Understanding the Intuitive Interpretation of Laplace and Fourier Transforms

  • Thread starter dijkarte
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In summary, the conversation discusses the application and interpretation of Laplace and Fourier transforms in physics and differential equations. The speaker is struggling to understand the intuitive interpretation and is looking for detailed reading materials on the topic. They also mention their difficulty in understanding the derivation of Fourier series.
  • #1
Thought it's pretty related to this forum. I'm familiar with applications of both Laplace and Fourier in physics and differential equations. However I still struggling trying to figure out the intuitive interpretation of both transforms or at least a mathematical illustration that shows their nature. We apply Laplace to a function but what do we get relative to the function? All the texts I have been reading state formulas and with a minimal proof/deduction if any. And the only interpretation they have is it transforms from one domain to another. Any good detailed reading that explains why and what exactly these transforms do?

Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
As I'm doing some reading about the derivation of Fourier series in complex form, how the following sums up? Sorry that I lack the common sense of an average math student, but I insist to learn :)

sum(1, inf){ c[n]*exp(inwt) + c[-n]*exp(-inwt) } = sum(-inf, inf){ c[n]*exp(inwt) } ?

No single book shows the derivation.
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FAQ: Understanding the Intuitive Interpretation of Laplace and Fourier Transforms

1. What is Laplace transformation?

Laplace transformation is a mathematical tool used to convert a function of time into a function of complex frequency, which can be easier to analyze and solve. It is commonly used in engineering and physics to study systems where time is a variable.

2. How does Laplace transformation work?

Laplace transformation works by integrating a function of time multiplied by a decaying exponential function. This integration results in the conversion of the function from the time domain to the frequency domain.

3. What is the Laplace transform used for?

The Laplace transform is used to solve differential equations, to analyze control systems and circuits, and to study signals and systems in engineering and physics. It is also used in the field of probability and statistics to calculate moments of probability distributions.

4. What are the advantages of using Laplace transformation?

The advantages of using Laplace transformation include simplifying the analysis of complex systems, providing a powerful tool for solving differential equations, and allowing for the study of systems in the frequency domain, where certain properties can be more easily identified and understood.

5. What are the limitations of Laplace transformation?

Some limitations of Laplace transformation include the need for the function to be well-behaved and have finite values, the inability to handle discontinuities or functions with infinite discontinuities, and the potential for losing information about the function in the transformation process. It also requires knowledge of complex algebra and inverse Laplace transformation techniques to interpret the results.
