Understanding wavelength and frequency.

In summary: So, the frequency is constant, but the number of cycles/events that come through the window per minute changes.
  • #1
"when light enters from one medium to other its frequency remains same whereas wavelength changes."
i'm not able to understand this relation as frequency has a inverse relation to wavelength
please help me to understand it thoroughly.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Yes, but what IS the relation between frequency and wavelength?
Have you looked at the formula?
  • #3
f95toli said:
Yes, but what IS the relation between frequency and wavelength?
Have you looked at the formula?

frequency is inversely proportional to wavelength
and that's where my problem is if wavelength changes how come the frequency remains constant.
  • #4
wavelength * frequency = speed

If frequency remains the same and wavelength changes, then speed must change (this isn't a statement of causality, it's just a look at the equation). Light has different speeds in different mediums so it makes sense that it could change.
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  • #5
DocZaius said:
wavelength * frequency = speed

If frequency remains the same and wavelength changes, then speed must change (this isn't a statement of causality, it's just a look at the equation). Light has different speeds in different mediums so it makes sense that it could change.

i understand, why can't it happen other way frequency changes and wavelength remains same. (and this is what i was pondering about :))
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  • #6
sphyics said:
i understand, why can't it happen other way frequency changes and wavelength remains same. (and this is what i was pondering about :))

Good question! I would be interested in the answer too. I have learned that frequency is determined by the source and wavelength by the medium, but I have not learned why each of those properties are tied to each of those factors.
  • #7
Well, one "handwaving" argument is that the energy of light is proportional to frequency (E=h*f) and since energy has to be conserved it is the wavelength that must change.

I am sure one can think of a simpler reason, but this is probably as good as any.

Also, remember that -as with everything in physics- this is ultimately an experimental fact, we do know that light travels at different speed in different media, and we also know the if we send in a wave with a given frequency into a medium the wavelength changes whereas the frequency does not.
  • #8
i was jus trying to picturise the statement
"when light enters from one medium to other its frequency remains same whereas wavelength changes."
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frequency see the first right hand diagram titled
"Sinusoidal waves of various frequencies; the bottom waves have higher frequencies than those above. The horizontal axis represents time."

by using defeniton of wavelength (one crest & one trough) I'm not able to conceptualize the idea of frequency remaining same and wavelength changes.
  • #9
The reason the frequency has to be constant when crossing a boundary is because a frequency is a count of individual events, which are, in this case, cycles. It's like if you have birds flying through an open window at a rate of ten per minute, that rate as counted from the outside and that rate as counted from the inside have to be the same.

FAQ: Understanding wavelength and frequency.

1. What is the difference between wavelength and frequency?

Wavelength and frequency are two different properties of waves. Wavelength is the distance between two consecutive peaks or troughs of a wave, while frequency is the number of wave cycles that pass a fixed point in one second. In simpler terms, wavelength is the length of the wave and frequency is how often the wave occurs.

2. How are wavelength and frequency related?

Wavelength and frequency are inversely related. This means that as wavelength increases, frequency decreases and vice versa. This relationship is described by the equation: wavelength x frequency = speed of the wave. This means that as the wavelength increases, the frequency must decrease in order for the speed of the wave to remain constant.

3. Can different types of waves have the same wavelength and frequency?

Yes, it is possible for different types of waves to have the same wavelength and frequency. For example, a sound wave and a light wave can have the same wavelength and frequency, but they are still fundamentally different types of waves with different properties and behaviors.

4. How does wavelength and frequency affect the energy of a wave?

The energy of a wave is directly proportional to its frequency. This means that as the frequency increases, so does the energy of the wave. Wavelength also plays a role in the energy of a wave, as shorter wavelengths generally have higher energy than longer wavelengths.

5. How is wavelength and frequency measured?

Wavelength is typically measured in meters or other units of length, while frequency is measured in hertz (Hz) or cycles per second. These measurements can be taken using specialized instruments such as an oscilloscope or spectrometer.

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