What distinguishes mesons from baryons in terms of their energy levels?

  • Thread starter benzun_1999
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In summary, Bosons are particles with integer spin that obey Bose-Einstein statistics. They include all gauge particles like the W and Z bosons, the photon, gluon, graviton, and Higgs. Mesons and di-quarks are also bosons due to their composite nature, and exhibit an infinite number of angular momentum states in their energy levels. This is in contrast to baryons, which are fermions and have a limited number of angular momentum states.
  • #1
Hi all,

what are Bosons? What are the types of bosons? I know a bit about Z Boson and W boson.

Please explain a bit more.

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  • #2
Bosons are particles that have integer spin, i.e. 0, 1, 2, etc. and obey Bose-Einstein statistics.
  • #3
bosons are particles with integer spin. they obey bose-einstein statistics, which means that they do not obey the Pauli exclusion principle: you can have as many of them in a quantum state as you want.

all gauge particles (the particles that mediate interactions) are bosons, like the W and the Z. the photon and the gluon are also bosons. as is the graviton and the Higgs.

bosonic fields satisfy canonical commutation relations, instead of canonical anticommutation relations for fermions.
  • #4
Mesons/di-quarks are also bosons. Because they are composites of two fermions (in this case quarks), they have an integer net spin. When you look at the spectroscopy of the mesons, the Bose-Einstein distribution of energy levels becomes apparent. In just the first radially excited state, you can technically have an infinite number of angular momentum states. So the energy levels of the mesons proceed as 1S, 1P, 1D, 1F, and so on, and also 2S, 2P, 2D, 2F, and on and on. The baryons, which follow Fermi-Dirac statistics, have a limited number of angular momentum states in each radial. They proceed as 0S, 1S, 2S, 2P, 3S, and so on. This example shows the contrast between the mesons (which are bosons) and the baryons (which are fermions).

FAQ: What distinguishes mesons from baryons in terms of their energy levels?

What are the types of bosons?

There are four types of bosons: gauge bosons, Higgs boson, graviton, and axion.

What is the role of gauge bosons?

Gauge bosons are responsible for carrying forces between particles. There are four types of gauge bosons: photon, W and Z bosons, and gluons.

What is the function of the Higgs boson?

The Higgs boson is responsible for giving particles mass. Without the Higgs boson, particles would not have mass and the universe would look very different.

Is the graviton a confirmed type of boson?

No, the graviton is a hypothetical type of boson that has not yet been confirmed by experiments. It is theorized to be the carrier of the gravitational force.

What is the significance of the axion?

The axion is a hypothetical type of boson that is being studied as a possible explanation for dark matter. It has not yet been confirmed by experiments.
