Unraveling the Mystery of Rotational Motion and Moment of Inertia

In summary, the question asked is why the moment of inertia is not defined as the integral sum of infinitesimal mass multiplied by the radius from the axis of rotation, rather than the radius squared. This would simplify the force equation and eliminate the need for torque. However, the moment of inertia is a definition and cannot be questioned. Additionally, introducing a new constant can have broader applications, making it more useful in different situations.
  • #1
This a question that has been haunting me for some time now. Regarding the rotational motion of rigid bodies why wasn't the moment of inertia defined as the integral sum elements of infinitesimal mass time the radius from the axis of rotation rather than the radius squared. In this case the equation would look something like this.
and their would be no need for introducing the concept of the torque.
thnx in advance
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #3
AmonRaMAsr said:
This a question that has been haunting me for some time now. Regarding the rotational motion of rigid bodies why wasn't the moment of inertia defined as the integral sum elements of infinitesimal mass time the radius from the axis of rotation rather than the radius squared. In this case the equation would look something like this.
and their would be no need for introducing the concept of the torque.
thnx in advance

well, a good question. but it is a question not to be asked...first moment of inertia is a definition and definitions can't be put to questions...second you can't just consider one case to change a definition (just like you said it simplifies force eq)...for ex if you are done with the coulumb's law of electrostatics the value of constant is often written as 1/ 4 * pi *[tex]\epsilon[/tex]0...in which all are constants...have you ever thought why coudnt they call an entire thing as a new constant instead of interducing a new constant [tex]\epsilon[/tex]0..this is because that [tex]\epsilon[/tex]0 is useful in many other places (like gauss law)...

FAQ: Unraveling the Mystery of Rotational Motion and Moment of Inertia

1. What is rotational motion and moment of inertia?

Rotational motion refers to the movement of an object around an axis, such as the spinning of a top. Moment of inertia is a measure of an object's resistance to rotational motion, similar to how mass is a measure of an object's resistance to linear motion.

2. Why is it important to understand rotational motion and moment of inertia?

Understanding these concepts is crucial in fields such as engineering, physics, and astronomy. It allows us to predict and control the behavior of rotating objects, design efficient machinery, and study the motion of celestial bodies.

3. How is moment of inertia calculated?

The formula for moment of inertia is I = mr², where I is the moment of inertia, m is the mass of the object, and r is the distance from the axis of rotation. However, the calculation can become more complex for objects with varying mass distributions or irregular shapes.

4. What factors affect an object's moment of inertia?

The moment of inertia depends on the mass, shape, and distribution of mass of an object. The farther the mass is from the axis of rotation, the higher the moment of inertia will be. Additionally, the shape of the object can also impact its moment of inertia, with objects that are more spread out having a higher moment of inertia.

5. How does rotational motion differ from linear motion?

Rotational motion involves movement around an axis, while linear motion involves movement in a straight line. In rotational motion, the distance from the axis of rotation and the direction of movement are both important, while in linear motion, only the distance is considered. Additionally, rotational motion requires a force to be applied at a distance from the axis, while linear motion can be achieved with a force directly applied to the center of mass.
