Understanding the .GPM File Format and its Use in CAD and DXF Formats

In summary, the GPM file format is likely related to CAD and DXF files, and it includes crossword puzzles.
  • #1
Gold Member
URGENT: ".GPM" file format - CAD/DXF?

Does anyone know what software a .GPM (Graphics Printing Format) file can be opened in? It seems to be related to CAD and .DXF formats.

If anyone has a piece of CAD software that they could use to open this I'd sure appreciate it. (I'll fwd the file to you when I here from you).The contents look like this:

20CWPUZ2 ÔwE ^   0 ÔwE ^   1 ÔwE ^   0 ÔwE ^   1 ÔwE ^   Complete the crossword puzzle.  Use the clues to help you solve the puzzle.                                                                                                                                                       science.connect 2                                             First edition                   Colbourne et al                                     English ú    English ú    18 wE ^   596 E ^   18  E ^   3898 E ^   4438 E ^   1345 E ^   5783 E ^   2284 E ^   0 84 E ^   8067 E ^   806718  Øü*    0 @     °ù 6 @     °ù SAMPLE            0 @     °ù 32      °ù 0       °ù -1      °ù 7   Àù ÃF 17  Àù ÃF POPULATION        33  Àù ÃF 78  Àù ÃF 0   Àù ÃF -1  Àù ÃF 18  Àù ÃF 27  Àù ÃF NONLINEAR         79  Àù ÃF 150 Àù ÃF 0 0 Àù ÃF -1  Àù ÃF 28  Àù ÃF 37  Àù ÃF NONRANDOM         151 Àù ÃF 195 Àù ÃF 0 5 Àù ÃF -1  Àù ÃF 38  Àù ÃF 44  Àù ÃF RANDOM            196 Àù ÃF 300 Àù ÃF 0 0 Àù ÃF -1  Àù ÃF 45  Àù ÃF 51  Àù ÃF LINEAR            301 Àù ÃF 363 Àù ÃF 0 3 Àù ÃF -1  Àù ÃF 52  Àù ÃF 62  Àù ÃF SYSTEMATIC        364 Àù ÃF 407 Àù ÃF 0 7 Àù ÃF -1  Àù ÃF 63  Àù ÃF 73  Àù ÃF HYPOTHESIS        408 Àù ÃF 473 Àù ÃF 0 3 Àù ÃF -1  Àù ÃF 74  Àù ÃF 84  Àù ÃF STRATIFIED        474 Àù ÃF 560 Àù ÃF 0 0 Àù ÃF -1  Àù ÃF 85  Àù ÃF 96  Àù ÃF INDEPENDENT       561 Àù ÃF 643 Àù ÃF 0 3 Àù ÃF -1  Àù ÃF 97  Àù ÃF 108 Àù ÃF INTERPOLATE       644 Àù ÃF 700 Àù ÃF 0 0 Àù ÃF -1  Àù ÃF 109 Àù ÃF 120 Àù ÃF EXTRAPOLATE       701 Àù ÃF 754 Àù ÃF 0 4 Àù ÃF -1  Àù ÃF 121 Àù ÃF 130 Àù ÃF DEPENDENT         755 Àù ÃF 834 Àù ÃF 0 4 Àù ÃF -1  Àù ÃF 131 Àù ÃF 135 Àù ÃF BIAS              835 Àù ÃF 873 Àù ÃF 0 3 Àù ÃF -1  Àù ÃF 136 Àù ÃF 145 Àù ÃF INFERENCE         874 Àù ÃF 929 Àù ÃF 0 9 Àù ÃF -1  Àù ÃF 146 Àù ÃF 153 Àù ÃF OUTLIER           930 Àù ÃF 979 Àù ÃF 0 9 Àù ÃF -1  Àù ÃF 154 Àù ÃF 161 Àù ÃF BESTFIT           980 Àù ÃF 1065 ù ÃF 0 65 ù ÃF -1 5 ù ÃF 162 Àù ÃF 168 Àù ÃF CENSUS            1066 ù ÃF 1099 ù ÃF 0 99 ù ÃF -1 9 ù ÃF 1   Àù ÃF 0   Àù ÃF 8   Àù ÃF 0   Àù ÃF 2   Àù ÃF 1   Àù ÃF 11  Àù ÃF 0   Àù ÃF 3   Àù ÃF 1   Àù ÃF 14  Àù ÃF 1   Àù ÃF 3   Àù ÃF 0   Àù ÃF 14  Àù ÃF 1   Àù ÃF 4   Àù ÃF 1   Àù ÃF 9   Àù ÃF 3   Àù ÃF 5   Àù ÃF 0   Àù ÃF 7   Àù ÃF 5   Àù ÃF 6   Àù ÃF 1   Àù ÃF 20  Àù ÃF 5   Àù ÃF 7   Àù ÃF 1   Àù ÃF 16  Àù ÃF 6   Àù ÃF 8   Àù ÃF 1   Àù ÃF 18  Àù ÃF 6   Àù ÃF 9   Àù ÃF 1   Àù ÃF 10  Àù ÃF 9   Àù ÃF 9   Àù ÃF 0   Àù ÃF 10  Àù ÃF 9   Àù ÃF 10  Àù ÃF 1   Àù ÃF 13  Àù ÃF 9   Àù ÃF 11  Àù ÃF 0   Àù ÃF 5   Àù ÃF 11  Àù ÃF 12  Àù ÃF 1   Àù ÃF 2   Àù ÃF 13  Àù ÃF 13  Àù ÃF 0   Àù ÃF 2   Àù ÃF 14  Àù ÃF 14  Àù ÃF 0   Àù ÃF 5   Àù ÃF 17  Àù ÃF 15  Àù ÃF 0   Àù ÃF 4   Àù ÃF 19  Àù ÃF 16  Àù ÃF 0   Àù ÃF 12  Àù ÃF 19  Àù ÃF                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       SAMPLE            0       ›}@ POPULATION        0       ›}@ NONLINEAR         0       ›}@ NONRANDOM         0       ›}@ RANDOM            0       ›}@ LINEAR            0       ›}@ SYSTEMATIC        0       ›}@ HYPOTHESIS        0       ›}@ STRATIFIED        0       ›}@ INDEPENDENT       0       ›}@ INTERPOLATE       0       ›}@ EXTRAPOLATE       0       ›}@ DEPENDENT         0       ›}@ BIAS              0       ›}@ INFERENCE         0       ›}@ OUTLIER           0       ›}@ BESTFIT           0       ›}@ CENSUS            0       ›}@ {\rtf1\ansi \deff0{\fonttbl

