What are the differences between rotating and non-rotating black holes?

In summary, rotating black holes and non-rotating black holes have significant differences. Rotating black holes have an ergosphere where energy can be extracted, while non-rotating black holes do not. Inside the black hole, there is a Cauchy horizon where time travel is theoretically possible and a non-crushing singularity. Classical and semi-classical theories of relativity break down at the Cauchy horizon, suggesting a need for a quantum mechanical theory of gravity.
  • #1
Mr. Paradox
Another black hole thread...

So what exactly is the difference between a rotating black hole and an non rotating BH? I am not exactly sure what the difference is so i decided to ask the enlightened ones.

Thanks all!
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  • #2

If you go near to a rotating black hole, you will be twisted around too.
  • #3

The majority of black holes are rotating. This is because black holes generally form from collapsed stars (post CNO cycle and entering the point where it begins to attempt to fuse iron). Since the star has been rotating all this while, due to conservation of angular momentum, the subsequent black hole that is created must also retain that original angular momentum or in other words be rotating at the same rate.

If I recall correctly, non-rotating BH's are merely theoretical BHs that are formed from non-rotating degenerate material. I'm not quite sure if the majority of pre-BH candidates are non-rotating but nevertheless, something that doesn't rotate before its black hole conversion will not rotate after.

I hope that sort of helps.
  • #4

Mr. Paradox said:
So what exactly is the difference between a rotating black hole and an non rotating BH?

There are substantial differences between rotating and non-rotating black holes, including the following.

1) Outside the event horizon of a rotating black hole, there is a region called the ergosphere from which is possible to extract energy from the black hole. Consider a composite particle that consists parts A and B held together by string and that has a timer and some explosives. The particle is launched with energy E_1 far from the black hole. The the timer and explosives are arranged such that after the particle enters the ergosphere (but is still above the event horizon), particles A and B separate, and A escapes to a place far the black hole while B falls into the black hole. It is possible that far from the black hole particle A can have an energy E_2 > E_1, with the extra energy extract from the rotation of the black hole. This called the Penrose process.

2) Inside the black there there is another horizon that is a Cauchy horizon. Through any event inside the Cauchy Horizon, there exist closed timelike curves. Time travel is theoretically possible in this region! Also, there seems to be a non-crushing physical singularity at the Cauchy horizon. Non-crushing means that tidal forces won't necessarily destroy a person who falls through the Cauchy horizon.

3) Once inside a spherical, non-rotating black hole, a person must "hit" the singularity inside. The singularity of a classical, eternal black hole is through which it is possible theoretically to fall without hitting the ring.

It seems that classical general relativity breaks down at a rotating black hole's Cauchy horizon. This has been suspected/known for almost 40 years. It also seems that semi-classical relativity breaks down at the Cauchy horizon. It looks like this means that a fully quantum mechanical theory of gravity is necessary to predict what happens at and inside a rotating black hole's Cauchy horizon.

FAQ: What are the differences between rotating and non-rotating black holes?

1. What is a black hole?

A black hole is a region in space where gravity is so strong that nothing, including light, can escape from it. It is created when a massive star collapses in on itself and its core becomes infinitely dense.

2. How big can a black hole be?

Black holes can range in size from single atoms to supermassive black holes that can be billions of times the mass of our sun. The size of a black hole is determined by its mass and the amount of matter it has consumed.

3. Can anything escape from a black hole?

Once something crosses the event horizon of a black hole, it cannot escape. This includes light, which is why black holes are invisible and appear as dark regions in space.

4. Is it possible to travel through a black hole?

At this point, it is not possible for humans to travel through a black hole. The extreme gravitational forces would likely tear apart any known material. Theoretical physicists are still exploring the possibility of using black holes for interstellar travel.

5. How do we study black holes if we can't see them?

Although black holes themselves cannot be seen, we can study their effects on the surrounding environment. This includes observing the movement of stars and gas around the black hole, as well as detecting the radiation emitted by matter being pulled into the black hole.

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