VHF Communications systems on aircraft

In summary, the number 1 VHF communications system is powered from the 28Vdc Battery Bus or 28Vdc Essential Bus because it is considered essential equipment and can operate on standby power in case of emergency. Additionally, for larger aircrafts, powering the radio stack from the battery allows for ground ATC communications to be established before engine or APU start-up.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Does anyone know why number 1 VHF communications system powered from 28Vdc Battery Bus or 28Vdc Essential Bus and not from another source such as 28Vdc Main Bus or similar power source.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I was struggling to find reasons as to why this maybe so, but i was thinking that it may be because if they do operate on the 28Vdc Essential Bus, they can operate on standby power in case of emergency?
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  • #2
First, I believe radio communication is considered essential equipment, at least on aircrafts that are rated for instrument flying (IFR). Like you said, its not good to loose communication as well if you have engine stop on a single-engine aircraft, for instance.

Secondly, since the main bus is typically is driven by generator that are powered by the engines or APU there is, for larger aircrafts at least, a procedural reason to power the radio stack from the battery so that ground ATC communications can be established before engine or APU start-up.

FAQ: VHF Communications systems on aircraft

What is VHF communication on aircraft?

VHF (Very High Frequency) communication on aircraft refers to the use of radio waves in the range of 118 MHz to 137 MHz for communication between the aircraft and air traffic control (ATC) towers. This allows for two-way communication between the pilot and ATC, as well as communication with other nearby aircraft.

How does VHF communication work on an aircraft?

VHF communication on an aircraft works by using a VHF radio transceiver, which is a device that both transmits and receives radio signals. The pilot uses the radio to transmit their voice to the ATC tower, and the tower uses their own VHF radio to respond. The radio waves are then transmitted through the air and received by the other party's radio.

What are the benefits of using VHF communication on an aircraft?

VHF communication on aircraft allows for clear and reliable communication between the pilot and ATC, which is crucial for safe and efficient air traffic control. It also allows for communication with other aircraft, which can help prevent collisions and facilitate coordination during flights.

Are there any limitations to VHF communication on aircraft?

One limitation of VHF communication on aircraft is its line-of-sight nature, meaning that the pilot and ATC tower must have a direct line of sight with each other for the radio waves to be transmitted and received. This can be a challenge in mountainous or remote areas. Additionally, VHF signals can be affected by interference from other radio transmissions or atmospheric conditions.

How is VHF communication regulated on aircraft?

VHF communication on aircraft is regulated by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), which sets standards and procedures for air traffic control and communication. In addition, each country has its own regulatory authority that oversees VHF communication on aircraft within their airspace.

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