What Are the Eigenvalues of a Hamiltonian with a Linear Term?

In summary, we are considering the Hamiltonian \hat{H} = \hat{p}^2/2m + (1/2)m\omega^2\hat{x}^2 + F\hat{x}, where F is a constant. We are asked to find the possible eigenvalues for H and give a physical interpretation for the Hamiltonian. The potential can be rearranged into the form of a shifted harmonic oscillator, which we can solve using the ladder operator method. The eigenvalues for H are given by \hbar\omega(n+1/2). Adding a constant to the Hamiltonian does not change the eigenstates, only the eigenvalues. The equation \hat{H}\Psi = E\Psi
  • #1

Homework Statement

Consider the Hamiltonian

[tex]\hat{}H[/tex] = [tex]\hat{}p[/tex]2/2m + (1/2)mω2[tex]\hat{}x[/tex]2 + F[tex]\hat{}x[/tex]

where F is a constant. Find the possible eigenvalues for H. Can you give a physical
interpretation for this Hamiltonian?

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I don't think you can put H in matrix form?

Can i use the following?

HΨ = p2Ψ/2m+(1/2)mω2x2Ψ+FxΨ = λΨ?
I think i am using the wrong method.

What does "give a physical interpretation..." mean?

thanks in advance
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Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Haha Russo still up to his tricks

you have to complete the square in the position operator terms to get a new position operator plus a constant term added onto the hamiltonian.

This added term means that it is a shifted harmonic oscillator
  • #3
sgd37 said:
Haha Russo still up to his tricks

lol that's awsome that we went/go to the same uni, what do you do now Masters/PhD here?

As for the question, i don't understand how completing the square will help us find the eigenvalues.

Looking at

(1/2)mω2X2+ FX2

We can factorise the (1/2)mω2X2


Looking at:


Subbing everything into original equation we get:

H=P2/2m +(1/2)mω2(X+F/mω2)2-(1/2)(F2/mω2)
  • #4
Can we look at HΨ=?Ψ

We can rearrange and solve for Ψ?
  • #5
Two things:

1. If you add a constant to the Hamiltonian, what does that do to the eigenfunctions and eigenvalues?

2. Initially you had the potential V(x) and now it looks like V(x+a), where a is a constant. Physically, what does x going to x+a represent? What effect should that have on the solutions?
  • #6
I'm at Cambridge doing PartIII and missing the simple life at Queen Mary

anyway the Harmonic oscillator can be rearanged in terms of the number operator

[tex] \hat{H} = \frac {\hat{p}^2}{2m} +\frac {1}{2} m \omega^2 \hat{x}^2 = \hbar \omega (a^{\dagger} a +\frac {1}{2}) = \hbar \omega(\hat{n} + \frac{1}{2}) [/tex]

adding a constant to the hamiltonian does not change the eiegenstates only the eigenvalues
  • #7
vela said:
Two things:

1. If you add a constant to the Hamiltonian, what does that do to the eigenfunctions and eigenvalues?

sgd37 said:
adding a constant to the hamiltonian does not change the eigenstates only the eigenvalues

In this case is the eigenfunction HΨ=EΨ or eigenstate, what is the difference, are they the same? I am a bit confused is the whole equation HΨ=EΨ called a eigenfunction or a specific part of it?

I think i finally understood how to do it, i used the ladder operator method. I obtained this part

[tex] \hat{H} = \frac {\hat{p}^2}{2m} +\frac {1}{2} m \omega^2 \hat{x}^2 = \hbar \omega (a^{\dagger} a +\frac {1}{2})

I don't know how to do the following:

[tex]\hbar \omega (a^{\dagger} a +\frac {1}{2}) = \hbar \omega(\hat{n} + \frac{1}{2}) [/tex]

Finally starting to understand QM, thanks you guys.
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  • #8
the equation [tex] \hat{H} \Psi = E \Psi [/tex] is used to define the eigenfinction [tex] \Psi [/tex] with eigenvalues E

as for the number operator we derive that from the fact that

[tex] a \left| n \right \rangle = \sqrt{n} \left| n-1 \right \rangle [/tex]

[tex] a^{\dagger} \left| n \right \rangle = \sqrt{n+1} \left| n+1 \right \rangle [/tex]

these come from the conditions

[tex] a \left| 0 \right \rangle = 0 [/tex]

[tex] a^{\dagger} \left| 0 \right \rangle \propto \left| 1 \right \rangle [/tex]

and from the fact that we want the number operator to reproduce the eigenvalues of the QHO i.e. [tex] \hbar \omega (n + 1/2) [/tex]

FAQ: What Are the Eigenvalues of a Hamiltonian with a Linear Term?

What are eigenvalues for a Hamiltonian?

Eigenvalues for a Hamiltonian refer to the possible values that can be obtained by solving the Schrödinger equation for a given Hamiltonian operator. These values represent the energy levels of a quantum mechanical system.

What is the significance of eigenvalues for a Hamiltonian?

Eigenvalues for a Hamiltonian are significant because they provide information about the energy states of a quantum system. They can also be used to calculate the probabilities of different energy levels and the transitions between them.

How are eigenvalues for a Hamiltonian calculated?

Eigenvalues for a Hamiltonian can be calculated by solving the Schrödinger equation, which is a differential equation that describes the evolution of a quantum system over time. This equation involves the Hamiltonian operator, which is a mathematical representation of the total energy of the system.

What is the relationship between eigenvalues and eigenvectors for a Hamiltonian?

Eigenvalues and eigenvectors are closely related in the context of a Hamiltonian. Eigenvectors are the corresponding solutions to the Schrödinger equation for each eigenvalue, and they represent the states of the system. The eigenvalues determine the magnitude of the energy associated with each eigenvector.

Why are eigenvalues for a Hamiltonian important in quantum mechanics?

Eigenvalues for a Hamiltonian are important in quantum mechanics because they allow us to understand and predict the behavior of quantum systems. They provide information about the energy levels and transitions of the system, which are crucial for understanding phenomena such as atomic and molecular spectra, chemical reactions, and electronic properties of materials.
