What Are the Job Prospects in Earth Science?

In summary, a student is considering pursuing Earth Science, but is facing opposition from their parents who believe job prospects in that field are low. They ask for first-hand experiences and the conversation delves into potential job options and the importance of passion in pursuing a degree. The conversation also touches on the possibility of further education and potential job opportunities in other countries. Overall, the conversation emphasizes that a degree in Earth Science can lead to various job opportunities and that students should follow their passions when choosing a field of study.
  • #1
Good day to you all, I am in a bit of a knot here. I am currently an undergrad trying to decide on what is best for me. I have really been fascinated by weathers and all that jazz and now trying to pursue Earth Sciece.

But I am in a dilemma due to my parents thinking that Earth Sceince is not the type of field where the job prospects are high. Although i still insists on pursuing Earth Science i would like to ask if anyone here has a first-hand experience in Earth Science, what are the job prospects so i have more reasons to convince my parents. Aiming to be a meteorlogist.

Thx in advance.
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  • #2
I don't particularly know anything about Earth Science, but since no-one else has replied to you so far...

I have a few friends who completed undergraduate degrees in Earth science. All of them are pursuiing Ph.D's at the moment, at various institutions around the world. The thing it's maybe important to mention to you is that physical science degrees generally prime a student with some very marketable skills. You'll be good at writing reports, analysing data and presenting/interpreting results.

If you think Earth science is where your passion lies, then go for it. You'd be able to gain entry into many graduate programmes: though to be honest I'm not sure about the route to meteorology, I don't know if further training is required, for instance.

I would make yourself an appointment with your university careers service. Convey your feelings and concerns, they may be able to put your mind at rest by presenting the various options a degree like this would give you.

This site is for the UK but a lot of the information is general too:
  • #3
fasterthanjoao said:
You'd be able to gain entry into many graduate programmes: though to be honest I'm not sure about the route to meteorology, I don't know if further training is required, for instance.
I think it depends on how far you go with it. NASA and NOAA hire meteorologists (with phDs) for all sorts of research, as do the European and Asian equivalents. I've seen environment oriented grants from DOE and EPA, so they may have some jobs too. Any agency that has weather/climate satellites tends to need a meteorologist on staff, as do many of the government environment/climate/weather agencies, like the National Weather Service, NCEP, and NCAR/UCAR. Some tv stations have a meteorologist on staff to write the weather reports (or the agencies they buy reports from hires meteorologists.) Basically, Earth science is a marketable major, especially 'cause of the current interest in the environment.
  • #4
Thank you for all of your input so far. I did not know much of the information above, as i only know the basis of Earth science such as what is, and will i learn and jazz like that. For now, i am thinking of pursuing my studies in Australia, and then find a job in other countries as i don't see any prospects in my current country.

i understand that by aiming for phD in Earth Science my chance of getting hired in the agencies/companies stated above will be greater. However, what are the chances if i don't pursue phD? And besides meteorlogy are there any other field that is related to Earth science?

Sorry for the trouble, i appreciate your help ever so much.
  • #5
coolingwater said:
However, what are the chances if i don't pursue phD?
I really don't know. Depends on the agency or the job, but you may not need a Phd to be a field tech or policy person or analyst or whatever else. You'll have to look around. I have seen some cool masters programs for environmental sustainability, after which you work as an analyst/consultant for some company on how to make stuff more green.

And besides meteorlogy are there any other field that is related to Earth science?
Climatologists are cool. As I mentioned above, there's tons of environmental stuff right now (everything from environmental engineering to being a policy advocate.) Geology has a great Earth science bent, as does oceanography. If you're feeling adventurous and out there, become a forest ranger (or whatever the Australian equivalent is.) As you take more classes, you'll find out how the field branches out and see what's your speed.

and then find a job in other countries as i don't see any prospects in my current country.
Don't be so quick to dismiss jobs. Australia has some amazing nature, so there are probably more jobs than you think related to it.
  • #6
I really don't know. Depends on the agency or the job, but you may not need a Phd to be a field tech or policy person or analyst or whatever else. You'll have to look around. I have seen some cool masters programs for environmental sustainability, after which you work as an analyst/consultant for some company on how to make stuff more green.

Thank you very much, this is very informative. I prefer field research and stuff like that, so hopefully in years to come i would know what branch of Earth Science would suit me most.

Thank you so much. Cheers to you sir.

FAQ: What Are the Job Prospects in Earth Science?

1. What is Earth Science?

Earth Science is a broad field of science that studies the Earth and its processes, including the study of the atmosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere, and biosphere.

2. Why is Earth Science important?

Earth Science is important because it helps us understand the Earth's systems and processes, which in turn helps us make informed decisions about how to manage our resources and protect our planet.

3. What are some careers in Earth Science?

Some careers in Earth Science include geologist, meteorologist, oceanographer, environmental scientist, and geophysicist.

4. How does Earth Science relate to other sciences?

Earth Science is an interdisciplinary field that incorporates aspects of biology, chemistry, physics, and mathematics to study the Earth and its processes.

5. What are some current challenges in Earth Science?

Some current challenges in Earth Science include studying and mitigating the effects of climate change, understanding natural hazards such as earthquakes and hurricanes, and managing natural resources sustainably.

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