Understanding the Mechanism of Uranium Splitting in Nuclear Reactions

In summary: The conversation has to do with how nuclear reactors work. A summary is provided of the different types of fission and how it works. Nuclear reactors require a "startup neutron source" until they have a sufficient amount of radioactive material to allow for spontaneous fission.
  • #1
Hi, in my environmental chem class at school, we vaguely touched on the subject of nuclear power and such. my question has to do with the splitting of the U235 or 238 atoms in reactors, as well as those in, say, nuclear weapons. my teacher (and diagrams) said that the splitting occurs when the uranium atoms are hit with neutrons, splitting them apart. but where does this initial neutron come from to split the first one, or does it happen some other way? thanks.
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  • #2
There are two types of fission creating free neutrons, the first is spontaneous emmission where natural radioactive decay releases neutrons the second is induced fission where neutron emmissions are modified to induce additional releases and create a chain reaction. The first part of a reaction begins with a spontaneously released neutron.
  • #3
Just to clarify; the reaction supplies its own neutrons. When a U atom splits, it usually splits almost perfectly in half, forming two new atoms of nearly equal mass. But, it also realeases two or three neutrons at fairly high speed. Since these neutrons are released inside a lump of Uranium, there exists a significant probaility that one of them will strike the nucleas of another Uranium atom, causing it to split and release nore neutrons to strike more nuclei, etc.

In fact, the purpose of the "controll rods" you're allways hearing about, is to give the neutrons something else to run into, so the chain reaction can be slowed down or stopped when necessary. It was the removal of these controll rods that set off Chernoble. Without them in place, all the neutrons freed by the reaction are allowed to collide with other Uranium nuclei, and the self-perpetuating reaction gets quickly out of hand.
  • #4
ahhh...i see now. thanks.
  • #5
Commercial nuclear reactors require 'startup neutron sources' until they build a sufficient inventory of transuranics to allow for spontaneous fission.

In the past alpha-emitters were combined with Be. The Be nuclei which undergoes an (alpha,n) reaction (decomposition) when a high energy alpha strikes them.

More modern plants use a photo-neutron source (Sb-124 (1.69 MeV gamma) - Be), in which gamma rays from an isomeric transition causes Be9 to eject a neutron.

The startup neutron source allows sufficient fissions from which neutrons are detected and so the reactor power can be monitored at low powers. The rate at which power is allowed to increase are strictly controlled.
  • #6
wow. that's an even better answer. you never cease to amaze me, astronuc. thanks a lot.

FAQ: Understanding the Mechanism of Uranium Splitting in Nuclear Reactions

What is uranium splitting?

Uranium splitting, also known as nuclear fission, is the process of breaking apart the nucleus of an atom of uranium, releasing a large amount of energy in the form of heat and radiation.

How is uranium splitting used?

Uranium splitting is used in nuclear power plants to generate electricity and in nuclear weapons to create explosions. It is also being researched for potential use in space propulsion systems.

What is the difference between uranium splitting and uranium enrichment?

Uranium splitting involves breaking apart uranium atoms into smaller atoms, while uranium enrichment is the process of increasing the concentration of a specific isotope of uranium, usually uranium-235, in a sample of uranium. This is important for nuclear reactions, as only uranium-235 is capable of sustaining a chain reaction.

What are the risks associated with uranium splitting?

The main risks associated with uranium splitting include the potential for nuclear accidents and the release of radioactive materials into the environment. There is also the risk of nuclear proliferation, as uranium splitting can be used to create nuclear weapons.

How does uranium splitting contribute to climate change?

Uranium splitting does not contribute to climate change directly, as it does not produce greenhouse gas emissions. However, the mining and processing of uranium can have negative impacts on the environment, and the disposal of nuclear waste can also have long-term effects on the environment and contribute to climate change.

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