Unraveling the Mystery of Neutrino Oscillations: What is the Coherence Length?

In summary, the coherence length is a measure of the maximum path length difference at which fringes will still occur.
  • #1
I was wondering if anybody would be able to explain to me what this means? I can't seem to find out!
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  • #2
I'd assume it's the same idea as the optical coherence length for photons, but applied to neutrinos.

To quote the most relevant part of the wikipedia entry (there is a lot of fluff)

The coherence length is the optical path length difference of a self interfering laserbeam which corresponds to a 50% fringe visibility, where the fringe visibility is defined as V = (Imax - Imin)/(Imax + Imin) and I is the fringe intensity.

Note that optical coherence is used in stellar interferometery as well as lasers - the key idea is that photons will have visible interference fringes as long as the difference in path lengths is not too great. The coherence length is a measure of the maximum path length difference at which fringes will still occur.

I would assume that the concept applies in the same manner to neutrinos. Unfortunately, while neutrinos should theoretically interfere with themselves as do photons, it would be a lot harder to verify this via experiment as they interact so weakly.
  • #3
Hi Frazzle,
have a look here


summarizing, the coherent length is the length along the neutrino propagation "during" which the mass eigenstates still overlaps, allowing the occurrence of the neutrino oscillation phenomenon. When the mass auto-functions are turned apart (and this happens because they have different masses, so different momenta which means a difference in speed) the original neutrino is split in separated mass eigenstates. Each one will have a separated propagation, skimming the possibility for the neutrino to oscillate.
In fact, the oscillation was the effect of different mass states which concurrently summed up to give the linear combination of a neutrino flavor.

  • #4
This post is four years old.
  • #5
And frazzle's last activity at all on PhysicsForums was on June 5, 2006, according to his profile.
  • #6
yes, when I realized it it was late (submit button pressed already), nevertheless... neutrinos use to oscillate now as well as then, not caring of years... :)

FAQ: Unraveling the Mystery of Neutrino Oscillations: What is the Coherence Length?

1. What is a neutrino's coherence length?

The coherence length of a neutrino refers to the distance over which a neutrino maintains its quantum mechanical phase relationship. It is a measure of how far a neutrino can travel without losing its coherence or "wave-like" behavior.

2. How is coherence length related to neutrino oscillations?

Neutrino oscillations occur when a neutrino changes from one flavor (electron, muon, or tau) to another as it travels. The coherence length plays a crucial role in this process, as it determines the distance over which the oscillations can occur before the neutrino loses its coherence and the oscillations cease.

3. What factors affect a neutrino's coherence length?

The coherence length of a neutrino is affected by its energy, mass, and the medium through which it travels. Higher energy neutrinos have longer coherence lengths, while heavier neutrinos have shorter coherence lengths. The density and composition of the surrounding medium can also impact the coherence length.

4. How is coherence length measured in experiments?

Coherence length is typically measured in experiments by observing neutrino oscillations over a range of distances and energies. By analyzing the data, scientists can determine the coherence length of the neutrinos being studied.

5. Why is coherence length important in neutrino research?

The coherence length of neutrinos is an essential factor in understanding their behavior and properties. It allows scientists to study neutrino oscillations and make predictions about their behavior over different distances and energies. Coherence length also plays a crucial role in the detection and study of neutrinos from distant sources, such as supernovae or cosmic rays.

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