying along the same line are the vectors lying along the axis of rotation? And what happens to the lengths of vectors under rotation?
  • #4
If we are simply rotating the space around the line as described, then the transformation affects its ('its' being the corresponding eigenvector on the line) length by lambda, if at all.

So let x be a vector on this line, and A be the standard matrix for this transformation. Lambda*x is the length of the vector on that line, after the transformation Ax.

Thats how I'm understanding it. Can this line be thought of as the axis of rotation for a body like earth? Does the axis itself rotate?
  • #5
I was trying to get you to see what lambda is! If you are rotating vectors around a line, what does that do to their lengths?
  • #6
Just rotating a vector does nothing to its length, so does that mean lambda is one?

If eigenvalues reflected direction, that would not even matter here would it?
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FAQ: Transformations and eigenvalues

1. What is a transformation in the context of eigenvalues?

A transformation is a mathematical operation that takes one vector space and maps it to another vector space. In the context of eigenvalues, a transformation is represented by a matrix and the eigenvalues represent the scaling factor of the transformation.

2. How do eigenvalues relate to transformations?

Eigenvalues are closely related to transformations because they represent the scaling factor of the transformation. The eigenvectors, or the vectors that do not change direction during the transformation, are also closely related to the eigenvalues.

3. What is the significance of eigenvalues in linear algebra?

Eigenvalues are significant in linear algebra because they provide information about the properties of a transformation. They can tell us about the scaling and direction of the transformation, and can also help us understand the behavior of the transformation on different vectors.

4. How can eigenvalues be calculated?

Eigenvalues can be calculated by finding the roots of the characteristic polynomial of a transformation matrix. This polynomial is found by subtracting the eigenvalue from the diagonal entries of the matrix and then taking the determinant.

5. What is the relationship between eigenvalues and eigenvectors?

Eigenvalues and eigenvectors are closely related in that the eigenvectors represent the direction of the transformation and the eigenvalues represent the scaling factor. Each eigenvector has a corresponding eigenvalue, and they form an eigenpair that helps us understand the behavior of the transformation.