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{a subset drawn from a population\par

}\plain \f0



{the entire group from which a sample is drawn\par

}\plain \f0



{a relationship between two data sets that does not form a straight line\par

}\plain \f0



{a sampling technique that is possibly biased\par

}\plain \f0



{a sample drawn without a pattern, usually resulting in a sample that is represen

tative of the population\par

}\plain \f0



{a relation between two sets of data that forms a straight line\par

}\plain \f0



{a random sample based on a selection system\par

}\plain \f0



{a prediction of a relationship between variables in an experiment\par

}\plain \f0



{a sampling technique that draws random samples from different groups in the popu


}\plain \f0



{the variable that cannot be controlled (usually on the horizontal axis of a grap


}\plain \f0



{use a pattern to predict values within the range of data\par

}\plain \f0



{use a pattern to predict values beyond the data range\par

}\plain \f0



{the variable whose values are related to the values of the independent variable\par

}\plain \f0



{survey responses that may skew results\par

}\plain \f0



{a conclusion drawn about a population based on a sample\par

}\plain \f0



{a piece of data that is far away from the pattern\par

}\plain \f0



{(two words) the straight line that is representative of the pattern within a dat

a set\par

}\plain \f0



{a survey of the entire population\par

}\plain \f0





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Computer science news on Phys.org
  • #3
Indeed it has been a while.
So long in fact, that I don't even remember posting this, let alone anything about it.

(How urgent could a crossword puzzle be?)
  • Haha
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Likes Wrichik Basu and Greg Bernhardt
  • #4
All seriousness aside, I had to go to LinkedIn to see what contract I was at then. It was a video streaming company that captured horse races and such on satellite feed and streamed them at various bit rates. I was responsible for writing the scheduling software that turned the digitizers on and off.

Maybe one of the feeds was of type .GPM.

I'm pretty sure the file I included was a sample I grabbed somewhere online - for the sake of clarity - not real data I was using.
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Likes Wrichik Basu and Greg Bernhardt

FAQ: Understanding the .GPM File Format and its Use in CAD and DXF Formats

1. What is a GPM file?

A GPM file is a file format used for storing data in Google's Genome Production Mapping (GPM) project. It contains genomic data, such as DNA sequences, genetic variants, and annotations.

2. How do I open a GPM file?

You can open a GPM file using software that is capable of reading and interpreting the data, such as a genome analysis program or a text editor. You may also need to have the appropriate plugins or extensions installed.

3. What are the benefits of using GPM file format?

The GPM file format is designed specifically for storing and analyzing genomic data, making it more efficient and accurate than other file formats. It also allows for easy integration with other bioinformatics tools and databases.

4. Can I convert a GPM file to a different format?

Yes, there are programs available that can convert GPM files to other formats, such as FASTA or VCF. However, some of the data may be lost in the conversion process, so it is important to use a reliable tool and check the output carefully.

5. Are there any potential compatibility issues with GPM files?

Yes, since GPM is a relatively new file format, there may be compatibility issues with older software or programs that do not support it. It is important to ensure that you are using the latest version of the software and check for any updates or patches that may address compatibility issues.
