Watching threads sometimes doesn't work?

  • Bug
  • Thread starter Borek
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation discusses the issue of not receiving alerts for new posts in photo contest threads despite setting the thread to "watch." There may be a bug in the software causing this issue, and the solution may be to unclick and reclick "watch thread." The conversation also brings up other minor quirks on the forum. However, the main focus is on the issue of not receiving alerts for new posts in watched threads.
  • #1
Each time Zz starts a new photo contest thread I click "Watch the thread". Perhaps that's just me, but for at least two last weeks I didn't get a single alert when people posted in these threads (I believe I haven't seen alerts earlier as well, but I didn't pay attention then, now I am sure).

I get other alerts OK.
Physics news on
  • #2
Do you go to the thread each time you get an alert? As far as I know, if you don't go to the thread every time you get a new alert, you won't get the subsequent alerts. Once you've read everything in the thread, you start getting alerts again.

If that is not the case, then there might be bugs in the software. Some days back, @DaveC426913 complained about getting alerts for media added to categories which he was never watching (I think he still gets it). You might be a victim of the same bug.
  • #3
Sometimes, threads I have clicked for watching stop working.
To fix this, I unclick watch the thread at the top of the thread and then click it back on again. This usually works for me.
  • #4
Borek said:
"Watch the thread".
"You want egg in your beer?" It's the little quirks that give PF its ambience.
  • #5
BillTre said:
Sometimes, threads I have clicked for watching stop working.

Alerts do stop after some time, when you don't visit nor post in the thread. That's not the case here, as I have not seen anything but the first post.

To fix this, I unclick watch the thread at the top of the thread and then click it back on again. This usually works for me.

Hard to fix something when you have no idea it is broken.
Last edited:
  • #6
Borek said:
Hard to fix something when you have no idea it is broken.
This is true.

However, now you are alerted to the existence of the problem.
The rules have changed.
  • #7
Bystander said:
It's the little quirks that give PF its ambience.
Only if it's the two-legged kind. :wink:

FAQ: Watching threads sometimes doesn't work?

What is a thread?

A thread is a sequence of instructions that can be executed by a computer's central processing unit (CPU). It is a basic unit of processing that allows a computer to perform multiple tasks at once.

Why do threads sometimes not work?

Threads may not work due to various reasons, such as programming errors, hardware limitations, or software conflicts. It can also be caused by issues with thread synchronization, where different threads are trying to access the same resource at the same time.

What is thread synchronization?

Thread synchronization is the process of coordinating the execution of multiple threads to ensure they do not interfere with each other while accessing shared resources. This is essential to prevent data corruption and maintain program stability.

How can I troubleshoot thread issues?

To troubleshoot thread issues, it is important to analyze the code and identify any potential errors or conflicts. Using debugging tools and techniques can help pinpoint the source of the issue. It may also be helpful to check for any updates or patches for the software or hardware being used.

How can I improve thread performance?

To improve thread performance, it is important to optimize the code and ensure efficient use of system resources. This can include techniques such as thread pooling, which reuses threads instead of creating new ones, and prioritizing tasks to ensure critical processes are given more resources.

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